(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Kokomut wrote:

Not just nauwy, 1 station on every beta 1 has the mission. And also the beta terminals although not as efficient.

True. I forgot that with SPT the distance between terminal and outpost is nearly irrelevant.


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Jita wrote:

It is currently possible ...

It always was. Holding Nauwy is still a license to print NIC and tokens. Back in the day before SPT you had to run back and forth in a cam though. One day soon assignment rewards will be balanced.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The Grave Digger wrote:

Why do we need to mine each tile to 0 before a new patch of mining stuff appears some where else?

You don't.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mrs Kontrapshun wrote:


Wow. Do you also burn books?


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Norrdec wrote:

Still, don't you think it's a good idea to eat all of the ore in a place, so that other people don't get frustrated?

Yes, absolutely I do. And the liquid mining etiquette is a really good practice too.  Just hope the detail didn't detract from the message.


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Zoom on dynamic mineral "field" spawns.

1: http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/post/81710/#p81710

Dev Zoom wrote:

Ok, so the current mineral respawn system works like this: we have a minimum and a maximum amount threshold for every type of mineral per island. The system tries to keep the mineral amounts available between those two values. If the amount drops below the minimum threshold, a new field is spawned at a random location on the island.

2: http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/post/67907/#p67907

Dev Zoom wrote:

"Fields" do not exist from the viewpoint of the server, only tiles. The server periodically checks the overall amount of minerals contained in tiles on an island, and when it finds that the current amount is lower than a certain threshold, it will generate a new field at a random location.

Now, obviously when the server detects that the lower threshold is breached it generates new resources and, as we all know from playing the game, it groups quantities together on contiguous tiles. To answer your question, that is what I call a field. As far as the server goes though, it's 250 odd individual unlinked tiles. They might as well be scattered randomly across the whole island as far as regeneration triggers are concerned.

I once tested this (just to prove to the doubters that it works this way) on a virtually deserted Gamma by scanning down every liquizit "field" on the island (there were 5) and then sent a separate Riveler MK2 to three of them, mined out about 60% of each and then scanned again. Low and behold, 6 "fields" and not one mined out.

Finding the new "field" was tricky, however, since I had to find a place on the island where my directional scan was pointing somewhere new. When you mine a whole "field" out this is less of an issue since the one "field" you detected previously (the one you've just depleted) is no longer there and your scanner must point somewhere else.

TL;DR The point I'm trying to emphasise is that a new "field" can spawn after you've mined one tile, or all of them in a field or, might not spawn at all. You simply can't tell, especially on a busy island.


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Norrdec wrote:

Why it can't be with thresholds and with fields?

Why indeed. That gives more flexibility to balance mining.

Norrdec wrote:

AFAIR with the current system, it will check if the field is near depletion and clean it up automagically.

Not quite, it will check for individual tiles which have a very small amount left and clean those up. Because there is no such thing as a field it can't check to see if the "field" is, say, 95% depleted and clean that up.

Hence, Stranger, I whole heartedly endorse mining etiquette.


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Stranger Danger wrote:

... when you wont be able to 100% kill it to respawn a fresh field... your goal is to 100% kill the field to get the fresh respawn.  Once a field is 100% mined out a new one spawns ...

Can we please get away from this erroneous notion that you have to 100% kill a "field" for a new one to re-spawn and that when a "field" is mined out a new one will spawn.

It is quite simply not true. The system is based on thresholds for an island not "fields". As far as the server/code is concerned there is no such thing as a field.

If there was things could be different ... and better imo.

Having said that, listen to OP. Little *** bits of raw material all over the place and randomly mined blobs are a PITA


(133 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

And we don't agree with the mandatory argument at all. If an extension that's only used in specific PvP situations is mandatory, then we might as well start removing half of the extensions from the game, starting with General firing.

Quite serious suggestion, why not? Why have a CPU extension, a Reactor extension, a Mechanics extension or for that matter something as broad as a General Firing extension.

If all the fitting and buffing/nerfing extensions were designed to affect specific modules or small groups of modules rather than bots or wide groups of modules (e.g. all EWAR or all turrets/missiles) then the player has much more choice about specialising early on and there are more complex fitting choices to suit or counter specific situations.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Being able to set a range circle around a waypoint (editable range) for display. Anyone?


(14 replies, posted in Bugs)

DEV Zoom wrote:

So you mean this only happens when you get the same assignment like the last one?

