1 (edited by Burial 2012-05-28 09:28:50)

Topic: Shores of Hazeron (Sandbox empire building ORPG)

Anyone played it here? Looks like a pretty nice sandbox online game. Nothing fancy in terms of graphics but could be something I see myself play for years. big_smile

Features look to be:
- Your own alien race building
- Empire conquest/building
- Exploration
- Commerce
- Probably missing something..

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn7BRf7XSsU
Homepage: http://www.hazeron.com/

My account name there is Burial.

2 (edited by Burial 2012-05-28 11:30:12)

Re: Shores of Hazeron (Sandbox empire building ORPG)

I just made a new character. A nice bird-headed dog that shoots electricity out of its anus. fuuu

Re: Shores of Hazeron (Sandbox empire building ORPG)

Its a strange game i played it before as they have a linux client for it. Its very detailed, in everything but graphics, but it's interface has always been a chore to use. The Hit boxes on all the creatures is a nightmare, in fact your better off avoiding any contact with creatures on planets, It has lots of bugs all over the place.

That said the depth of the game is like no other in terms of what can be done a very good mmo based civilization type thing.