I doubt it's latency, that was the first thing I checked, and there were no changes.

I always have a ping over 150, typically in the 160-170 range, and this stuttering seems to have no connection to it- it can happen at 150 while nothing at all happens at 200.

I think PvE'ers would appreciate more content or mechanics that were geared towards their playstyle, and actually included some things that explicitly could not be accomplished by PvPers. A lot of PvE players are just as competitive as PvPers, but prefer to compete in the economic or political arenas- perhaps expanding these areas a bit? A few examples:

  • Creating a centralized exchange might lead to some real competition among manufacturers. Cornering the market is almost impossible now, but if trades in all the terminals were connected, someone might make a run for it.

  • Maybe a stock market, where everyone could speculate in the futures of corporations? And what if a corp's value on the exchange had in-game repercussions, such as capping their credit or affecting their interest rates?

  • A lot of PvE players are completionists- we like collecting all of the item recipes- which means that a lot of them lose interest once they've collected them all. Introducing more items is one solution, but eventually you're going to fall behind.

  • What about a more flexible system of item modifications, similar to the enchantment systems in other games? Players could specialize in certain areas (armor, or missiles, or sensors, etc.) and be able to offer upgrades that others could not.

  • Above all, make the PvE players an integral part of the whole game: reward their specialization. Right now, there's really very little reason for PvPers to go outside their own corps for anything, and that's not the way things should or do work. If a corp wants to be self-sufficient, let it, but at the expense of reduced capabilities.

Honestly, not a thing comes to mind- the machine I'm using for perp is about four years old, still running XP. I'd agree with you regarding the packet loss, except whenever I monitor it, the connection stays exactly the same.

However, I will be switching everything over to a newer machine in a couple of weeks. If nothing changes until then, it will be interesting to see if the same problem shows up.

Embolism, it's always been there from day one, and is the only trouble I've ever had. As I said, it's not really a problem, just an odd glitch; since it happens while traveling, it hardly affects gameplay.

Anyway, the only common factor I can see in your description is that I am also running it through an ATI card. Maybe it's a question of settings- since it seems connected to travel, I suppose it could have something to do with the rendering of new features.

DEV BoyC wrote:

If you mean periodic, very short stops that make the game feel like it's always stopping and starting, we've encountered that during the development and investigated it for a long while until it turned out that closing skype fixed it tongue It's probably caused by some application running in the background.

I can't speak for the others, but that's not how it is for me.

The closest term I can use to describe it would be a kind of rubber-banding that happens during travel.

Say I'm traveling to a terminal in a sequer- most of the trip will be smooth, and then, with no warning, the bot will travel forward, snap back a few meters as if in rewind, then move forward again. Even the sound oscillates, as if the bot were coming nearer and moving away.

I've never noticed it during combat, the lag meter doesn't change, and it goes away just as suddenly as it started.

As for other apps, usually only Firefox is open, and it's not streaming video or music.

Gremrod wrote:

Okay I will look at expanding on them. But I was looking for quick reads for basics. Don't want to many people hitting a wall of text and just not read it at all.

If you do expand them, please do it in separate articles- these are perfect as is.

Sure, you could go into lots of detail and theorycrafting, but that would defeat the purpose of what you've written here.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism … ifferences

The rest is in your head.:P

Hmm. He did a pretty good job of getting it started, but it seems to have died on the vine.

What are our options here? Start over?

Another great post.

Who's in charge of the wiki? This kind of article belongs there.

I think you're right, but heck if I know how to test it.

Yes, I thought there might be a pattern similar to Conway's Life, but it doesn't look like it. New spawns appear to be random (or very close to random) and unrelated to their surroundings. That, or the pattern unfolds over a much longer period of time.

I should know more next week.


Short, to the point, and informative. This is a great introduction for new players.


Since a lot of people have showed interest in game mechanics, I thought I'd create a chat channel for those people to share information and ideas.

So, if you're interested, please feel free to join the "R & D" channel- no name-calling, no trash talk, just information and ideas.

I've noticed this too a few times.

For me, it tends to happen in high-traffic areas, but not always- it can happen when I'm the only bot on the map.

Also, it seems to have no connection to lag- there's no difference at all when it happens.



Annihilator wrote:

i think you need to go to beta island to see higher cycle numbers.
(like for minerals)

Yes, I think that is the case, but i haven't toured all the Beta islands. Anyone able to add some Beta observations?


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Good idea! New, different, and challenging. I hope you get some participants.

Can you be more specific about these high-number plants? Were they in out-of-the way locations? On Beta islands?

I wouldn't be surprised if the density of plants on Beta islands was greater than those on Alpha, just like mineral density.



(4 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Glorion wrote:


2007? Who's this Obama fellow?


Nothing to see here, move along!

Sorry, but recent changes have rendered this information out of date, and I'm not inclined to start over- maybe someone else will volunteer to track the new mechanic.

If you're still curious about the plant growth mechanic, have a look at the dev blog explaining Noralgis. The information is not exactly the same, but the basics still apply.


(85 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Gobla wrote:
Jasdemi Holdings wrote:

Don't derail my attentionwhoring thread.

This thread is now about skin.... Don't derail my skin thread.

Skin is far more interesting- unless it's on Jasdemi.