(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Nice influx of new members.  Still looking for more though.


(3 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Your goals sound similar to our own (though we use TS3 instead of vent).  I'd invite you to check out our recruitment post and website and/or contact me in-game.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … s-us-corp/


(1 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Goldman Sachs is always looking for mature, responsible members.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … s-us-corp/


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

I think you may lack the credentials to make such a request


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Excellent game.  Perfect Launch.

Great work Avatar Creations!


(4 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Goldman Sachs is always looking for mature, responsible members.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … s-us-corp/


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Don't get me wrong, we will punish any member caught exploiting...


(37 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

(A division of War Shadows)


Founded by a small group of friends who wanted to form a new guild for multiple MMOs. As long-time MMO players; we have experience in WoW, EQ2, Guild Wars, Rappelz, Age of Conan, EVE, LotRO, Lineage 2, Vanguard, Warhammer, Aion, Allods, and Fallen Earth. We enjoy having a good time with fellow corp-members while striving to be the best players we can in order to experience as much of the game content as possible.


Goldman Sachs is currently in the process of selective recruitment.  We ask that players in the corporation be mature and work cooperatively to learn as much of the game/class mechanics as possible.  We expect members to be considerate of one another. We plan on creating a core group (or groups) of the best players in the corporation for more hardcore PvP and PvE experiences as time goes on. We won't be enforcing a minimum amount of playtime, but we expect people to play enough to be able to participate in corporation events, etc.


1. NO EXPLOITING - If a member is caught either using an illegal third-party program or in-game exploit, he or she will be removed from corporation. In the same way, corp-members should not benefit from the cheating of non-corp players. If you are in a pick-up raid/group and players are exploiting, you are expected to leave or if you are leading the raid/group, to remove the players who are cheating.

2. TEAM-BASED ATTITUDE - Members must exhibit a team-based attitude.  This requires members to continuously work towards bettering the corporation and its members.  Players will assist corp-members by answering questions as well as helping with character progression (questing, crafting, etc...) whenever it is reasonable to do so.  When requesting help please remember members may be involved with other content and it is not reasonable to expect them to come to your immediate aid.  For the betterment of the corporation, members are expected to continually improve their character as well as work to increase their overall knowledge of both game mechanics and class abilities.   

3. ATTENDANCE - While we do not have a minimum attendance requirement, members are expected to commit enough playtime to effectively improve their character and contribute to the betterment of the corporation.  If a member registers or commits to a corporation event they are expected to be there both on-time and prepared with the appropriate equipment and consumables.  Members taking an extended absence from the game need to contact an officer as well as post on the "On Leave" section of our corporation forums.  Members who fail to do so and are absent more than 30 days will be removed from the corporation.

4. TEAMSPEAK REQUIREMENTS - All corporation events and PvP activities will require members be logged into TeamSpeak with at least the ability to listen to instructions.  During events a designated leader will be providing instruction and members are to remain quiet and not disrupt the event.  While using any communications system (TeamSpeak, in-game chat, our corporation website or any external website)  members are expected to behave appropriately. While we aim to have a good time; excessive language, racism, and other such activities are not permitted.  Be respectful to fellow members and realize you are representing the corporation.

5. WEBSITE CONTRIBUTION - Members are required to regularly visit and contribute to the corporation website.  Corporation events and important corporation announcements will be listed on the site.  Members are expected to show initiative and remain informed of such information.


If you have any questions or if you'd like to apply, please reply here, PM me, or inquire at www.warshadows.net.