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Tux wrote:DEV Gargaj wrote:Question is, do you have items at other stations? It will only show stations where you actually have stuff at.
I have had the same issue over several accounts .. seems you can only see the items in the terminal for the island you are currently on
For me it seems that you see just that terminal items where you was in last time.
This bug happens many times when i log off, than log in on terrain.
When you log off in terminal and log back : everything is fine...
Grazskin wrote:Well then I agree, the walls and probes gave the defenders first time in history for this game an advantage. Because the attacker for the most part has the advantage because what they do in hour forming up collaborating fits and attack plan the defenders has to do within 3 minutes when enemy arrives, which in most case doesn't happen, unless it's a small force, but large high tech forces more then likely wont get any action because it takes to long to plan and fit and assemble to counter.
WUT?! Defenders had past the ability to get 4-5 alts on tps ... problem solved. Now you can deploy the full island with detector probes, so no need alts on tps. Please don't let Perp to be Carebear Heaven on betas, couse you walled down a high epi field with walls that cannot be destroyed without mech squad (or a sequer - lithus).
I'm not against the walls, but now the 7,5U size of bombs and 1,5m price for 1 that cannot even destroy 1 wall is a joke. You can build focking long walls from 1,5m NIC. Solution : drop down the bombsize to 3.2U (yes that light ew mk2 could bring at least 1) and let 1 bomb destroy at least 80% HP of wall. Drop down the price to 700k-1m nic max.
Small scale PVP and artifact scanning is now pain in the *** ... and don't tell me that use bigger gang to have PVP when we have 40-50 peeps on general chat in peek times.
Tomorrows patch is the one right step towards living in a better perp again. Some things to PVPers some to carebears.
P.S. As Jelan wrote bring walls targetable ... that works too ...
This is just a QQ ...
I'm fine with this system. I like when all npcs attack my Zenith mk2 support bot and don't bother my Gropho till i'm killing them one by one. Adapt or die .... simply ...
signed up
need 3 more on this link :
Purgatory wrote:So it's right that gropho has a bonus that is only good for pvp? Is that what the devs intended, pvp bonuses?
What about keeping in line with the bot bonuses? Pelistal bonus is AP recharge.
What about the other factions combat mechs? Do they get pvp specific bonuses? No, their bonuses are all round useful.
Just think a little ... if Gropho get AP recharge bonus, like the other pel robots, it would be the same, that Seth gets resist for all bonus ... almost unbreakable tank ... So your point is just pointless (confirmed by DEV btw
I don't know how the hell you have problem with Gropho in pve farming ... i don't even have an industrial alt to rr my Gropho , i'm simply use Zenith mk2 as support for my gropho when i pve farming ... don't have any problem to kill npc-s (yeah maybe not 1-2 shot kills, but can do farming normally).
So in fact i'm asking same that Alex did : do you know how to play pelistal ? ^^ 
First of all :
From artifact scanning you can just get normal level 1-2-3 beacons.
Star beacons you can get JUST FROM specific npc-s, and yeah low chance etc ...
Triglav wrote:Alexadar you need to read feature request subforums more often 
This problem was told to DEVS by me personally months ago. DEV Mancs told that he never got this problem (shuffling TC). I told him that i (and it seems many of us) still have TC shuffling. So i'm gonna kick Mancs again about this ...
Karos wrote:Are the leg slots Medium Aux Accumulator / Shield / Evasive? if not then i'm not sure of the improvement.
Yeah without lwf ... whatever ...
Annihilator wrote:that trojar sucked.
A friend of mine has build a trojar mk2 that you wouldn't have killed ever with that squad. 
Dear friend ... your friend would sucks too with his troiar too ... there is something that you don't see in that killmail mate ... some (not 1-2) nasty troiars that neuted Pit Fiends accu ...
Naralh wrote:so T2+ and the second ? 
T4+ if you have luck 
Hugh Ruka wrote:Exomorph wrote:Hugh Ruka wrote:conclusion: make all ewar LOS restricted.
In this case pelistal would be overpowered ... just think a bit in PVP mode 
I do. I am Pelistal :-)))
But seriously demobing somebody through a hill is silly. I can imagine ECM to work over obstacles but demobs don't fit the picture.
Why not? Its an electronic system jammer. Jams your robots coordinating processor like other processors by ecm or supressor.
Hugh Ruka wrote:conclusion: make all ewar LOS restricted.
In this case pelistal would be overpowered ... just think a bit in PVP mode 
Annihilator wrote:nice to see how many fell for the troll title of the topic.
Issues with energy warfare i have:
- its even more powerfull then ECM. It does not only kill your offensive potential, its also killing your already low defense with ease (no accu, no repair, no active modules like active hardeners or SA)
- with current Accumulator mechanics drainer have to "suck" as they do now. I have already experienced Ictus with drainer amount bonus.
If you have problem with Ictus than you doing something wrong. If you have ECM or 1-2 supressors fitted (or buddy with it), than you just need to break LOS of Ictus till he is jammed or supressed (and relocking you), in that time youo can shoot him freely. Neutralisers and drainers need clear path to use, not like ECM s-demob or supressor. So they are not overpowered, just balanced now.
Medved wrote:No blue bot? It's racism!
Blue bots are OP, so they can't be here 
Alexadar wrote:Exolona, i hope you got the main idea: to have vitality-tank role in this game. Personlly i fine to have another alternative then ERP, but im sure, to fulfill all tactics aspects in this game, players need to have access to effective armor-tanks.
