good luck to you guys

props to a new corp wanting pvp

One of several groups in the game that is not afraid of having targets.

If you enjoy shooting everyone and like living in a target rich environment, then maybe we're for you.


(3 replies, posted in Events)

This sunday again at 20:00, will be the next months of may tournament installation!

Again this is for low ep skilled to high ep skilled individuals to fight off and kill each other

Tournament Day: 6/3/11 (sunday)
Time: 20:00 server time
Teams: 2 people per team with different robot colors.
Rules: Stay inside the arena, and on a timer flag up and kill the opposing team.
Where: Outside shinjalar post near the arena, it's just outside the post and has been created by the devs for us to use!!
Brackets = New player brackets and older player brackets are done.

Gut Punch wrote:

You older players are unintentionally missing the point...

We don't need end-game massive money sinks for 50+ member corps.  We need to encourage small 1-5 man groups to move out to beta.  If the current trial and/or new members wanted to join a large corporation and move to the betas, they would have done so already.  We need to provide a conduit for small groups of buddies to be effective - not just targets - in the betas.  If the betas look good to people trying out the game, then they will stay.  NPCs and POSes aside, there needs to be massive mechanics changes to increase the retention rate for new players.

You have hit it right there.

Encouraging smaller groups to get to beta would be great, and fun. I would like smaller sized outposts to own, and control points to be added.

Good stuff gut.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

AgY wrote:

The "small entity" cheated and thereby got a advantage in resources and research all other corps dont have.

It's not like most of the island holding entities had decent tech lines anyhow to counter this. We know norhoop had enough tech to handle themsleves as is proven by the fact they reclaimed karapyth, they defeated m2s in inertia intrusion, they defended their outpost multiple times. lol I got so much tech off of norhoop it was awesome. Good thing I don't need it anymore. ;P

Most corps cant defend their outposts because of the way the intrusion system works.
Some cant cover all timezones effectively and m2s is exploiting that by attacking at times when their enemy is weak.

It's an open pvp game and as a corp you take an outpost, and you have timezones that you are weak/strong on. Given the intrusion times are random, yeah it's likely you're gonna get attacked on a weak zone. SO you loose the station for a week, if you have the power and deserve it, you should be able to take it back as norhoop did, since at some point time will be on your side.

That's another point I don't think your coalition gets. It's as if you don't want to fight for your outpost. You think that if you've won it once, you deserve to have it all the time. Total bs. They are made to be fought over, as a means of having fun. Outpost should be switching sides multiple times to generate fun pvp.

If you can't defend it after taking it, you don't deserve to have it.
If you need to get all the server to hold your outpost, then definitely something is wrong. You're clearly admitting you don't have the organization or skill to effectively hold an outpost, or you're afraid of loosing it.

The amazing thing is that while your "enemy" owns it, they get some nic, and a title, whoop-dee.... you can still dock. It's not like another game where your resources are trapped.

Make pos's provide energy to exchange for kernels.
By getting kernels faster newer corps get their tech lines finished.
Make pos's provide more noralgis = more mark 2 robots.

EVE did moons, and that really turned out to be who got the right top 3 mineral moons was the richest.

As a side note, not to derail:
More fun stuff on alpha so we attract more players is a good idea, give players more to do and have fun with so that we get a healthy pool of people to pull from.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

The m2s members summarized it accurately nid.

There is no point in going for an outpost now, as you can get resources easily via beta excursions.

Our corp remains independent. If a server needs to group to take on one small entity, then it's showing lack of pvp skills and orginization by it.

A nice handful of members from the brotherhood have joined us, but there are still lots in IBS,RING,LK still, so correction on that point.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

How come we take on nfl teams and win?



(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

I will admit we did have enough to win. however I will also admit you would have taken us down fairly well had you committed.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for giving me the info.

I wasn't aware.

Next time I will bring light bots, and a proper force.

more pvp = probably encouraging fun fights, and not zerging people out of stations, kind of what cir does in game while lying about it as well.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)


  Actually I didn't know those things, only roughly knew numbers 10~15, had no complete intel on ship types, knew nothing of lwf/roaming fit, didn't know your exact location. Only knew it about 5 minutes before jumping in. I lterally logged in 10 minutes after death died.

Only new your location near koykill.

I'm sorry you perceive a small mech force as outforcing you, I've brought different ships to engage you and had a great time.

I will try to remedy this next time. By bringing lights if I'm in charge.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gut Punch wrote:

AgY, as much as I respect 62nd for putting on the tourneys and people who have tried to setup on par fights outside stations or gates...  Structured PVP does nothing but benefit people with higher tier items and larger accumulated EP pools.

You're wrong, and you're thinking in a narrow mindset.

Tournaments provide people a place where they can think about fittings/mechanics and try out various ship setups. In this setting they get more then their corp members to offer advice.

Tournaments provide people a place to get to know others, a place to learn contacts for information on mechanics.

Tournaments can and have been run with lower skilled ep players putting them against eachother. We have lower and higher tier brackets.

You are right in that structured pvp isn't all of pvp, but it will surely help you for unstructured pvp, as it has me when I down mechs in light bots.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

syndic wrote:

I'm afraid of loosing my pixels

The fun thing is, you stop reading what syndic says and he gets more angry every time. It's ok syndic, make some deals with RG and the rest of them, they'll get their stations back and then you can have some "fun" pvp like you did before when you trolled and stomped on norhoop with m2s.

