(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Field Container is easy. Container itself is made based on transdimensional technology. When you open the container and put stuff in it its being stored in a transdimensional pocket, thats why there is no end to how much you can store. Technology is not perfect so you can only keep that "pocket" open for a limited amount of time. Pocket will close eventually and will eat the container itself. tongue I smart you long time. cool


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

I am sorry if I confused you. I am talking about not allowing them to set the outpost as their own HOME BASE so they can just keep respawning there. Just think about how wrong is the logic of this. I go to ENEMY BASE and set it as MY HOME BASE without any problems... Does it really make sense to you? hmm


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, it was all fun, its not like I am complaining. But these game mechanics as you call them or better to say - lack of them - is not something that people have to rely on while PvP. Like I said, the perfect scenario for this, since corp owns the outpost after all - you kill the griefers - you protected your outpost, greifers respawn at their bases - you regroup at your outpost and get ready for another attack.

Once again, imagine a resurrection point in MMO, or ok, example LOTRO - Ettenmoors. You are defeated you go to resurrection point. A lot of times creeps were griefing at spawn points to prevent freeps from leaving the resurrection point, same did the freeps, but imagine how much worse would it be if neither freeps nor creeps had to run back all the way across the Ettenmoors from their outposts but would respawn right there where they just standed. That ganking/griefing would never stop and next day forums would blow up from both freep and creep sides complaining about stupid game mechanics.

Do I really have to explain why respawn at the base that you grief at is wrong? Come on, you have common sense don't you?

I was just having fun, was my first night PvP and I was actually shocked seeing that they just kept respawning right there with new arkhes... I was like - "LOL, Really? What kind of broken game is this?" if this is not fixed some time later it may be one of the deciding factors for my 3 accounts to not renew. There is simply no point to play PO if you are free to piss people off and just grief their balls all night at THEIR OWN OUTPOST.. LOL lol

I gotta try this tonight with a few other people.


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

Thats sad Zoom, since the Outposts is a main PvP thing in PO. if you say you don't have tools to restrict access in any way it means you can't restrict them from setting it as home either, thats a problem. It may not be as big of a problem now, but it will be a big one after people get tired of constant ganking at their outposts. Can you adjust starter arkhes in any way? Remove PvP functionality from starter arkhes maybe? I mean you can do SOMETHING, can't you? lol lol

Imagine a spawn point in MMO with similar griefing, and griefers having the ability to instantly respawn right where they need... lol lol. Like Zoom you kill me with your uber dev machine and I keep respawning right at your legs and bite your heels until you finally fall down crying... lol tongue (stupid smiles don't work sometimes.)


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

There are already bonuses to manufacturing, tier II and III stations available in those outposts. The only problem I see is endless starter arkhes griefers super potatoes. cool I gotta get a few guys tonight and go let other people feel the grief in their outposts so that they can come to forums and post how bad griefing is lol lol.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've asked the same question to devs - they say they don't plan to change... because there are too few outposts.. lol lol?

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … -outposts/


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

But doesn't having open to everyone outposts allow griefing exploits and kinda defeats the purpose of actually owning the outpost? I mean there is already not much of a reason to own the outpost other than prestige. How can making PvP more organized will create much more problems? I mean at this point enemy corp doesn't really need to take outpost away from you, they can just sit in their own and gank you at your own outpost by making it their spawn base. Arkhes are free, you die - you respawn at the same outpost, jump into free arkhe, equip free guns and bullets and continue ganking... I see little logic in this. Me hopes you devs will review this and maybe find it logical to restrict access to owning corp members until the other corp takes that outpost away from you. Kinda makes sense, doesn't it?


(20 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

But isn't it true that as lower is ration as more expensive ore becomes since its volume requires bigger haulers - more trips to haul it. It kinda balances out in the end.

I mean for example if Titan ore costs 0.5 per unit - you mine 75K units which will take 3.75AU to transport and you can sell it for 37K.
While on the other hand the epriton will fill your hauler 5 times faster (just an example of available 3.75AU hauler) but it also costs more so you can make the same or even more money by selling just 15K of epriton.

I guess the trick here is to find that optimal profitability rating by considering your hauling and mining time and current ore demand on the market.


