Annihilator wrote:

would you say its a system problem if i get a short moment "ingame music" after teleporting, even though i have it on zero volume?

Thats it, it is the music!

DEV Zoom wrote:

I think the simple solution would be to only check whether you have enough minerals for the first manufacturing cycle, and for the rest it's up to you whether there will be enough materials at the moment the next cycles begin. Maybe a confirmation, like "Not enough minerals for all the cycles, start anyway?". Of course the process will stop if it can't find enough. This would make your example work because the system takes minerals at the start of every cycle, and also delivers the end product of a cycle at the same time.

However this conflicts with your other request to take all the materials at the start, but that's no biggie since we can't do that anyway smile We'd have to simulate CT degradation for every cycle before they are even done, and that would complicate things.

Realized that as I typed it but thought I would give it a chance. But your solution would also work. As it would be up to me to make sure my t2s were producing faster than t3 and so on. Just want to be able to start my T3s and T4s to make it more of an assembly line than waiting for all 50 or just running 20 or 10 items everynight.

Thanks for the response zoom and again overall I'm enjoying the changes.

Edit: Is there a way to turn off the toast for every item produced? It was exciting the first 10 now its starting to become me measuring time between toasts.


(9 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Thoughts comments?

Personally as a Diablo casual player fan I enjoy D3 as a break from PVP games. I really enjoy the join the party feature and running with friends.

Wizzard seems hard to play solo when you get in to situations where ranged mobs can attack you but he has some good tricks to deal with them.

Demon hunter and Witch Doctor seem very OP compared to the other 3 for solo play.

Witch Doctor and Warrior combo seems to easy to play just agro and spam AOEs.

I haven't unlocked the high difficulties yet but soon.

First and foremost I like how the new factoy is set up and congrats to the devs on a seemingly smooth expansion.

Seeing how the factory now produces 1 item after another more assembly line style than mass production line. We will use S/D-mobs as my mod in my factory example. I have lvl 5 in the factory runs extention, meaning 50 items at once. I farm Npcs repair my (50)T1 mods. I have a CT for a T2 mod I que it up for (50) to be produced. Here is my first request. Please take the total ammount of Mats from my hanger to complete the job. I also have a T3 and T4 CT installed for these mods. Now comes the big request. If I produce 50 T2 items from T1 why cant my T3 be started while the T2 is working. I can't que up to produce 50 T3s with out having 50 T2s in my hanger.

Tech Progression Mods (T1-T4)should beable to be linked during production I should beable to tell my T1 to start production as soon as the first T1 items hits the hanger I should beable to tell my T2 to start production, and so on untill all 4lines are running untill the last item in my case the 50th T4 D-mob cooks off.

With this I would also like it to take the Materials needed for the entire project minus the item need to tier up and keep it in the factory or allow us to pull from a designated folder.

Factorys are now like assembly lines and as such should allow programing of production in Tiers w/o the total # of lower tier items available but also in production, all 4 tier lines running at once like an assembly line.  Make mats needed for production move to factory not sit in hanger.

Also getting the Sound file bug while teleporting, undocking or logging to terrain. It seems as tho a random sound file is playing veryloudly sometimes its a movement sound others it a teleport sound. To go along with this teleporting (the black screen) is now taking twice as long to load as it previously did.


(40 replies, posted in Balancing)

Early access account specializing in shield tanking can make you very angry.


(26 replies, posted in Bugs)

MonocleWinski wrote:

Ok, so Newbie player X, that is sporting a Termis (can not afford a riveler at the new prices), *MUST* have a T4 Geoscanner and Basic Geochemistry level 10 (40k EP or 28+ days) to get 100% Scan Accuracy to clear a field or a new one will not spawn?

Ya, this is gonna work  =P


A t4 geoscanner on a termis that gets a better scan accuracy than the rivler due to bonuses is better that the rivler because it has no bonuses to scanning. Most veteran miners use an argano to scan down the field before switching to a full turner fit rivler mk2.

You only need like lvl 4 or 5 geo chem and advanced or basic robotics 4 or 5 to get 100%


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Khader pulls out soap box


(56 replies, posted in General discussion)

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

It would also seem that multi boxing happens now more than it did with a bigger population. Small population means you must do more your self.

