There should be an option to be able to use the corporation wallet when repairing items.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

LugNut wrote:

Wah wah wah

You seem to think you were the only one effected by this, well I've got news for you. You're aren't. Get over yourself and get back to playing the game, or rather don't. I won't miss the whining.

DEV Zoom wrote:
Cid Jorgumeri wrote:

if the idea was to limit character cycling, EP forces you to wait.  Nic can be grinded.

Correct, EP is worth much more than NIC, this will make you think twice before you decide to delete one. Also it's more convenient since it's account based.

It's also not its intended purpose at all and sets a dangerous precedent for the future but I guess that majority of people seem to think that's ok. I however don't.

Cid Jorgumeri wrote:

The ingame page on intrusions seems to be inconsistent.  It mentions 'control' and 'ownership', but then says: wrote:

The Syndicate chooses only the wealthiest and strongest corporations to maintain outposts. A pure evidence of wealth is money: in this case the new owner needs to pay 10 million NIC. This sum is reduced by 1 million each time the defending corporation succeeds.

If you're seriously trying to use the lore to balance game play mechanics then you can go back to mining and stay out of any serious threads on game play discussion changes.

Stick all the assignments in the beta outpost in the main beta terminal. That would be the best option and add much more to the game play than what the missions do in the outposts.


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

I'd like to have some "missiles are useless" people in here smile

I could quite easily put together a well worded post with plenty of facts as to why missiles have been nerfed too much. However why would I bother when Alf seems to change things at the drop of a hat not listening to any logical reason but instead the mass whiners on the forum and his experiences of very small scale PvP. So really, why should I bother?


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

M2S killing N-A's light EWAR bot the Chameleon, the first kill of this type in release. Here & Here.

The Store

For the first time in history the low ground now provides the most tactical advantage.


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Immortal wrote:

I know it's a shot in the dark, but would you guys be willing to accept a carebear like me? I only have a industrial account currently. But I think I could do a remote repair bot with it also for pvp. I saw a bunch of players from other corps trying to troll you in general chat today, I have to say I was surprised you played along and were quite funny while they were getting angry. I also saw the video one of them posted of the fight, and rolled my eyes when the guy was claiming 20 heavy mech kills.

Anyway, please let me in!!! I swear I'm not a spy. smile

We're open to industrials however it is a requirement that everyone participates in PvP. As an industrialist you'd have to run a remote repair set-up as you mentioned. Drop an app and we can chat about it in the interview.


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We've recently had an influx of applications and a number of new recruits. Thanks to this we've got a solid EU & US TZ.


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Formed during the early stages of Closed Beta Menace To Society has been wreaking havoc since its inception. As a highly prevalent, ambitious and specialized PvP corporation we require only those who are capable of competing on the level which we operate. A new player may be as likely of meeting this criterion as a hardened veteran. It isn’t a tangible requirement but a state of mind thus EP & account age are irrelevant in the application process.

Administrating a quality over quantity policy we have a tight knit community who reign inside and out of Perpetuum. Often outnumbered we employ cutting edge tactics, strategies and smart decision making to achieve our goals. Due to our aggressive nature it’s only fitting that we have a comparative objective, this being complete domination of the Perpetuum server. Thanks to this conviction we are never short of targets, we have very few if any allies along with an explosion friendly foreign policy.

Those who wish to join must share the basic traits of existing members which makes the corporation what it is today. One of those is an unquenchable blood thirsty lust for PvP. We love to PvP and we love to win. It’s as simple as that.

Best described as autocratic communism it is essential that applicants are willing to share the goals and aspirations of the corporation as these are what you’ll be working towards. Everyone works for the benefit of the corporation whether it is acquiring items or blowing people up. This is because M2S directly benefits its members by providing them with all they need to complete the desired activity.

In order to fit in socially thick skin is vital. Whilst we’re all mature individuals (most of us anyway) a wide variety of topics are discussed on TeamSpeak meaning that those who don’t have thick skin will end up offended and coincidently find out that they don’t have the personality necessary to enjoy or tolerate our company.

If you like the sound of what you’ve read then look through the additional requirements below and check you meet them.

-The willingness to learn and improve.
-A working microphone, TS3 and the ability to use them both alongside Perpetuum.
-Common. ***. Sense.

If you wish to apply read this thread.