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)


Do you plan to restrict access to the beta Outposts to other than owning corporation members? Otherwise there will be no end to griefing... wink


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Had my first PvP experience the other day. I play pretty casually, killed a few Arkha's, killed a few one on one in Castel, nothing to brag about I know, killed 2 v 1 - nothign to brag about either. Castel should be able to handel 2 service droids. Then the guys just ate me by none-stop spawning in starter arkhas lol. Good job CN cool. You can kill a dragon eventually if you just keep poking with a stick, right? All you need is determination. Which yuo guys had enough. Or you just like to grief.. hehe.

My question here is:

When corporation has an outpost enemy corporation members can easily get there, dock and do whatever else they want. So they basically can gank you all day at your own outpost. Whats the point for corporation to have an Outpost in beta island? Is that a matter of prestige cause I don't really see any other point. There are no defence mechanisms, there are no access restrictions. In other words outpost is open for everyone either it belongs to any corporation or not.

It was my first PvP experience so I didn't know that Outposts are actually so open for everyone to use them. And since after you blown up you get free arkha with bullets and guns you can gank the heck out of anyone there lol. lol Do they really expect us to have 5-10 people patrolling teleport to outpost 24/7, but what for really? if 4 people decide to grief they can just make that outpost their home on a secondary account which doesn't even need any EPs invested. 4 Arkhas respawning as soon as dead - thats like none-stop DPS. Maybe not too big of DPS but enough to take down Light droid or assault droid - piece a cake.

What you guys think about an adjustment to allow only the owning corporation members to have access to the beta island outpost? They can still gank and grief you, but they would have to come all the way from the Alpha Terminal if they are blown up and wouldn't be able to none stop respawn and grief. They would actually have to be more organized and plan their blockades on teleporters and we would have a chance to confront them by being able to regroup at OUR outpost. Does that make sense?

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(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'd rather them dont pull the plug no matter how drunk or stoned they are cool.

yeah don't make it too easy. What makes a game fun is that you have to research whats profitable or not. If you already know everything because someone told you then fun of researching the market - is gone.


(118 replies, posted in Open discussion)

POPPED smile

Franko, sorry but you are wrong. I see your point, but if you look at your perspective from a simplified different angle I see you saying something like

"What the heck? That guy started to play early and he has more money than me. UNFAIR!"

You have to understand that this type of game, there will always be people who have more money and people who have less, big corps will have the most wealthy industrialists and possibly toughest PvP equipment and playerbase.

Don't be too worried though. Think about this:

Bob from M2S first created a big booboo and posted it on market for 1mil. Not many people want to spend millions so early in game because at least the smart ones know that prices very soon will be much cheaper. So nobody will by his booboo for 1mil because more crafters come in and every day they post their own booboos for 800K, 780K, 770K, 750K etc etc.

Then you come, you post your 2 BooBoos for 500K each and almost immediately it is sold. While Bob from M2S who got his hands on ores and CTs first still waiting for his booboo to sell for 1mil, you already sold your 2. Yes you made twice less money, but prices will continue to adjust and his booboo will eventually just return to his private storage and he will be forced to put it on market even after you already sold yours, so you in the end make more money than the people you are so concerned about.

It just seems to me that your ego and slight form of jelousy is blinding your common sense and understanding of how MMO markets change in the first 2-3 weeks after release.

Just keep doing your part man, follow your goals. Try to get over the feeling that there is someone richer than you. And definitely don't try to demand some kind of a "fair resolution" to what in your opinion is a problem, which is not. Just play the game man, if you think about things too much you'll lose the interest and eventually will only hurt yourself since Bob definitely doesn't care if you play PO or not or if you rage quit thinking that world is so unfair to you. Play the game man, plan your steps and be patient. Patience is a virtue in games like this with time based progression.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh wow, I think I know one of you guys. He looks EXACTLY like the guy I used to know!!! Do you guys have anyone who's nickname used to be MadFly at some point? And is his name Sergey? smile If not he is his freaking DOUBLE!

Wow small world, I better send him a note on Skype to verify if thats him.


