Yes, all present and accounted for.  I recently had the machine re-spec.-ed and serviced.  It's not a hardware issue.

I'm currently re-downloading and reistalling having gone through with a fine tooth comb and removed any and all random bits and pieces of data from dump files, temp files and any other bloody files that may have come in since I first downloaded PO.

If I keep getting the same issue, that is to say I can't play because the game can't load, I guess I'll have to assume it's busted and come back when it's fixed.  If that 'fixed' time could be soon I'd be happy.

I deleted everything before I redownloaded and reinstalled.  That includes the downloader.

I crash everytime the game tries to load a map.  Started with undocking giving me a Sytem Message saying"unable to connect to zone. try logging in again"; this would happen before the game started to load the area I was undocking into and continued despite re-logging and then re-installing the whole game.

Now it's moved to attempting to undock but crashing before the load is complete.  This happens everytime without fail.  I am now unable to play Perpetuum because the game cannot load without crashing.  Can we get this fixed please.

I crash everytime the game tries to load a map.  Started with undocking giving me a Sytem Message saying"unable to connect to zone. try logging in again"; this would happen before the game started to load the area I was undocking into and continued despite re-logging and then re-installing the whole game.

Now it's moved to attempting to undock but crashing before the load is complete.  This happens everytime without fail.  I am now unable to play Perpetuum because the game cannot load without crashing.  Can we get this fixed please.


(50 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This would allow corps to function with very few resource extraction specialists.  Every PvP build in the corp goes out and drops one or two of these auto-miners everyday; they cover their resource needs easily. 

This would undermine(no pun intended) all of the effort people put into constructing a balanced and efficient corporation.  To make actions automated would make self reliance more of a factor and would thus be counter intuitive insofar as the wider Perpetuum mode of operations is concerned; that is to say safety in numbers.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This is one point I must agree with.  A science three site is always a great thing to see on your scanner and opening it up to see the Mk2 CTs used to be great.  However, with the huge influx of players the market has been swamped and CT's below 50/50 are really not worht having.  I would rather find a few high end decoders and uber-rare Niani components then a 25/25 CT that will never sell or be viable for production.

Yes I know you can still build with them but with the volume of CTs hitting the market it makes more sense to simply wait for a better CT to appear on the market then to use a 25/25.


(386 replies, posted in News and information)


Edit: I didn't see that 1000 was taken


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

If they implement a bot that makes transport that much easier then mineing/harvesting on Beta islands would not be nearly as risky.  There's a reason some things are Beta specific.

I can't tell you any of my IP info because it's all written in Chinese and I can't read it.

The issue I've been having is that my lag skyrockets, everything freezes except my robot which can walk around for 2 mins and then, bam, disconnect.  I reconnect without a problem minus one robot. 

This has happend a few times, two in particular in which I lost a bot, will stay in my mind.  I spoke to one of the Devs in game about it and was lucky enough to get my wreck back.

I've send crash and traceroute reports.  Can someone tell me if there is any point in my trying to play this game or will the disconnects just keep flowing. 

Tried to run those programs you linked, the download was blocked, ask China why.

EDIT: removed constand in game death rage

Question because I'm not tech savvy: Could the changes I proposed be implemented without altering any of the current game mechanics?  Also would it require any scripting at all?  Couldn't buy orders by used but restricted to appearing ONLY at one station?(including blocking from the 'markets in range' and area),

Good Robot wrote:

@Gharl I like the idea (suggestion). I see where you are going with it. Killing two birds with one stone.

The market and a reason to own X oupost. But TBH I think it leans more towards the reason to want X outpost and helps support a single corporation or alliance.

Just my 2 cents.

I see what you mean.  That's why I included the concept of a player corp. possibly alienating one of the games major parent corps if they choose to accept 'off-world' contracts.  Being denied access to a third of the games 'core market' would strongly stimulate the Industrial aspect of player corps. and of inter corp. trade.

As to owning Outpost 'x'; that is a transient factor.  The hypothetical off-world interests could be shuffled between Outposts all over the Perpetuum world as the powers the be see fit.

