(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Bumping because it cant be any more apparent in game that there needs to be a system like this so the rest of the server can actually plan to hit a station and perhaps take it via fighting.

ninja sapping doesn't work, it barely worked when we didn't even bother with saps for that month....

vote for hope and change, vote for siege mechanics'  like this!

*** it.

add gambling

slot machines or some sht.

there nic sink.

Burial wrote:
Cassius wrote:

Eve has enough PVE content to keep an 80-85% Risk-Adverse player base, that pays the bills. So PvPers have a game. And more targets.

I did not say Risk-free. you correctly pointed out Highsec is not risk free, but its risk free enough for a player to develop and play the game.



Above all, the game needs PVE content with balanced risk vs reward. New PVE content on any of the PVP islands isn't a problem as long as the risk is worth the reward.

Agreeing on two STC posts in a row, await the portals of hell to open.

Most of the vets who hide on the forums, and almost all the new players, want only pve. 

Sure we can do our best to force some pvp, play elaborate political games, ect...but in the end, only a small group of vets want to pvp, aside from a few deranged noobs who quickly get bored of there being no one else to pvp with (all noob corps just ally up anyway)

Oh and adding a few more kill/fetch/collect quests isn't going to cut it.  Need some rather elaborate sandbox style pve content that adds no risk competition (other than pve death) and even then people will complain about it taking X amount of months time to get to that content if it is hard so maybe 100% risk free on all parts.

Everything we want is only a year or two away granted the game gets enough money in to hire the contract work needed to get it in game...might want to get on steam forums and tell the world what about the game kept you in for all these years...


(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wipe would be as it is now.  Less new players as im sure most would bail having their progress reset, more vets, same power block, same upset vets on the forums rattling their change cup at the devs begging for dev intervention since they couldn't hack it on their own.

Oh and inda, when will you and everyone else realize that if they could put all the fun stuff in game, it would be in game already.


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Burial wrote:

Big emotions don't come from small man's words. Never forget.

yes Mr big man whos too afraid to lose bots and doesn't play, yet clings to the forums.

Whats it like to have an ego so big it stops you from playing a game you seem desperate to stay connected with via forums?


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

really? what does it matter to you if its under the current system that promotes no fights, or it moves to a system that promotes fights....as it stands now in a few days we will be the only beta AND gamma participants.

You realize under the old system we were able to take the entire map right?  Perhaps a new system that encourages fighting might see different results since we are (despite blob claims) a small alliance  http://www.perpetuum-online.com/~gargaj/

Odd how you would suggest we are the problem then have the nerve to say "don't tell us how to play the game"

we wont tell you how to play the game, but under the current situation youll be playing from alpha.  enjoy working as intended.  we can lock down the map with only a few players under the current system.

Admit it, the only reason you like this system is you think you can bore us out with it, then reclaim stations to ally up everyone and make the game full on pve.


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

burial perhaps you should log in and check the intrusion news before repeating yourself with that hilarious comment.


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Hilarious.  Guy whos part of the largest new player and vet corp and alliance hates the idea (it promotes pvp).  Celebro...your alliance has more players than us.  Don't blame us for the fact you avoid pvp yet want to reap the benefits of being on pvp islands. 

The guy who openly dislikes the game and only posts on the forum also hates it. 

Can we start making this games development focus on people who do play and do enjoy pvp?

This is the issue with saps...they cater to celebro and burial type players.  people who want to avoid pvp at all costs while reaping the benefits of pvp territory.

Keep complaining about the 20 man blob....heaven forbid your alliance with the entire server can muster up a fraction of their members for pvp to defend a station you took without resistance.

Lets start development towards a game with active pvp despite the fact that 20 players want to pvp and are good at it.  Lets stop catering beta to players who hold pvpers hostage with inactivity and avoidance of pvp. 

Perhaps with more pvp your beloved markets would be a bit more active...no point to active trading when everyone in game just hordes, hordes, hordes while ignoring the loss mechanics.

its a population issue.  I know you vets who don't play and only post don't like to hear that, but its the truth.

if there were enough players outside of your corp to keep the markets alive, you would make extra to sell to them.  simple as that.

I agree with grumpy gus burial, need more nic sinks.

I don't think it was ever intended in this thread for beta to be a pay to play island. 