(3 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Nobody will be behind. Even a person who will come to the game 3 months for now still will be able to have their share on the market after going through this R&D process. Yes people who play now will have an advantage of milking a lot of money from developing, but when prices on the market balance it will be easy to make enough to have everything you need, because prices will be balanced and you will profit and invest based on THOSE prices. it will be the same like in EVE.

People who played PO from start will have an advantage appropriate to the time difference between when they started and someone else new will start whenever they come. But you shouldn't really compare your wealth to someone else's wealth. You should be looking at your own profit through the glass of current prices on the market. Like if someone have millions in profits already yeah it will be a cake for them later on when they accumulate and become billionaires.

But thats the beauty of sandbox games. You have more experienced, you invested more time and you were one of the "founders" of the game, so you really deserve to swim in money pools. BTW - I don't even have a mil, so don't think i am trying to defend my own wealth lol lol.

On the other note - a lot of stuff on market - means things get cheaper and wars become more fun wink.

This game is a copy of EVE, even though some people just keep saying its not. roll I can't roll my eyes enough when i hear that someone stupendously says - PO IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME, blah blah blah.

So the successes of EVE would work in PO 100%. The only difference in PO is a ground scale instead of space and robots instead of space ships. Not recognizing potential success of similar content in PO as it happened in EVE would be some extreme ignorance.

They don't need to copy every EVE detail, even though they've copied enough already. But similar content like player owned constructable structures for example - is a road to success. Niche games grow very slowly and attract players much slower than cookie cutters wow clones. i am not saying that devs shouldn't use their OWN creativity, but it has definitely to be done keeping in mind of popularity of the content in similar game on the market that took 15 years to build their playerbase.

Show the Perpetuum game to same investors, show the success of EVE, show them some diagrams, rich people like to see rising colorful lines of their possible investment success in the future. Discuss improvements of the game that you plan, create a business plan and project plan to show that you are serious about this. You have EVE right at hand, its ups and downs. Your game is after all mechwarrior meets EVE, its not a secret. And you are right - niche of mech based sandbox game is not conquered yet. Be the ones who conquer this place of gaming market smile. You have like a handbook of success right there. All you have to do is reseach the EVE progression and base your future plans on that, based on what was popular content released in EVE since 1995.

I think your first focus on constructable player owned structures is a very right one, since that was one of the most fun thing in EVE when they released constructible player owned structures. Release more mechs in the meantime, more islands with more advanced inhabitant bots to kill, maybe some mega bots. Something like what if 3 of the local robotic inhabitant factions have finally got their stuff straight and developed some mega machines that would be much tougher than existing batches of random spawns that people would have to work together to take down. Game has the mechanics for that - tanking, remote repairing, DPS focus.

PO actually can kill EVE eventually, because EVE is just too huge. PO is faster paced and have a lot of room to grow and fun content to have implemented in and the opportunity NOT TO REPEAT EVE's mistakes. Don't focus ONLY on PvP side. Give us Beta island inhabitants something to be afraid of other than other PvP corporations. And give PvE people some food for fun and not just grindable assignments. After all a lot of PvE people eventually try PvP and some stay especially since PO is so PvP friendly.

Anyway, its all future of course but you have all the aces in your hand devs.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://content.perpetuum-online.com/fee … h_1600.png

You guys really need to promote the game a bit. I understand budget and all that, but game won't pick up only based on a good word. People of course will spread the word, but you guys need to at least get in touch with most of Web based Gaming sites and have Q&A with most of them and not just 1-2 places that a lot of people never heard about. Tentonhammer.com and mmorpg.com come into mind first of all. They may not be the fairest but will be enough to expose the game to the masses at least.

You guys have a great lore but the game itself doesn't stand up to that lore. Lore captured probably 500% more possible content than the game itself presents. There is of course a lot of room to grow and it would be nice to eventually have a CGI clip.

Can you guys hire some volunteer on playerbase side for some considerably small amount of money to make some CGI clip related to the game lore. Look at Asians, they have a super cool CGI clip to every crappy F2P game that they stamp like bunnies breed. After you have that clip game will receive a better presentation and you can then pay to gaming sites to roll your clip - would be pretty cool.


