(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Luraz wrote:

I noticed an error in how it calculates mineral cost on the production sheet.

if you tell the sheet your making an item that takes 1 Isopropentol it should take the current price of HDT and multiple it by the amount of HDT you need to make 1 Isopropentol.

when you do this, your sheet says it will cost you 31 nic even.

my sheet tells me its 33.28

I used 52 HDT per Isopropentol at a cost of .64 per HDT.

52 * .64 = 33.28

I think your sheet is rounding down each calculation it needs to compute the mineral cost.

so unless I'm missing something this isn't intended.

I put in .64 for the cost of HDT and 50/52=0.9615 as your refining ratio and I get an estimated cost of 34 NIC.

34 instead of 33.28 is indeed a rounding error.  I could have carried more precision, but I went with neatness instead.


(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Krupp wrote:

I would check your Alligior and Espitium calculations, because if you can get them refined for those prices i'll take all you have

The Espitium and Aligior numbers were missing the first row of the below spreadsheet (essentially ignoring the Epriton costs).  Not the case when I made my post, but that's what happens with you post an editable document.  Someone goes in and makes a mess of it sooner or later.

Naruby wrote:

I'm only playing for 3 weeks so I know I have a limited knowledge, but I thing your calc with the refining skill is wrong.
You simple divided it, as far as my limited expericans it's ore*(1+skill level*0,03)
Also you don't calc the reputation, with is rounddown of (rep/10)*0,03 I think.

I'm also in the process of making a spreadsheet with my finding. Let's work together to figure everthing out on the indutrial side of this lovely game.

Industrial sheet  (input only in the blue boxes)

I divided by my refining ratio.  This is not the same as my skill level.  You calculate the refining ratio yourself and put it in.

Also don't need to worry about relations at all for the same reason.  You are directly entering your production numbers from your factory so all the math that goes into figuring those out is unnecessary.

Edit:  Fixed again (for now)


(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Here's a little spreadsheet we wrote up for [Goldman Sachs] a while back.

It has several features, but the short version is that it helps you coordinate between mining, marketing, and production.

  • Calculate Ore Requirements to Produce Various Commodities

  • Calculate Whether to Buy Raw Materials or Commodities from the Market

  • Calculate the Cost of Producing Items Based on Market Values

  • Calculate How Many Days of Supply Based on Production Lines and Raw Material/Commodity Reserves

I don't claim that it is exact in all of the calculations, but it does very close estimates.

Edit://Url Removed by GM kokeshi

P.S. Cells colored light purple require manual user input.



(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Mainly looking for PvP pilots.  Head to www.warshadows.net for more information or to apply.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

It isn't the email you use in paypal.  It's whatever email associated with the account you had logged in when you bought the code.

Check your other email accounts.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Be sure to message myself or 'We Be Gary' in-game for more information.

The material ratio you see is your current EP skills vs the max EP. So if you see 50% it means you have 50% of the EP skills for material ratio.

Same deal with the relations ratio.  10% means you have 1/10 the total relations possible.

So you can't use these % to calculate the actual material/cost savings.  You need to look at how each EP skill reduces costs and add them all up.


(17 replies, posted in Q & A)

Vorgrim Scout wrote:

My indy guy gets a 34% relation bonus. For recycling it is 34% more resources gained. QUite nifty, though I realise not being able to "freely" access beta is going to hurt. Pretty much maxed out on alpha rep now.

You don't understand the %.  34% relations does not give you 34% more resources.


(49 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

This is way off-topic, but it's a free bump for you guys so..

What's the deal with that video?  Its over an hour long and I sat through the first 10 minutes of it just to see nothing at all.  Also, what is the point of low robot models with 16x filtering...


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

Personally I think 'Freemans Union' or 'Freemens Union' still sounds better than 'Freemen Union'.  The 's' is used to show possession.  If John has a union it's John's Union not John Union.  Whether or not you want to include the apostrophe is your choice, but I'd keep the 's'.


(72 replies, posted in General discussion)

You most likely lack the appropriate skills to make your mech as good as an assault bot.

Do you have as many points in Adv. Robot Control as you do Basic Robot Control?
How about with Adv. weapons skills?

Quickly upgrading to a new tier without spending the appropriate EP is a big mistake that a lot of people seem to be making.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We are currently recruiting combat members. 

Applicants will be expected to join TS during events and follow directions.  Looting dead mechs while your squad fights is a good example of what not to do.


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Who said this game doesn't have cloaking lol


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Raiser wrote:

You had no chance to touch our Sequer. As our 3 (not 4) light mechs had no chance of touching you. Without the Ecope troups you called in you wouldn´t have done any damage at all. Your sign might read Sachs, but I guess you are Ecore after all.

Wait, are you bragging that 1 Intakt can't take 3 light bots and a Sequer?  I would hope not. 

However 2 of us did manage to kill 2 of your light bots without any problems.  And having 1 alliance member show up to a fight does not suddenly make us their lackeys.

Care to make another refining run and see how much money it costs you next time?

Yea none of these features are crucial at all.

Nipa wrote:

Also how the producing cost (in NIC) is computed would be a good question. At least it's not directly proportional to the number of material used, maybe there is a weight to apply to each material, or maybe it's hard coded for each item (which I doubt).

Easy, its based on the time required.

I'd say more but I feel like it's giving away corporate secrets tongue


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey I'm pretty sure I'm not in ECORP...

You'd think that after demobbing your Sequer and harassing your 4 lights for that long you'd get the Corp name right.



(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Personally I'm amused that it was my name used to spam this latest nonsense.

Making a character named GoIden One isn't hard, but taking the time to make it look exactly like my avatar shows some dedication.

I didn't realize I warranted that sort of attention. tongue


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Goldman Sachs is still selectively recruiting miners and combat members.

We are operating on the beta (open PvP) islands so new members should be aware of the potential dangers.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Sounds good.  PM me in-game when you have a chance and we can talk.  I'm usually logged in 10-12 hours a day. hmm


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Current member count is ~70.  Tax rate is 5% and will never increase.
Still on the look out for dedicated miners and combat members.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Additional information on relative corporation size and age (in a fun bubble chart):


Sounds like you've made great progress on your own.

Take a look at Goldman Sachs.  We are a US Corp with ~50 members and a strong Industrial operation running.  We do use TS3 instead of Vent though.

We are currently in mass production of multiple ammo types, Sequer, Baphomet, Arbalest, Waspish, Cameleon, and Termis.

Our recruitment thread can be found here:  http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … s-us-corp/

If you have questions or comments you can PM me here or in-game.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Hey Chillax, that sounds fine to me.  We are fairly laid-back.  Msg me in-game and we can talk about it more.


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Current member count is ~40.

Still looking for miners and combat members.