(22 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Campana wrote:

Maybe you could have blocks of time. For instance four 6hr blocks of 00:00-05:59, 06:00-11:59, 12:00-17:59 and 18:00-23:59 or maybe six 4hr blocks instead. The CEO of the corporation owning the outpost can then choose a primary block and a secondary block during which they prefer to have an intrusion event on their outpost. The actual intrusion time is randomly selected from the primary block. If the randomly selected time clashes with another outpost's intrusion and no time slots are available in the primary block it falls into the secondary block. Or something.

OMG I'm agreeing with an m2s "person"

I think it would be nice to be able to divide the corp wallet into sections


PvP ops


I'm thinking it would be good to be able to divide the corp wallet the same way you can storage and give various permissions to each wallet division.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

CenDre is doin it wrong... again.

I'm sure I do alot of things differently...I wouldn't say wrong. I'm sure when I blow you up you think that's "wrong" also.....but I do have fun when I do. So how wrong can I be.


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

YOU will note I have the word "VIEW" in there about 5 times


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexadar wrote:

Some weird things in peropetuum sci-fi world, what i noticed:

1. Auto-guns. This is a human technology. We can refer to official background history:

Their advanced technology has enabled them to develop gigantic humanoid robotic forms that have destructive powers far beyond our weapons.

Why NIAns arches using weak earth technology? 
Why t2+ auto-guns available through kernel research? NIAns don't know anything about our tech, and i doubt they want to use it, because they have much powerful tech.

2. Field containers. They are small and endless in size. How they are working? Why they can contain much more than sequer? Sequer, and in general any of the bots, is bigger than field container...

2.1 Sequer can carry Seth....) How)?

3. "Ghost bot". I can pass through any bot. Because i am ghost i guess. But if i ghost, why i can't pass through the mountain? In generally, i understand why bots are ghosts for each other, but it is weird for sci-fi genre.

1) Auto cannons=== electro magnetic propulsion  sounds pretty damn high tech to me.(provided they use EM tech)

2) Field cans=== Nians have teleporters my guess would be the cans use subspace compression techniques that would interfere with other tech systems in bots which is why bots do not have such tech.

3) Gost BOt=== Again TELEPORTERS bot have modified versions of the teleporter tech which allows them to pass through one another.

damn that all sounds so good when I read it......


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Now that i can view the market while outside a terminal.


Terminal inventory view no mater where I am in the world.

Factory view no mater where I am in the world.

Reverse engineering view no mater where I am in the world.

Prototype view no mater where I am in the world.

Refinery view no mater where I am in the world.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I wonder what sort of code comes from a completely smashed DEV team. lol

Mostly for combat spec

If you are new to the game my best advice to you is simple only train skills that will improve your performance no mater what bot/mech you are in. ie...

targeting speed,
optimal range,
target range,
falloff range(if target lock is farther than optimal)
Navigation (single most important skill in my opinion, if they can't catch you they can't pop you
Basic robotics(Bogart good one) lvl 8 for mech I think not totally sure

Get these skills to about lvl 4-5 I am guessing not many people have trained much past that lvl as of yet. At around the 4-5 range the skills start getting expensive.

damn dinner break over gona cut it off her for now


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Elisa wrote:

One thing that must change is the noob area itself. Older players are farming the bots needed to furfill assignments. New players dont have a chance to lock any bot.

I learned early on that the combat missions are a nic sink. I don't do them anymore. I do geo or delivery missions the money is a lot faster and I am not spending it on ammo. Train Industry to lvl 4 get a sequer then train missions skills to lvl 4 and get 5 delivery missions at the same time. thats roughly 75K+ nic per run in about 5 min. You can make 1,000,000 nic an hour  this way. I do this with two accounts that auto follow one another.

It might sound like a lot but my second account is combat so i burn through the nic pretty fast...I'm always broke.

Combat toon = kill more than be killed

Indy toon = build more *** for combat toon.


I lost my prometheus in a Arkhe swarm ....I really need that hug........it was such a good and loyal bot........I think I'm gona cry.....


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jelan wrote:

Pvpers and industrialists have a symbiotic relationship, this is a pvp game in every aspect whether that be shooting each other, undercutting your rl competitor or politicking, the only thing IMHO that isn't pvp is missions. So basically it has it all already and can only get better

I agree and with the DEVs being so involved I know it will happen.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Every US player in the game IS a promoter.......why are you slacking beoch.

