(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I would certainly hope that walking time would be calculated for *both directions* rather than just getting to the objective.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Eve has cloaks - thoroughly broken mechanic with absolutely zero counter, which many see as a major flaw in the game and the griefers extol as the best annoyance tactic ever invented.

Does Perp have an analogue?

IMO, some manner of masking should be available, but not 'cloaking' outright as such.  A head-slot module that dampens down the bot's signature to the point where it's easier to detect by outright seeing it rather than showing up on radar.  One that would not render the bot invisible, and would only reduce the signature range by an X-value dependant on EWAR skill and tech level, to a minimum range of 100m (countered by detection amplifiers, which I understand are already in the game?).
Once sighted the bot can be targeted normally with no penalties to lock-time or range.

Its fitting requirements would be insanely heavy on CPU load that would limit the ability to fit instagank setups but not make them wholly useless in combat.  Perhaps activating it would have a capacitor drain as well, mitigated by extensions.


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

Standings are extremely important in the game, and the only way to improve standings is to run missions.

Currently the missions are so mind-numbingly boring due to distances traveled in slow vehicles lacking autopilot that it takes a particularly masochistic mentality to do them more than once, much less enough to raise standings appreciably.

Highways need to actually connect to their destinations, and (on highways) there needs to be an autopilot function.

Off highways needs a waypoint system for autopilot - meaning you would have to actually navigate the path and set your waypoints to avoid obstacles and the like.

Also - exploration content right now remains static, which is a chore.  To refresh your list you actually have to hunt down those level 1s and clear them, which is a chore akin to the mission system.  Increase the rewards of tier 1s to compensate, or have items in them that are unique to that level and not found in the others.  IIs also need some resource that is not available in IIIs and Is so that there is some sense of purpose in going after them.


(19 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ludlow Bursar wrote:

The relevant part of the DEV blog.

DEV Blog 29-Dec-2012 wrote:

The second stage is where we also randomize the objectives within the assignments. This system is still heavily under development, but it would use assignment templates, where we only set the number and types of objectives that you have to do. The exact NPCs you have to destroy, or the minerals you have to mine, or the items you have to transport would be randomly selected from a pool of objectives around a certain radius of the location where you take the assignment. This would maximize objective variety and minimize boring walking time. In the new system we also plan to scatter small assignment terminals around the islands, so you will be able to take them there too and not just in the big bases.

Walking time is in hand.

I haven't noticed a change in duration (distance to travel) than was in place the last time I played - over a year ago.
The triangle is gone, unfortunately, but that capped out your standings gains pretty quickly.
The current assignment system is mind numbing and slow.  I ran one of each type, got nauseatingly bored, and have not run another mission since.


(6 replies, posted in Bugs)

Mining bots are just boned.
They always have one more mining module than targets that they can lock.

F/E My termis/gargoyle have 4 mining mounts - but they can only lock three targets.  If I want to spread my gathering around for maximum efficiency one target is going to have to have two modules working it.

They should be able to lock at the very least the same number of targets as they have gathering modules - it's only logical.

And the ore map should refresh without having to constantly pulse a CPU hogging geoscanner.


(19 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

A - MORE MISSIONS  Having a library of the same six or so extensive time + minimal reward missions very, very quickly grows old.  Considering the standings progression is mind numbingly slow and there are few missions to grind = boredom in hours rather than days.

B - vastly increase the rewards for time intensive missions (time sinks), particularly any that require you to slog half way across any island, or across multiple islands, for any reason.  Increase the types of rewards too - low/med/high eff CTs of 'uncommon' items that are 'different' but otherwise equal.  Particle weapons, for an off the cuff example.  Less DPS with a secondary effect like capacitor drain or mobility reduction.  Or a multistage harvesting module that can carry two charges - so you can harvest and mine with the same module, just not as effectively as with dedicated mods.
Ect, ect.

Add something to make missions ... worthwhile.  Right now they just drive the newbs away.  And we need the newbs engaged enough to stay.  Less time sink.

REMOVE THE TIME SINK or increase the rewards logarithmically with the time the mission takes.

Remove the NPC spawns on logistic missions.  They're already painful enough just getting there and slogging back.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

All of my pointless rambling aside -

If Perp intends to keep any of the new players they're supposed to get when Steam rolls out they're gonna have to do a hell of a lot to mitigate the agonizing boredom of going from one place to another.

I never said there should be highways all over gamma - unless the occupying corps implemented them (with restrictions on who gets the speed benefit, too) - except from one teleport beacon to the other.  OFC, that highway gives the same bonus to all, so there's not going to be any escaping by outrunning someone else on the same road.

