I suspect that now the game is delivered via steam that Perpetuum will follow Steams promotions so expect £5.99 weekends etc, which will fullfil the same thing as a trial period etc.

I am finding that many session changes results in a crash of the client the only session change that does not do this is to deploy from station, if i dock i get a crash, if i teleport  i get a cash. I am running a client under wine, but i did not see this behaviour on the test server.


(3 replies, posted in Bugs)

I am getting invalid Data error message and then client crashes...

I just want to quickly point out to all devs i am not sending any hatemail to Blackomen wink



(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

The power of a good video, is that it can really spark the imagination and make people want to try the game. So although its always nice to have devs working on features an investment in a video makes a lot of sence when it is coupled with a major patch.

In truth the video should have gone hand in hand with the patch and show the new features in all thier glory.


Maybe some follow penalty can be added to combat based bot's and the industrials or even just the haulers can be placed into follow mode with no penalty, Something like a drastically increased lock time on all combat bots in the follow chain.

PS Edit Changed many spelling mistakes

Its a strange game i played it before as they have a linux client for it. Its very detailed, in everything but graphics, but it's interface has always been a chore to use. The Hit boxes on all the creatures is a nightmare, in fact your better off avoiding any contact with creatures on planets, It has lots of bugs all over the place.

That said the depth of the game is like no other in terms of what can be done a very good mmo based civilization type thing.


(85 replies, posted in General discussion)

GLiMPSE wrote:

A) Multi-accounting shouldn't be a concern. Taking a stance against it is ignorant, all you're doing is putting yourself in the way of something that is impossible to combat and ultimately just makes you look stupid in trying to do so.. much like the war on drugs...spend your time worrying and policing things that can be controlled...instead... embrace it...

B) Neither should PLEX... if people have to much of either RL money or In-game money and want to have a little more of the other... why not allow them to use some of the sand in the sandbox to do so?

C) Everyone needs to be open to change and not sitting happy with the status-quo...because quite frankly... without constant change and evolution things will/have grown stagnant and things will die out.

I am guessing you will be up for F2P and MT then, i mean we can't be seen staying still when all the MMO's around us are moving forward with these very buisness models very succesfully too?

If i was to take my natural aversion to these buiness philosophys away i can see the logic in the arguments but if i do that i can also see the logic in the rest of the bad stuff as well such as MT F2P etc.

Can i resurrect this thread, how is the new website coming? If it has not developed much further can i ask for a separate room on the forums for in character / Backstory creations etc?

Its the one request that can only serve to improve the game and its overall visibility it will attract other people, and whats more the whole thing can be ignored by those not caring about the storys that could surround Nia.


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)


Newb question incoming, why do the kill mails not contain modules on the victim? and if not is this one of those planned but not real important features?


(0 replies, posted in Testing server)

I tested the linux client last night or to be more correct the windows client under wine. I used a clean bottle on ubuntu 12.04 with standard wine 1.4 using winetricks to install mscorefonts and dx9. The bottle is configured as windows XP with a desktop space the same size as my monitor.  And i run the game in windowed mode this way allowing me to open multiple clients.

Results were good i had a problem with sound but i believe this to be a problem with pulseaudio and not the game client, as it happened when TS was running current workaround turn sound of in game. I will test a little more tonight and hopefully sort out pulseaudio.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Would this not give the sandbox an Oasis? Why would anyone bother with the risks of the other islands when all can be had for no risk?

I could be missing the point though, i am pvp centric..

Bump just to provide my support even when i have not played the game i have kept up with the podcasts. I Enjoyed the dev interviews which although not immediately has brought me back to play. Community and their initiatives coupled with good development will win through in the end.

Look forward to the next Podcast...


(85 replies, posted in General discussion)

Never really liked the idea of a plex, it was the precursor to the whole MT stuff in stEVE. Its a slippery slope and one in which devs start to tread leads to all sorts of nonesence. And however you think about it, it leads to players only engaging in one aspect of the sandbox be it PVP or something else they simply pay to aviod all other aspects of the sandbox. Lastly, i don't believe that stEVE has ever got that genie under control and still dont think they have.

Have to agree i got a vague tweet this morning from perpetuumMancs stating

"Finalized 4 days of work on surprise content. Get ready your weapons for tommorow (patchday) #botpack"

I immediatly came onto the website, thinking excellent just get back from hols and i have a new blog to read, and what do i find nothing, zilch. Not even in any of the forums could i find anything.

So whats it all about


(3 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

looking for a UK / EU English speaking corp, i am new to the game and still getting my characters up to speed. A good mature team player, i don't rage in corp chat etc. i have a fair bit of mmo experience.

I would like a corp that can make use of both styles of play and a corp that has goals in game.

reply here or contact me in game


+1 from me

With this in mind can i request a separate room on the forums for In game character discussions / story's. I know we have corp discussion but that will tend to get bogged down with out of character stuff.

if this is not possible on this website can we be assured that such an area will be in place on the new website?

i thought it was related to lag, you click the button and it takes a while to respond, you repeatedly spam the button causes it to stop repsonding altogether. i found it far worse last night and it coincided with a lot of lag / rubber banding At ICS alpha so much so i logged off in the end


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

srike doubter wrote:
Pak wrote:
srike doubter wrote:

Will EvE die?  Unlikely.  However, there probably quite a few other than me who do not want to keep feeding them cash.

I do not think players are feeding cache to the game companies (unless they are also investors, company owners/founders or they actually sent a donation to the company). I think we are paying for an entertaining way to spend our spare time.
But what you write is true: a lot of players think they are in fact donating money and the recipients may or may not be morally worth getting their money.

Yes, we are paying for entertainment time.  However, in paying a subscription for a game, you are supporting its continued existence and development.  From my own perspective, I am not so much interested in the morality of CCP (they are a business).  I am more concerned with lack of responsiveness in addressing ongoing problems with their product and whether I feel like that product continues to be entertaining or a good match for me. 

That said, I do feel that choosing to play and subscribe to a game is a statement of support for the work that goes into it.  If I have a finite amount of cash to spend on gaming, I choose to put it into a product/group that I like.

I think the WOT and DUST titles brought that feeling about, our money used to go to providing a sandbox, now it goes to other games. Which in itself would not be so bad if a lot of eve's end game was not in need of developer time. Still that said, i am staying for much the same reason srike mentions its kinda of exciting where this game is going i sense a journey is to be had here, and i am looking forward to it.

Deploy has crashed my system now a couple of times, the bug reporter snaps into action and uploads the crash to the server.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

This one is probably more apt
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_F0ScmkGCRoA/T … g-dead.jpg


(1 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Added to my igoogle page thanks



(386 replies, posted in News and information)


chart currently shows stats creeping towards  600 i will add 300 and a bit  onto that and say 912