This and No don't do any thing to "fix" something thats truely not broken. I know its hard to swallow when your run up to a station and some guy pops out with 2 Heavy mechs and 4 follow bots to greet your 3 man assault team but hey they really want to win.

I to have seen an increase in follow bots lately and I agree 100% with obi this isn't so much a multiboxer problem as it is a low population problem. If someone brings a speed nexus and ewar nexus do I need to bring mine? Nope I'll leave it at the alpha gate just incase the first one gets wasted.


(15 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

PVP is about the same typical #s trump tactics in most cases. Specialized toons will kill toons that didn't specialize if met solo or small group. Typical small groups consist of 1-3 mechs and some e-war support and a tackle.

What Faction did you use before? What are your preferences to your favorite pvp bot? What is your normal timezone?


(15 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Macavity wrote:

Thank you all for your replies and also for the welcome back smile
I am now in talks with another player so for the sake of honesty i would like to say that while i hold a dialouge with this fellow i will temporarily not be looking to talk to others about the subject of joining their corporation. Any other form of friendly talk or advice anyone would like to give me,aswell as questions and other pleasant talk is of course more than welcome!

I feel it is most honest and fair to entertain one possible offer at a time though when it comes to talking to corporations,i dont want to give the impression that ill join anyone for any reason wich is kind of rude,i believe. It sort of sends a message like i dont give a care.

Thank you all again for your replies and wish me luck in finding a place somewhere here in Perpetuum! big_smile
Looking forward so much to coming back,ill tell ya that!

Sending you a PM

Chris Green wrote:
DEV Gargaj wrote:
Chris Green wrote:

Was quite buggy and extremely laggy on the test servers.

Not that I wish to make excuses for the lag, but for the right mind, please do note that the entire cluster was running on a single server with a single uplink (that's 24 zones). Obviously it'll be spread out to several boxes and connections as soon as it hits live.

Sounds comforting, though I have no idea what you just said xD

Devs correct me if im wrong

Chris on the liver server each island is its own server with multiple uplinks on the test server they used only one server with one uplink meaning all data comeing from the server to clients was getting bottled up because we were all in the same area, especially when we did the invasion test. 30 clients pinging the server saying here I am tell the other 29 clients where I am. server is said yeah no problem.... uplink said oh *** thats alot of information to fit threw this little wire. Not to mention the one server was running the great fortess with all its turrets and all the other POS's.

TL:DR on test server 1 server for all things, on live server each island gets its own server AFAIK.


(34 replies, posted in Q & A)

Sid from mining wrote:

As much as I hated the account reset, these changes really screw the spent EP up, so +1 from me, although it should be a reset without the name loss, corp history loss etc...

This +1

Lol someone walled you in after you safelogged?

+1 anyway not a fan of running my arkhe to the spawn anyhow seems so cowardly, much braver to push a SD button.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ok +1 if you get a 5% demob effect as well wink cant have a good with out a bad


(17 replies, posted in Events)

Yeah the Hi Tec lag towers tore us to pieces!


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Pushed time back 15mins sorry RL will do that sometimes


(4 replies, posted in Testing server)

While deployed try to move your modules to the other side of the window.

They vanish and don't come back until you dock and undock. But come back in the far left upper corner.


(13 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

-1 this is unbalance-able what will the will the down side to using it be an increase hit size while in the air? Terraforming will already present challenges that have not been thought of...


(17 replies, posted in Events)

We can push mine to Sunday if need be or we can just do a quick few rounds and start Tp'ing towards the Base.


(14 replies, posted in Testing server)

POS gunner lvl 10 in that other game made a huge difference in what I could defend against.


(6 replies, posted in Testing server)

DEV Zoom wrote:

We'll likely sync it during the next test server patch.

\O/ nice, welcome one welcome all to the carnage.


(6 replies, posted in Testing server)

yep cassius sounds like you missed out on the fun.

Sorry to hear that as I don't think they will sync the servers again until the next big project needs to be tested.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Lets try and get whole fleets to come this is free pvp.!!! No guilt when you die you refit and suicide again.

Already suggested in a few other post infact that was my exact post just in your own words OP.

+1 this should have happened when the supply shop opened.