But in its current state Perp will not be able to hold the newbs, and we need the newbs!!!!  As more than just easy targets at gamma teleport beacon camps.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

On the front it looks pretty nice, but there are some underlying problems that, well, pretty much flat out kill the game.

Firstly:  Getting anywhere.

It's a chore. There is no autopilot.  Spark transfer is nice, but unless you've got gear where you're going it works for picking up distant missions or whatever.
Moving is SLOW, even on these highway things which get you nowhere you need to be.  This makes earning 'standings' with the various NPC corps an exercise in mind numbing boredom.  Much less going somewhere and finding raw materials - the mining system in Perp is just as bad.

Highways -
A:  They should GO PLACES.  All the way.  From terminals to outposts, from teleporters to teleporters or outposts, all the DAMN WAY.
B:  There should be autopilot on the highways.  You click a location and, if there's a road to it, your bot will automatically snail pace itself that way.
C:  The speed boost for highways should be profound - up to 4x or more (perhaps have an extension that improves highway performance up to that cap).

Missions -
A:  Come up with a standings/NiC formula for each level.  Considering the biggest time sink in the entire game is getting somewhere it needs to have some concrete value.  The further apart your mission locations, the longer it's going to take, the higher the returns should be!
B:  Find some way to eliminate spark-mission exploits (such as getting a high level mission on gamma for X resource, sparking to alpha to mine it, and turning it in at an alpha terminal for gamma rewards).  All industrial missions should require mission type resources only - that have to be secured on the island where the mission is taken.

Ganks - (I'm going to ramble here a bit)
I seem to remember there was a progressive penalty for multiple aggressors on a single target... I believe that the gankers have worked that out to a finite number.
A target's threat level needs to be inversely proportional to its defense - adjusted by its fittings.  So a mining-fit argano should be a pretty annoying tank even without a shield, whereas one fitted with Ewar or remote repair or even weapons should be 'softer' - because it's threat level is higher (it can fight back).  If that argano wants to tank out and go weaponless it should take considerably longer to destroy - turn one-sided ganks into a time sink.
yes, the argano will die - the choice is how long to tie up the attackers.  Even if they don't outright gank it the attackers can still annoy the pilot away from doing what they want to do.
10 heavy mechs would need to spend the same time on that one argano as a single heavy would.  This will serve to lower the 'gank' side of PvP as a solo guy can do just as well as a gang of 10 - against unarmed industrials.  That gang of 10 would then be less inclined to swarm-&-gank purely industrial assets (because it's become a time sink that's just flat out BORING) and more inclined to find something that can actually shoot back (because such battles would be 'faster', and more engaging than stomping slugs).  Adding armor, resistance plates, and the like should actually lower the resistances offered by the gathering modules making the target easier to kill rather than harder.
Likewise with haulers - though not as 'tough' as gatherbots - The fewer offensive modules (Ewar) the 'tougher' they are intrinsically.  Armor modules should have considerably more effect on an unarmed hauler - both because they slow it down (and time is a precious resource considering the pain of getting anywhere) - and they bot has no ability to do anything but die - albeit slowly.

Thusly - Miner/Harvester modules should provide a considerable amount of resistances and armor to the mining mech (without slowing it down).  A fully fit gathering bot should be able to easily achieve close to 90+% resistances across the board.  Remote support (energy transfers, sensor boosters) as well but considerably less so.  Remote armor repair only 1/4 that of gathering modules.
Ewar and weapons provide no defensive bonuses and interfere with gathering modules (CPU/PG costs double when Ewar and gathering modules are used on the same chassis).
Perhaps a fixed number of attackers should even be able to achieve target lock on a mech due to what modules are fitted (gathering modules put out massive EM fields disrupting the targeting comps of whatever), but support modules cause less EM interference.

All this is solely intended to piss off those people who are only interested in one sided ganks with zero risk from unarmed targets like a Mk2 heavy shooting arkhe drones.  It is not intended to keep those unarmed targets alive - merely keep them alive beyond the point that these ganks are 'easy' or 'fun'.

A: Pretty boring as it stands; that nice little tile scan does not update as you mine out a 'block' - pretty lame.
B: There needs to be an area scan charge that lets you know everything that's inside it's scan area - but not how much.  Just that you have Tit, Liq, and HDT there somewhere.  Screw the arrows, honestly.