Gremrod wrote:

To the OP. Remember it is a sandbox game. It is up to you how you play and what you want to achieve.

It is not about the awesome blue sword of might and magic... whatever etc that no one else has!

It is more about what you do with it.

But, right now solo will be harder until the game has been live for a bit. I would recommend playing with a corp.

OHHH damn your in m2s ...i'm not gona watch any more of your You Tube videos. ***shaked fist***

I got my 40K ep per account now I want the uggly mount and the HUG.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lucid Con wrote:

This thread is going no where and it has become a place for pvpers to flex their epeen power. Both gameplay types are legitimate and one without the other is futile - ying yang folks. So just let this discussion die already.

CareBears shall hence for be refered to as PvEers(by me atleast).

This thread is also an outlet for PvEers to express the opinions they have on the mater and from my view so far they have done a much better job than those who think they are hardcore pvpers(who to my exp are hiding in terminals when we bring it to them.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Things to remember about me.

I am a pvper all the way. I don't gank people though unless you are a declared enemy. I run two accounts one Full Combat spec and one Indy. When there are not pvp ops I mine and build bots. When there are PvP ops I am there. I'm not concerned about losing a bot here and there. I can afford it


I will admit I am selfish. I want this game to be around in 5 years from now. For this to happen I believe the game needs good solid subscribers and I believe those subs will come from PvEers. I think this game has about 2-3 months to make an impression on the PvE community before their attention continues to wonder around to other games. I want this game to have a solid base of pev subs so the DEVS can afford to keep working this game and expanding it. Regardless of how small the budget has been to date they have to be reaching the end of the shoestrings ....the point at which they decide to drive on or throw in the towel...... a man gets tired of eating beanie weenies ya know.

This game is perfect for mixing PvE and PvP but my opinion is they need to give more room to the PvE environment so the PvE types have more room to stretch their legs that's all i am saying.



(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello kitty meets Perpetuum. MAn i laughed my *** off. LOve the voice.

Chief Ubenor wrote:

So I've been playing PO for about 3 days now, about 2-4 hours a day. I am not really getting anywhere. I got some faction to 0.68 on my combat character, gave my kernels to my indi character, he learned a lot of prototypes and even managed to create one CT. But I don't feel that i am getting anywhere really.

Do you need to play this game like 6-10 hours a day to achieve something? I thought its all about extensions which means that this game no matter how much you play it every day you won't go anywhere far because of lack of EPs.

Am I right? I am not seeing PO as a casual few hours a day game. Seems more like a hardcore game where you have to spend endless hours mining, grinding assignments and EPs are almost secondary.

I disagree entirely the game is supremely a casual game. For one you get EP 24/7 logged in or out so long as your account is active. So whether or not your play 1 hour a day or 12 hours your characters will get the same amount of EP as any other character in the game. No one is gona be more uber than you because they are getting the same EP you get, the playing field is the same for ever one(exception early start accounts which got 40,000 more ep than retail accounts).

I play 1-2 hours a night after work and I have just as much EP as the next guy. I mine and gather materials 4 days a week and on my off days I do other things. I'm not in any hurry to get anywhere in game so the limited play time does not bother me so long at the EP keeps flowing.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zhyntil wrote:
CenDre wrote:

Purely fictional numbers with the simple idea of illustraiting a point.

Lets say we have 50,000 gamers
PvPers make up 1% of the population
PvEers make up 90%
Semi PvRers make up 9%

My proposal
All of the PvPers and Semi PvPers AND 30% of the PvEers
this would be 20,000 paying accounts.

How much do you think the DEVs can do with the cash flow from 20,000 paying account  75% of which come from the PVE player base.

Is it sinking in at alllll. Do you understand what I am saying.

The game needs PvE gamers to make money plain and simple. I don't think there are enough Pvpers around to make the game feasibly profitable but you can bet your *** there are enough PvEers.

My simple solution to the issue of cramming PvP and PvE players in close quarters is don't give them more space to enjoy the aspect of the game they chose. Don't change the game at all just add space. The Devs can add PvE content later, maybe in a future expansion. Eve did it with wormhole space.

I also think it is up to all of use to spread the work and suck people into the game so the game will be around a year from now so we can keep having fun.

I'm doing my part got 3 friends already signing on.

"Purely fictional numbers" that make no point because they are as fake and made up as your first set of crap numbers.....