It could be a cleanup issue then, because an active assignment keeps whatever bonus it got when you requested it. (So if you upgrade the extension meanwhile, or the category bonus expires, then that doesn't affect the active assignment. But as I understand you're requesting new ones here.)

I was always requesting a new one. Whether it was exactly the same assignment as the one completed some days before I couldn't say for certain. It's very possible, though, with only two or three of each type/level at a terminal.


(14 replies, posted in Bugs)

Kanli wrote:

I'm affected by this as well. Today is the first time I've logged in since Friday - requesting a new assignment gave me this: http://i.imgur.com/M3uema3.jpg
Not that I'm complaining about the extra NIC & tokens though.

Hang on! How do you get 230% rewards? And are you also saying that you get a token bonus? If so that's a bug too.

At 582K and 16 tokens for a level 2. I am going to run assignments on Alpha 1s from now on.


(14 replies, posted in Bugs)

- I was running only combat assignments at Tellesis.
- It occurred on Level 4 and Level 5 assignments.
- I was running the maximum assignment level allowed by relation each time.
- I never ran concurrent assignments.
- I only ever noticed it when I returned to running assignments after a day or two - not to say that it didn't occur after minimum bonus expiry time just that I didn't notice it then.

... in case that helps.


(14 replies, posted in Bugs)

Just normally for me.


(2 replies, posted in Open discussion)

The part on non-linear module tiers from about 40:00 onwards is a good. Perp has it already to a limited extent but the way that what they propose promotes real choices in fitting and real roles for all types of module is good.

Skipped through a lot but one impression I was left with that I don't always get with Perp is that these DEVs really understand what it is like to play their game.


(14 replies, posted in Bugs)

  • I complete five assignments in a row and reach 200% rewards - there is a little green "^5" in my assignment box.

  • I come back over 24 hours later, the little "^5" has gone but the assignment rewards still show 200%

  • I receive 200% rewards when I complete the assignment and the little "^5" re-appears

  • I have zero EP in relations extensions (in case that helps)

Apologies if not a bug but I've read the update news etc on this and I'm pretty sure its not supposed to work this way.

Burial, wtf has happened to your face?

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention, +1 btw


(641 replies, posted in Testing server)

Malsier Dabian wrote:

.. if your server is having issues with the "load", then you upgrade it. Period.

I won't be putting you in charge of my IT infrastructure budget that's for sure.

Really? Are you sure? Upgrade, period? Is that the only solution you can think of?

I enjoy the podcasts.

May I suggest a "round table" type podcast for another episode - Steamlings*. Perhaps each with a slightly different bent i.e. Indy, PvP, PvE oriented.

Would be interesting to hear I think.

* I use this term to refer to any player that's joined since 23 April, Steam or otherwise.


(641 replies, posted in Testing server)

Idea: Turret could also have a minimum range. If you're inside, say, 200m the turret can't hit you at all. ofc the counter is to have a turret or two 250m away but an attacker can get some cover from the turret they're shooting.


(641 replies, posted in Testing server)

DEV Zoom wrote:
  • Only 3 terminals per island.

  • Reactors will not generate energy on their own. Instead, we will introduce a new underground resource, which can only be exploited by a building, but it does this passively over time...

How exactly do you see this resource as working? Is it like a current raw material fields which will require scanning down once existing "deposits" are exploited? Is it island wide so you can plonk down a building anywhere and draw energy from the ground?

With certain mechanics the number of terminals per island/buildings per island could be restricted by using the threshold for the energy resource on the island rather than imposing a hard limit. I'm not a fan of hard limits.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I've long been a fan of many more islands but only if there is variety. The world needs to be balanced, sure, but that doesn't mean homogeneous.



(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Please no.
Links is just fine.


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Mob hunting on Beta definitely needs another incentive given that beacons exist.*

The incentive, however, needs to be something unique to killing an NPC on Beta.

Maybe something like a dog tag where a certain number of dog tags (think lots) can be exchanged in the Syndicate store for special ammo, special gear or even special robots or ... well, I think we all know the Syndicate store has huge potential but that's covered in other threads.

*Personally I'd get rid of beacons completely - at the very least get rid of them from SAP loot and up their SS price.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Agreed. Really excellent QoL patch smile. May there be many more to come.

May I suggest including auto-pilot somewhere in the tutorial. So many people say "Wha! there's an AP" - and it really makes a difference.