I don't think people are suggesting the only way to be on beta is to pay for it (real money or NIC)

I think the intention would be the option to sell stations without the risk of scamming, for corporations who might be indy based, or intending to make the terminal a public trade hub....

The stations purchased would have to be attackable....and the people who buy it and cant defend it would need to have allies willing to lose bots to defend it.

I don't think spending Perp Credits, essentially making the stations potential ways of transferring Perp Credits like the old ICE system, would make sense....

There is literally nothing in the cash shop worth buying for a vet.  Even if they had ICE tokens again, able to transfer 2400 perk credits into an account who used it...who the hell would buy one?  ICE made sense because wealthy vets had money and the game was subscription, and were willing to spend nic to not pay $10 a month.  The current booster system benefits new players who wouldn't have the money to buy the credits for boosters.

I do like this land AH as a bit of sand in the box, so to speak....

None of this solves the issue of 99% of new player corps allied up with no one to pvp (realistically) and the fact that in the absence of CIR/77 playing on beta, the only thing that happened is people ninja'ed the sap without a fight.  Hell....STC got on the map briefly, a one man corp (despite being allied to all the noobs and rest of the server)

Id rather sell a station to an upstart (how would they pay?) than see a station go to that one guy who only plays to ninja saps and avoids fights.

Celebro:  the intention of gamma is for fights, you get a small indy bonus, and yes the rewards need to be improved....but if you want to avoid pvp...then yes...there isn't a point to gamma.....less you make some public trade hub and get your members to not trash talk the pvpers about it....even then...can you even set terminal tax rates to make it worth doing other than just to do it?


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Keep the current 3 SAP locations.  Change them from being the actual SAP's to loot package drop points.  Same function with time only their sole purpose is to drop a can using the same timer mechanics.  The point of these locations is for small skirmish and loot ninja fun.  The timer goes live and they drop a loot can.  That's it.

Taking a station now involves producing a deployable station hacking device. 

1. You place the hack module within a radius of the station.  The hack module has a shield protecting it for 48 hours.  Hack module will, once the timer runs out, make the stations vulnerable for someone with an active hack module to flip the station.

2. Defenders can put down Encryption Modules which will extend the time the attacking hack module takes, one can be used, 3,6,8,12 hour versions.  This ensures the defenders can manipulate the time they need to defend somewhat.

3.  The hack module the attackers placed will run low on energy hacking the station, the shield drops with 1 hour to go, if destroyed the process must be restarted (defenders win)

4. if the hack module lives, and the station becomes vulnerable, anyone within the corp who dropped the hack module can use an active hack on the station and claim it.

5. Once claimed the station will have 72 hours to charge up its stability meaning people could potentially evacuate the station.

6 After 1 week hours the station is owned and can be hacked by others.

*Hack modules become public knowledge when dropped with a time being displayed on the map and intrusion events

The point of this system will be to make it public when someone can hit a station, which hopefully will give players enough time to get friends, family, allies, ect to come defend or attack. 

You want a station?  Drop a station hack, get your friends, bring an army, fight for it!  Cant defend your station?  pull out your wallet buy friends, mercenaries (yes mercenary corps will be a thing now!) hire enemies whatever...

Perhaps this will see station SAPS as being the entire server involved in a fight rather than a ninja&run event or a baby sitting event.

I wouldn't mind an auction house for property, both beta and gamma.

The problem right now, and sort of the problem of the past, is that there are a group of people who want these stations as sources of pvp.  The rest of the players want to take the stations with no risk, and wont defend the station if taken (however will cause a sht storm in chat and on the forums about killing the game not letting them have it)

Since the SAP system encourages people to take stations with no risk, and gamma is all about risk...you have and are going to have people who wont risk a thing wanting beta and gamma...which is why the only people attacking gamma are inda in a T1 throw away arbalest (for shame inda) alone...and occasional arganos with a gun and cargo fill of ammo (t1 ofc)

The Ninja SAP lifestyle has infested this game.  They will want gamma to have similar mechanics so they can have a chance to risk nothing for glory of land ownership.

While I agree that the game needs more stuff for people who wont ever leave alpha, I disagree that these people should have pvp mechanics catered to them.  An old corp with one active member shouldn't be able to hit a SAP, there should be no babysit mechanics, there should be war and fighting mechanics only for pvp.