We have proven most of your claims as false, start using facts.

Done with arguments with you, the terms, argument, numbers, and your sense of reality changes everytime anyone makes a point, I do NOT understand you because you are not even lucid in your own arguments, I hope i never understand someone that constantly creates their own reality. I cede the field to your obvious supremacy in the field of illusion.

hmmmm the light still didn't turn on huh.


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zhyntil wrote:
CenDre wrote:

DIZI is the only one who is understanding what I have said.

Many of us understand DIZI and you, the thing people argue with you over is that you both think....

"I was able to play EVE despite it has same PvP problems" quoted from DIZI.

This is a PvP game, it does not have these "PvP problems" it is a feature of the game that is a big draw for many, as several people have said, this is a niche game, it and EvE cater to the more hardcore players that WANT that PvP experience.

You say; "Not a single PvP orient game out today has attracted more than a few thousand die hard pvpers. Where are those games now or will be soon. Broke and free to play."

EvE is quite successful, most reviewers compare many other semi-or full PvP games to EvE because it is successful. EvE has a higher retention rate than most other games, because so much of the content is player driven (which means mostly PvP and conflict driven). People have a hand in what happens and the game history rather than running scripted PvE instances, missions, and content over and over until they are mind-numb.
It does not have the numbers that WoW does, it never will, it WANTS to be in the niche it is in, Perpetuum is looking for a similar niche.
Do not even try to make the "WoW has it right, these companies should all try to be like WoW" argument either. You can get a cheeseburger at McDonalds, but there are other restaurants that sell cheeseburgers, not all should mimic McDonalds. McDonalds is not right for everyone, all the time, neither is WoW, and all the other generic will-inevitably-get-boring PvE games out there.

You and DIZI are coming into Mexican restaurant, demanding a 99 cent cheeseburger then you wonder why people tell you you are in the wrong place.

Nitch games die slow agonizing deaths... and are usually in debt when they do. Eve is the only exception I know of.

Eve is not your average game. Eve is not only a pvp game it has a HUGE amount of pve content. IE worm hole space is mostly PvE by the shear fact it would be near imposable to wage ware there due to the difficulty of supply chains. Hell wormhole space is hard enough to supply just for PvE. Eve is in a class by itself. It is so far above and beyond all other games you can not compare them to it.

I do not view Perpetuum as a pvp game. Sure it has a pvp element but its not exclusive and if it were the game would never get off the ground.

This game has the potential to draw in a lot more players and the pvp base is not big enough. If this game caters to the pvp marker it will be dead in a year or less. All those hard core game hoping pvpers will get bored pretty damn fast as they always do.

However if the DEVS can tap just a tiny portion of the pve market they game will explode. Heres a pure example

Purely fictional numbers with the simple idea of illustraiting a point.

Lets say we have 50,000 gamers
PvPers make up 1% of the population
PvEers make up 90%
Semi PvRers make up 9%

Now would you rather have all of your PvPers and semi PvPers and none of the PvEers
because this is what I am hearing from most of you. this would equal 5,000 subs

My proposal
All of the PvPers and Semi PvPers AND 30% of the PvEers
this would be 20,000 paying accounts.

How much do you think the DEVs can do with the cash flow from 20,000 paying account  75% of which come from the PVE player base.

I am willing to bet that with $200,000 a month they could quite their full time jobs and make Perpetuum their Full time jobs and we the gamers have nothing to lose from that.

Is it sinking in at alllll. Do you understand what I am saying.

The game needs PvE gamers to make money plain and simple. I don't think there are enough Pvpers around to make the game feasibly profitable but you can bet your *** there are enough PvEers.

My simple solution to the issue of cramming PvP and PvE players in close quarters is don't give them more space to enjoy the aspect of the game they chose. Don't change the game at all just add space. The Devs can add PvE content later, maybe in a future expansion. Eve did it with wormhole space.

I also think it is up to all of use to spread the work and suck people into the game so the game will be around a year from now so we can keep having fun.

I'm doing my part got 3 friends already signing on.

I would suggest that if you kill the bot that last activated it the security lock is reset to public. No since at all in good hard labor going to waist be it the labor of the person who did the killing or the person who mined that 4 million titan ore.


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)



(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I saw the word macro so I'm saying NO

I have had issues with this as well. People farming the mission spawns and tagging everything that spawns.