(13 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Well those robots ARE micromachines. Thats as much as humans were able to develop so far. here is some lore fragment that explains it:

Even though they sense their every action as virtual, they are all real. At the end of the training, a special chipset is inserted surgically into the Agent's central neural system - a process called neurointegration. This chipset is required to communicate with their “Sparkle” (or “Spark”), which is a remote controlled nanorobot obeying the Agent’s orders on Nia. Both neurointegration and the remote controlled colonization are strictly supervised processes by the Megacorporations for a reason: they have no intentions of sharing financial and technological gains. The Syndicate denies the information that the Earth-Nia connection can be cracked and some Agents are connecting to the Perpetuum Project this way to avoid local authorities and to gain independence from the Syndicate.

So it makes sense that we are just driving these little robots on an alien planet. Basically this is how it is, you sit in your chair at home and playing the game which actually takes place on Nia, except that there is no wormhole above our planet anywhere and its not 22nd century yet smile.

BUT, Lore in my opinion has a lot of holes. And lore itself is fine, but the game unfortunately doesn't grasp your imagination as much as lore does. I hope amateurs playerbase will catch up like it did in EVE and eventually PO will have its own magazine, their own print studio, voulnteer writers etc. What devs need to do now is work on game promotion.

This has been mentioned in Q&A and never posted on forums. unless I missed it. While I don't think this is so important, maybe only during PvP since PvE are usually static shield and armor and you can set before the mission like in EVE with right ammo and armor hardeners but feature can come in handy during PvP after you scan the enemy mech.

So here is how it can be done in my opinion:

This is the best solution for rearming between 2 ammo types - no need to go crazy and have 3-4 ammo types available even during PvP - not necessary. But 2 is ok and can come in handy and easier to implement.

The idea is to be able to equip an ammo clip or ammo stack into clickable module window. Say create another little window in mech interface that is accessible from inside outpost/terminal where you can equip secondary ammo and bind a function/script to a specific key - TAB will work fine. And have that new interface window linked to a button on modules window when outside terminal/outpost. Then if we want to change the ammo quick we just hit the TAB button and there you go, hit it again and its changed back to the original ammo.

Or make that window available in clickable modules bar like weapons themselves. Something like this:



I click on ammo1 it equips ammo1, I click on ammo2 it unloads the weapon and loads ammo2. All you have to do is just combine the script (Unload) that automatically unloads the weapon with script (LOAD) and have a new script that checks which button was pressed and plug that ammo variable into a load script.

You already have a script that enables all the weapons for firing at once, by default its bound to a SPACE key. All you have to do is to bind a new combined script bindable to a key that unloads all the weapons at once and loads the secondary ammo into them.

If ammo type is not registered in database then it may be too complicated and defeats the purpose since the feature is not that necessary. But if ammo is registered based on type (missile, slug, bullets etc) AND dmg type (kinetic, chimical/kinetic, incendiary/kinetic etc) - then you can easily use these variables in script and make it to check for type and dmg of the ammo registered in that specific box and make the weapon load that ammo.

Again, I just read Q&A and this is not something I WANT, even though I have to agree it can come in handy in PvP SOMETIMES.

I just read this:

[21:46:04] <Kurono> why environment in station became holografic, detailed it was better, is any way to change it mb in options in future?
[21:46:58] <DEV BoyC> kurono we wanted distinct displays for each station and simply didn't have the capacity to produce a unique view for each of them

It doesn't sound like they are going to do anything any time soon to introduce new terminal/outpost interiors. To have more capacity they would need to hire another Dev like Zoom and it sounds like there is not enough budget at this point. Thats pretty sad, concidering that if this is not done soon after release it will become secondary, tetriary etc not important in other words and will never be changed. sad.

Yes, devs said that Tutorial will cover more game aspects in the future. Good suggestions and you forgot to add part about insurance which is quite important imho. wink


(17 replies, posted in Q & A)

Most of IIIs are on PvP Islands and you supposed to be a member of the corp that owns that outpost me thinks. PvP Outposts have most IIs and IIIs in a single Outpost while Alpha outposts you can get II max and I think its only 1-2 of the installations are tier II per outpost on a given Alpha island. Like recycle and research are II the rest are one. Another alpha outpost would have production and repair II and the rest I.. etc.