What's good though is that more players that join the game are coming from games he's been in where he wins by blobbing(ie mortal online, warhammer etc), and more corporations are starting to see the real truth behind the big zerg ie fear of loosing members and pixels.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Grim Faust wrote:

You always trumpet on these forums about fair fights and all about how 62nd wants things to be even and then last night you go and do something like that? Your corp just lost a great deal of respect last night. Maybe you don't care about what we do or what we think of you, but you should chew on that  before you post again about your ideal 'fair fight'.

I wasn't mad, just a bit dissapointed.

You were afraid to loose assaults and ewars / lights to mechs. We've lost countless on beta, and given we only had 5 mechs, you would have taken down at least 3 if you focused your fire. I estimated a 2:1 advantage on your side in numbers, and firepower.

From your view, and sayings it seems when people fight you with less mass it's ok, because you've "just started", but if people fight you with "equal mass/firepower" it's heinous, because on that specific fight I decided to use mechs instead of lights to compensate for the 2:1 disadvantage. It's like you think mechs are a huge space between lights, when they aren't. You need to go kill some with some lights, it's very doable.

Another point, previously I decided to let you have a disadvantage, and outnumber us 5 to 15 and when we died you said good fights. So what's a good fight?

But this time instead you threw up your hands and said you were "outgunner/skilled", total bs, we've taken on outnumbered/outgeared/outskilled fights countless times. Even though we loose ships we've killed twice or three times our value going down. I wish you would have had the same spirit. You would have killed 3 mechs easily, and the ewar you could have taken down. Your value in kills would have been at least 2x,3x your fleet worth.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Blue Ball wrote:
Mara Kaid wrote:

* ***

Im sorry.... What zerg behind me? (refer to screen shot above)

You're pretty angry blue. Good thing you 1on5 people, then make it a good old CIR 15v5, right when your friends come. lol zerg reasoning at its best.

You upset dude I point out your falsehoods? I think you are. Better calm down.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gut Punch wrote:

Mara, if we tell you how many people, fit for roam, in assaults and lights are going to be at a particular spot while we twiddle our thumbs and you show up

Gut you realize that we took on forces of 5 mechs with what you had, even lesser numbers, and came out ontop with kills. We didn't have high skills in light bot then either. You could have easily killed 3-4 of us, after loosing your fleet and it would have been a good fight. I do not think it would have been a slaughter as your leaders thought.

We've taken on 5 heavy mechs using assaults/ewars/light bots, and killed 1, managed to get away. It's doable.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Blue Ball wrote:

I'd focus on what you say blue ball, but you've sat in general talking so much trash making yourself look so hypocritical that now you're just a laughing stock to my corp we use to egg on fights with CIR.

Can you re-roll again and come up with more "glorious" ideas so we can get some good videos of us just stomping on you?

You're so angry and upset with me, you picture me raging but what I'm really doing is chuckling again at watching another cir member talk trash to its opponents with a big zerg behind its back. That's the ironic part.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gut Punch wrote:

What we are interested in is trying to get more people out into the beta islands during US time zones.

Contact the giant zerg, and so long as you come out in proper fit bots that they don't loose so much, or you don't threaten them, well you'll get a station or two! Just ask RG how this deal works for them.

If you do threaten them, well ....

Just like fighting FOOM. If I bring 5 guys in assaults vs 15 assaults/ewars/1 mech and die fast it's a good fight. Like nwar brings 2 assaullts vs 10 assaults it's a good fight.

However if I bring 5 mechs vs 15 assaults and lights, its a BAD fight for FOOM.

You see as long as you play the dumb deer , you're fun to play with, but bring an equal force with skill and it's over.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

You won't find any europeans roaming around at 5-6 in the morning. People have work & other obligations.

Soviet Novastrov prefers....

Blah Blah spin.

What a bunch of horse crap. Nothing like hearing a leader full of fear in loosing his outpost.

The server forgets the way you use to pvp on them in a "friendly" manner. How when you grew bored you assaulted new players on norhoop, asking them to join your ranks so you could swell in numbers while openly mocking them and being a sour sport when you lost.

But the "phantom mennace" makes them forget, so they team up with you for now. Because they have member problems, since they can't have enough tactic or cleverness to outwit 15 guys on a computer with alts.

It's ok syndic, you'll absorb the guys that get burnt out, and have the pet corporations of norhoop now live and farm on your island, which helps you pay taxes.<-- I hope allied corps see this and think this. You're marching to a guy afraid to loose his pixels, and leaders that just want more members.

It's a clever , deceitful way to get members, and members in your alliance are starting to admit to the truthfulness of it.


(4 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

worked better, i joined a squad outside station and was able to access teleporter


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Split the zerg, and people be more independent instead of worrying about one big force.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Tried to reproduce this but no luck so far.

The only thing I can imagine being an issue is if you have LOTS of small items in your cargo, because mining updates your cargo with every cycle.

And yes, if the network tab in the profiler ("openprofiler" in console) shows that the red graph is having spikes then that is the server indeed. But if it's the white one then the issue is somewhere between you and the server.

I'll try the network tab at home.

Here is some ping activity:

( standing still ): … mining.jpg

( mining ): … ining2.jpg

Reproduce bug:

Take a mining bot out, scan for minerals using an appropriate tile scanner.
Target the location you want.
Set mining lasers on location.

Should experience lag.

I agree, similar issue, on my miner.
Also another corp in my account having the same issue.