Then you'll never be able to see much of whats in the container, because it will save that size for any container you open.

If you're mining, you have nothing but time on your hands anyway, so opening it after you drop it really isnt slowing you down at all, is it?

Outlaw wrote:
Devilbliss wrote:

If a corp owns an outpost on beta island

that is the catch u dont own them

Thats odd, so why does the intrusion details say for Abbuthilia, "Current owner: Menace to Society?"


(22 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Melia wrote:

You know its a bit expensive to have 3 computers, to run 3 clients, for this kind of game.
I can run 4-5 EVE clients on same PC without any problems.

I've run 3 clients on my computer without any major problems.  I dont even have that much RAM either.  I guess it just depends on your setup really.

They mostly need to fix the memory leaks then multiple clients will be much easier.

You could just be planting one or someone else, like a miner, or you are putting one down then going to farm for a bit before you put stuff in it.

I dont see enough cases you do open it right away to want this.  I think that window might just get in the way too often when you dont want it to open.


(1 replies, posted in Open discussion)

afaik GMs cannot also be players.  They were replaced for early access as they were made up of community members.


(37 replies, posted in Q & A)

Avatar changes, bot paint jobs, corp logos on every bot, these could be item shop items.  I really woudlnt mind that, and might just buy them to support the game and get some cool ***.  I would never support it, however, if it actually sold anything that gave you an advantage in power.

Sure, it could be NIC based services, but making it real money raises funds without altering game play.  if they price things moderately enough, I think it could be popular, and certainly a good option for those who just want to support the company and get something out of it.

serenekaos wrote:

Also, would you mind making container windows remember their last opened position? Thanks.

They do.  In terminal private storage, bot storage, and corp storage windows will remember where they are.

As for in the field, loot containers will remember their location in the order they will opened.  Different locations will be saved when you close multiple windows, so it may not seem "right" when you have many open, but it is.


(22 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Just copy the folder and make them update when opened. Not complicated and has worked for me for months.


(11 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Step 1: Look at price of X item.
Step 2: Sell for 1 NIC less.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

1) 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 to get next level missions.

2) No faction from NPC kills.

3) Use a lightweight frame and kite mobs so you dont take damage and dont have to use your repper in combat.  Train energy management and efficiency skills so you are stable with weapons.  Dont worry about being stable with repper running until later in the game.  They are too inefficient now to worry about.


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

Siddy wrote:

EM guns out spike missiles, lololol.

Magendart ammo KABLAM!

Yeah true..... I just wish missiles had some sort of damage use....


(22 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Multiple folders = multiple UI setups and game settings.

I use 2 clients and 3 accounts.  My second client runs on a smaller monitor so I need the UI to be setup for the size of that monitor.  I login on any account with both of the clients.  Its really mostly a matter of monitor size if you're using multiple monitors.

Also, if you're running multiple clients, I suggest putting them on different hard drives (internal of course) to reduce lag caused by loading times.

They just wanted you to rent more folders for higher organization, increasing the diameter of the NIC sink.

If they were to bring back subfolders, I would recommend giving them a rental fee as well, but lower than the main folders you can assign ranks too.

We need as many NIC sinks as we can, IMO.  You really cant have too much, because the capability of players to obtain NIC will always reach the demand for it.


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

To counter what the OP said:

- Missiles have no falloff, therefore their range isnt as high as others can get.
- They only do spike damage at best.  Missiles actually have lowest DPS of any type.
- They only have good range on bots.  With mechs the range is worst.

The LOS is the problem here, not the balance of weapons.  If the Devs start balancing the game based on the buggy LOS, then once they finally fix the LOS they'll have another balancing issue to deal with again.

Alexander wrote:

Killing and being killed shouldn't count.


Arhke & Arkhe MK2 kills should not count on the most dangerous agents list.

And Arkhe kill is insignificant (although they can be deadly in early game) and can be used to pad kill numbers.  If people want to pad their numbers, they should at least expend a faction light bot to do it.  I dont mind if people do it, as long as theres a cost.

EDIT: You should not give kill counts if you kill while in an arkhe as well, to discourage arkhe swarms with little to no consequence.   (Thanks Alex.)

Some of the extensions are multiplied, not added.

Basically, you dont take the full % of the extensions all at once, you multiply them for each level.

100% x .99
99% x .99
etc etc etc

It makes the bonus less effective in the end, but really doesnt add much "depth" to this area of the game.  Where it helps is when you stack damage tunings or something of the like, where each additional tuning adds 5% over 105%, then 5% over 105.25%, etc.

I'm not positive this is whats happening with that extension, I'm just offering up a possible explanation.  You might want to check the math to see if it fits.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dragonloff wrote:
Riggsville wrote:

so, who decided that these assignments were OP?

I did get over it, NEXT


Dorkfail is a sand bag.

Going to pvp means you accept that it could happen,but certainly doesn't mean you have to pvp. You're an idiot if you think running is the best defense when people arive, and I say this because those who seem to avoid pvp don't think until they see a tackle charging them.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

At least this shows GG has some talent.  Good read.

I agree with the bot appearing after load.  Protection, instability, and bot staying in game after sudden disconnect are fine. Maybe slightly shorter, but not enough that it feels shorter.

You xant remove a player based on a crash report because you can force crash your client and get a report window.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

You can do any assignment for that corp and most have a variety. Transport is just an afk mission that is extremely easy to run 4/5/6+ clients at a time with.


(1 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Demobilize fast ones and imobilize tank targets, suppress dps or snipers, ecm support, reppers,  energy management, drain neut lasers, nexus, prioritize targets based on resistance/terrain/role.

Some off the top of my head in case you forgot some.  I wont even go into group strategies and theory -like topics.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Srsly, don't complain that you don't make the biggest bucks from your auto run skills.

Just like the rest of the game, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward.  Get level4-6 missions on beta and you'll make bank but also be dodging npcs and players.

The fact that those missions were spammed so much shows they needed a nerf.