Yes i agree, but not on that way that blues got them (from their bonuses), and greens and yellows (may be they got too a bit couse of their passive resist) not. As you see at least i'm trying to give some alternatives, not just whineing that this is sucks and rollback. There is no point that defenders need just to dock out 1 erp tanked kain, for a small (6-8 man) roaming gang, and tank (and kill) them all (because roaming gangs doesnt fit against erp tank, or just in some cases).
Syndic wrote: Next step to getting action would be to quit jobs and play from 5 AM to Noon?
Just reset everyone in server to neutral:)
You will have fun in EU tz every day!
Alexadar wrote:Let me summarize some statements what Hunter wants to say:
1. Last balance changes with erp ant repair tuner should be canceled (not a global rollback)
No. Maybe it was too big nerfbat but not rollback.
Alexadar wrote:2. Armor tanks should have their place in a offence-siege-defense triangle where offence killing siege, siege killing defense, defense killing offence.
Yep this idea is good, but now with very very different bot bonuses and base stats (like kains speed+++ over the tyr and artemis), would be really hard.
Alexadar wrote:3. Defense squad should have encapsulated vitality, short range fire, but heavy disadvantage in range\speed. Pre-nerfed ERP module allowed players to fit tanked robots. The highest efficiency could be gained with highest possible count of repair tuners in a head modules, what made defense capability stable against incoming DPS, but others, such as speed and radar system, was at basic level.
Did you ever tried tyrranos with erp tank? or artemis? Again kains was buffed with previous erp tanks. Kains have 50% rep amount base, and with 3 t4 tunings plus you could permatank even 8-10 assault damage easily. Yep there is setup or tactics against them, but just when you know that you going against erp tanked setup kains.
Alexadar wrote:4. At the moment there is no dedicated fit for defence role because closest candidate was nerfed and balance was shifted to the offence and siege squads.
Maybe we need super plates (or buff plates hp bonuses ?), for dedicated defense (buffer tanks). For now RRs got nice buffs, so plated mechs with rr could use for siege defense very well.
Johnny EvilGuy wrote:I wonder how Syndic feels about all this fame.
Anyhow, I recommend January of 2012.
No way in january !!!
It must be in summer, when the streets are full of amazing girls, with almost no clothes 
And any drink is much better in warm, not in middle of winter 
Syndic wrote:Medium Magnedart - -75% optimal range, 72 kinetic damage.
Medium Crypto - +20% optimal range, 44 thermal damage.
Medium HEAT-IX Ballistic Missile(long range!) - +45m range, 70 siesmic damage.
So, at which point does 28 damage equal to ~95% optimal range difference being balanced? ^^
Maybe the damage multiplier on EM or even on gauss guns ? ^^
You can do 400-600% damage with em guns.
With missiles max 200%, with lasers i dunno, but i dont think its bigger than max 300%!
(and still count ROF!!! missiles 5 sec!!!)
So thats why!
Syndic wrote:Assaults risk less because explosion damage works with surface size.
Other two faction ammos - Heat IX, Crypto - have +range modifiers in the range of 20-25% if im not mistaken, magnedarts having a -range modifier of 75% is a bit overkill.
Heat IX and crypto have negative damage bonus and higher optimal!!!
Magnedart have HUUUUUUUGE damage bonus and huge negative optimal. So its just fine.
You can have magnedart on -50% optimal mods .... but than nerf the damage!!! (and dont come with that missiles (compact) makes same damage as magnedart ... just watch the rof ... kain have much much much more dps ...
so maybe for magnedart (medium) : -50% optimal, 50 kinetic damage ?
Just wait for todays patch guys ... and then no more discussion about this theme.
Take it easy 
Syndic wrote:Alf I sincerely hope you weren't testing this Mesmer fit with Magnedarts.
On second thought, I hope you did and I hope theres explosion damage on the Dev server.

Again magnedart on mesmers ... in a very little case you can use it in big scale pvp, but we know that magnedart damage is like 3-4 times bigger than any compact missile damage.
I know every blue pilot want to go 100m close to their enemy and put magnedart ammo into enemys face and *** them with 2 volleys ... so NO ... thx NO buff for magnedart and blue bots.
AgY wrote:The political landscape is confusing at times but IMHO CiR (and RG for that matter) doesnt qualify as Zerg or Blob (yet).
*edit: I'll just... yeah, that's better. - DEV Calvin
So CIR just wiping out trash from his hangars ... how sweet, dropping old candys for future meat... erm "allies" 
Gl NeX
See ya around in your new shiny stuffs:)
P.S.: If you asking why M2S don't help newcomers with stuff here is the answer : "We just started this game from zero 4 weeks ago"
Smokeyii wrote:I'll give to you guys one point, I think the assualt speed changes were a little much... with empasis on the little. A waspish doing 85? An arbie doing 95? That's a little bit much. Slow them down a little bit, keep assaults in the game as they are now.
Please calculate just with speed w/o nexus. FYI Waspish can do 78-79. Arbalest 83-85.
Everything was started from Kains speed, couse they could outrun every bots except light ew-s. So if DEVs would balanced kain speed that fits to other type of bots speed balance, than would be all ok. Now we can use assaults in pvp, but DEVs buffed them too much with stealth.
So there is 2 solution :
1:) Nerf back JUST masking to max 140-150. (relatively fast but more like dps bot)
2:) Bring us new ew-assault bot with ew bonuses and high masking, but MAX 3 weapon slots. (fast ew specced but LOW dps)
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