Then there is the case of individual agents being contacted; this would essentially play on the 'greed factor' and could cause major rifts in corps and alliances. A player could choose to effectively hang their comrades out to dry by conducting an action which makes them rich but either puts their corp. in the proverbial dog house, robs said corp. of items of value or betrays the trust of the corp. by offering to share the contract with another player corp.(perhaps the one with access to that scenarios Outpost 'x'). 

All of these things could increase the games risk factors beyond being shot and deepen the scope of in game social, political and economic interactions by introducing unaccountable variables.

Syndic wrote:

I think that while the idea has merit, the Devs have more important things to do then play the market game to artificially revive the market. Like, developing the game.

Developing the game was the sole intention of the concept.  I don't mean to sound in anyway stupid, but what do you mean?  Is game development limited to altering game mechanics? 

The market seems to be quite a significant part of the game and the ever present bugbear of MMO game economies, parabolic inflation due to infinite resources, is something that is often overlooked until it becomes an adverse problem. 

The only solutions available at that point are the kind which make lots of people very unhappy as those who have spent time accumulating masses of 'money' are invariably the target (or victim?). Seeing as these are usually long term playes the possibility arises that Game Developers may be forced to choose between an economic fix and the trust of their long term player base.

I'll preface this idea by saying this 'suggestion' is intended to be more of a talking point then anything else; I'm making this initial post to try and stimulate other ideas and suggestions along these lines.  If you wish to say "it won't work" please at least say why and offer an alternative or amendment to the concept.

So, one thing that seems to be a concern in Perpetuum is the establishment of power blocs that, once dominant, are able to maintain a solid grip on the in game market through communal activity.  Another regular complaint appears to be the relative weakness of the player economy outside of internal Corp. trade.  Lastly but certainly not the least of issues appears to be the lack of PvP and incentive to initiate said PvP due to the relative cost and lack of benefit when ones Corp maintains control of an outpost.

One solution that occurred to me (thanks Peter Hamilton) was the introduction of NPC corps with no 'on the ground' assets; that is to say they do not have access to the Perpetuum Program and as such cannot deploy their own resource gathering and military forces.  What they could do however is contact individual Agents and Corps requesting aid in the form of resource orders, technology orders and information gathering operations. 
What I am proposing is not an extension of the pre-existing NPC missions but rather a active presence in the persistent world of off planet market forces which desire a piece of the Perpetuum pie. 

Now, insofar as addressing the previously raised player concerns goes; these off world interests would effectively be seeking to circumvent the processes of the larger parent companies that exist on Perpetuum and hence would incur the ire of said companies if discovered.  This would obviously limit their access to the Perpetuum network.  In game this could be easily represented by limiting the access of these transient 'interests' to specific Outposts in the game, hence the Corp which controls Outpost 'x' is contacted by an off world company with an order for a significant sum of one specific in game item (everything from titan ore to Mk2. Heavy Mech prototype or CT). 

The key factor here is that the off world company doesn't care which Corp fills the order, so long as said corp has access to Outpost 'x'.  The price offered for the requested materials would have to be quite significant so as to make the risk/reward ratio viable.  When you extrapolate out from this and examine the 'in game' ramifications it suddenly becomes interesting; 'Why is that Corp not allowing anyone to dock at the station they control?'.  One would assume that there is a very healthy price being offered for something at that outpost by an off-world interest... does it then become worth attacking the outpost in the hope that our corp will be able to hold it until the order is filled?

This concept could also be downsized to individual Agents being contacted at random by off-world interests with specific requests.  This could be particularly interesting as it may involve said agent having to interact with other player corps without divulging their true intentions.

Player Corps and Agents caught out trading with these off-world interests could also be subject to embargoes from the in game parent corps. What was once an Alpha island for them becomes a touch more dangerous if they are considered an enemy by the parent company which controls it.   

As to offering more high tier tech for sale; there also the possibility that these off-world interests selling back into the Perpetuum market, again limited to specific outposts.  The same logic applies but in reverse.  If an off-world corp were to offer for sale/trade enough resource to prototype a Mk2. Mech it would be a significant prize.

This interaction, though controlled by the game Developers/Managers, would doubtless add a little more spice to the nature of the Perpetuum world by altering significantly the supply/demand dynamic.  Large buy orders would become a cause for suspicion, hoarding certain items would become market speculation as their relative value may plummet due to an off-world fire sale, etc... 

What do you all think; rip hell out of this idea, please.