At least with an AH, people who cant pvp (new players who have allied up every single other new player corp leaving themselves with no one to fight other than us, which ends poorly for them) can pay us for land.

So at least the often overlooked diplomacy could be used since vets have egos too large to fight and noobs are too scared and allied up with anyone who could offer them a realistic fight.

If possible zoom, please program in a better community.  Nef vets ego and fear of losing their endless supplies of horded bots and mods from the ancient gamma super happy safezone funtime era, and please program new players who want to fight other new players rather than ally them all up so they can complain they have no one proper to fight.

Figure out how to do that and the games population grows massively (sore loser vets come back and want to fight and new players have pvp content they can handle appropriately)

Maybe give some sort of "everyones a winner" trophy when your bot explodes to a player to help with this.

Nooodlzs wrote:
Altera wrote:

Your analogy would mean that there is an intent to go after the game and the Devs and destroy it all.

I love this game but it is full of people that feel that they are entitled to something, I remember trying to kill Lemon in a heavy mech when we were in assaults and dying in a fire, night after night, we came back for more.

I'm talking about the bitter vets that have hangers full of crap they will never ever use and feel all that is the sign of being a ~good player~.

Always pulling the strings of the newer players.

True words.

Ive always felt its their ego that wont allow them to play and get better, they would rather not play and get on the kill boards than to die in a fire until they learn from their mistakes....and they have more than enough resources to do that.

Oh and ville, we would get more fights out of gamma, and more gamma activity if this game had any amount of pvpers within its ranks.

All the new corps ally up and only take stations with no resistance, and ignore defending their stations.  They don't want pvp. 

The vets who have the ability to pvp on a large scale would rather watch the game die slow than to log in and risk getting on a CIR/77 kill.

Celebro wrote:
Stranger Danger wrote:

Im not sure what content would make the game worthy of playing again for people who farmed up everything, and don't want to do anything with the stuff they farmed.

Improved PVE/missions and more bots the last new bot was in December 2011 and it was a hauler. We were promised PVE before Steam but gamma and new servers got on the way they are still making changes to TP and highway system still nothing in detail mentioned what PVE is going to look like. I estimate at this rate we will see new bots 2016 and that's being optimistic.

Yeah but coding isn't easy or fast, especially when you don't have the funds to hire a large developer team.

I don't disagree with this, what you are saying....believe me if I could have forced the devs not to waste all that time on the tutorial, something players only do once for a few hours....and instead, put some new bots in game (not sure they had the money then to hire someone to 3d model) I would have.

Stuff like new bots, they have to hire someone.  You know that.  Even a cheap developer costs (I would have to assume) more money than this game brings in...assuming that they have a lot more costs involved than just one dev they need to hire.

You need to be realistic on what can be done, and what needs to be fixed.  If this game had 10k people all on booster I don't think any of this would be a problem.  Ive said it before, but more players will fix a lot of problems with this game.  In game and out.

Perhaps a better question you the vet needs to ask yourself, what specifically would be the content that would bring you back to the game long term?

Not sure this has really been discussed, aside from people posting random ideas in the past.  What brings Celebro, obie, grumpy gus burial back to the game long term?

Perpetuum wrote:

All of you are starting to see the light.

And to think it only took my influence, a fertile opinion, and mindful hand, for the latter to happen.

Some of us do want the game to grow and thrive but it takes some strong mirror looking for this to happen.

Time that is past.

Nah your just a vet who if they posted on their main account, no one would listen to. So you post on a forum alt.

But all in all...

This game isn't going to go anywhere without its vet population supporting it. 

Im not sure what content would make the game worthy of playing again for people who farmed up everything, and don't want to do anything with the stuff they farmed.

Burial wrote:

Why the QQ thread by the way?

Some of us actually like the game and want to see it do better.

Burial wrote:
Stranger Danger wrote:

Like I said if putting your efforts towards slapping ville and syndic in the face isn't motive for you to play, I don't think any content the devs make would keep you around.

I thank them for building Bergers and not having the balls to hit Imidero when the time was right.

Why thank them? You guys all just ended up quitting anyway.  All it took was a few wins back in april and you guys folded up and left.  Guess that all proves that even giving your enemies victories to keep them engaged doesn't work.

Please don't censor orbs in my threads.  Instead, please censor Anni in my threads.  Thanks.

And burial, for the many in your situation...all you have left is the meta gaming and politics.  Like I said if putting your efforts towards slapping ville and syndic in the face isn't motive for you to play, I don't think any content the devs make would keep you around.

Oddly enough, even with your lack of motive you still frequent the forums like someone who wants to play.

Also, if you actually pvp'ed...or perhaps ran a pvp corp....all that stuff you acquired might have a use.  I don't think the developers made this game to have you pve to infinity then complain how there isn't anything to do...pvp and have a reason to replenish...or at least float a noobie corp with a gamma base and bots so they can enjoy the game.

There has to be something to bring back these players, which even a fraction of them would make this game alive.

Oh and anni, take your frau frown face comments outta here.

So ive been thinking about the ballpark figure on vet accounts that the devs said qualified for free play prior to steam.  It was somewhere in the range of 7000 accounts.

Ive been watching a lot of returning players since steam early access pop in.  Many have stated not enough were playing or that theres no significant content since they last played.

So ive been sort of thinking about this, watching the steamcharts as the game progressed through early access and steam launch.

When the game dropped the subscription and hit steam, I believe general chat peaked somewhere around the lines of 500 people, steamcharts peaked at nearly 250 accounts on at the same time.  I have to assume the vast majority of accounts via steam are brand new players, granted many got one on steam just to do it.

From the official steam launch, after leaving early access, I believe general chat peaked at around 200 with 157 on steam charts as steam accounts.

I started to think since about half of the accounts on during the absolute peak of general chat/steam charts seemed to be roughly 50% vets and 50% steamlings, with the current non early access peak being overwhelmingly steamlings.

What would happen if say 20% of the available veteran accounts who qualify to log in free of charge played?  Were talking 1400 accounts active and playing. 

Do you think that level of activity, which exceeds (theoretically) what this game peaked at, would liven the game up enough for those who cant have fun without an extremely active server to come back?

Granted of the 7000 im sure real life obligations and other things would bite a large chunk out of people who could return...and people with multiple accounts and or not being in general chat, along with the concurrent player multipliers (more will own the game than will log in at the same time always) skews things. Also I heard that most of the emails that went out to these accounts were undeliverable, a sign that the email accounts used haven't been used in a long time...so how to reach out to these people?

This made me kind of think that it was perhaps on the veteran players to sort of lift this game out of the cycles of inactivity/activity it goes through.  I mean this game has some deep emotionally charged competition....if loggin in to smack syndic or ville around isn't motive enough...I don't think some new content could get you back.

I think the key to reaching this games population critical mass, a point where popularity snowballs and people leaving or taking a break is negated by new blood, might be in the hands of all the people who would rather play when/if this game reaches some arbitrary popularity mark.  Im not sure what it would take to get some percentage above 5% of existing veteran accounts to return.  I know many say its content and lack of focused development, but I don't really buy a lack of content being a thing in a game where you create your own content.

Game politics aside, a lot of us want to see this game do better, its a fun game when theres people playing.  New blood tends to follow the old blood out however, for whatever the reason.  Nothing keeps new players quite like being a part of a big, active, corporations with vets, as it makes them feel a part of the game, something that is kinda missing from the upstart corporations.

Just curious on what people think could be done, should be done, or if its even possible to get something like 20% or 30% of the veteran accounts to come back and breathe life into a game that isn't the best, but certainly better than a game with a hundred or so active players.


(8 replies, posted in Selling Items)

hows that crystal ball working out?


(10 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Those were artist depiction of CIR/77 destroying the DP alliance.

Bear medic was gunner.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

didn't they say the last time they did that like 90% were returned as undeliverable?

cant even remember the last time I checked my perp emails.

said stuff


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Perpetuum wrote:
Ozy wrote:

I think that the reviews that are currently at the top of the list are pretty damn misleading and that this thread is kinda distasteful. People should not be doing vote-manipulation to get bad info to the top, but that really goes for both ends of the spectrum.

Personally, I couldn't recommend anyone to buy into Perpetuum in good conscience, mostly because the current state of the game is pretty bad. And by bad i don't mean the political situation, but everything else.

Yea and I'm STILL the bad guy here.

Truth hurts.  And you are hurting the community...

WTF are you talking about