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Calvin wrote:

The truth is, the small player population greatly increases the importance of single large entities in the game. This gives the indication that these corporations have a huge leverage on us, and can force us into making certain decisions. Our stance is very clear on this, we do not bend, not matter how hard the wind blows. Our job is to turn this around, get a healthy population and we are working hard at it, to the best of our knowledge.

Agreed, and thank you.
Comments like these are what help restore the confidence of the ignorant masses who don't know how the pistons are firing only that the engine continues to run.

But awareness that the justice system has open and closed trials for a reason:  They provide the public with a sense that the system is working, and in general for their good, but also that they provide a certain degree of protection to the parties involved with the testimony.

A purely closed justice system, perforce apparently necessary in the MMO sense of 'justice', leaves those who must rely on the laws often wondering if they're being enforced.  Especially when glaringly clear, to the perceptions of those standing outside of the closed doors with their view limited to a keyhole, violators walk out acquitted of all charges.

I am not asking about what goes on behind closed doors; my concern is the big CLOSED sign that covers the entire editorial page discussing the trial from both sides.

When T20, an Eve Dev, was caught with his hand in the cookie jar the trial was closed but the results of it were quite open and lead to a major redirection of the entire process.  Yes, justice was and is still carried out under a veil of utmost secrecy (honestly, I do not know why, as they're just character names, not real people, so naming and shaming, showing the results of violating, should be a norm among MMOs, not a taboo), but when such openly revealed situations arise the cloak of secrecy leads to an increase in tinfoil hat fabrication.

Transparency has a very noticeable affect on reduction of tinfoil hat sales.

DEV Calvin wrote:

Also you need to consider that keeping our players privacy is paramount,

No one, anywhere, at any time, from either side of the bench, ever asked for any player information.  No one will.
That is two things:  First and last name.  Nothing more.
A character is a name on a screen, nothing more.  Property of your company, not the holder of the credit card paying for the use of that character.  It is the situation concerning characters that brings the attention of others, as an extension of the actions of the player behind them, but in the end it is only the fate of the character that concerns the gallery.  The player is just a control device that really does not have any place in the courtroom.


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dissenting commentary is always percieved as trolling, when in fact it is merely a question:  Why?

The Who, What, and How is known and made clear.  Incontrovertible evidence has been provided, and we're not asking that anything concerning the processes taken to investigate it or the results be exposed.  Thus is the entire MMO Dev culture and well understood.  I could concern myself less about the individuals or groups involved, or even the alleged violation, only the fact that discussion about the occurance is being jackbooted into the floor.

It's about the confidence of those who have perceived themselves to have been wronged, rightly so or not, not the outcome of the aforementioned incident that brought all of this disgust to the fore.

You seek to attack me for the name I choose, which makes it plainly clear I am speaking for my own voice and not that of my corp(s) by using an alt so as to not drag politics into the discussion.  Very well, you may do so.  When we talk in corp chat and on TS I still won't attack you for your viewpoints; they're not germane to this discussion.

Agreed, much of the player base could give two tinkers about account sharing, but they are most probably very cogent about it.  Both what might happen to others who are doing so, and admitting it, as an indicator of what might happen to them should they be so discovered.  QV Zoom's post: they can't discuss it, and I'm not asking them to.

But witnessing the exodus of players I've seen for long or short periods of time over a single event is worrying.  I watched what happened when CCP made similar mistakes, but that was only after they had a big enough base to soak the losses.  But, as illustrated with NetFlix, even a huge base cannot absorb a perceived dismissal of client concerns, through the silencing or ignoring of such concerns.

Perception is both fertilizer and cancer; it can stimulate growth, or kill the patient.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:
Gharl Incognito wrote:
Joph wrote:

This is a very common feeling right now, the Dev team has lost the confidence of a lot of long term players.


Once my subs run out I don't see a reason to renew them; people cheat, continue to cheat and are not dealt with as other cheats have been in the past.  Now folks are getting bans for being angry about this... what's going on?

You don't have to wait for your subs to run out to stop QQing on the forums.  In fact you don't have to wait till your subs run  out in order stop playing the game.

Why should this/these be the only choices left to them?  Many people like this game, but feel that there is no purpose playing it when they feel that they will never realize any sort of growth in the game that cannot be overshadowed by an unscrupulous few who simply laugh in their face?
When everyone is given a box of matches and glue and asked to build something by those constraints, and someone else just whips out a rapid prototyper and prints a matchstick Michelangelo in full view of the rule-keepers with no known or observable repercussions, and then lord it over everyone?

Kinda takes the fun out of things.


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Just to make it clear: no topics have been closed that made their point intelligently and have not been created purely for trolling or breaking forum rules.

I count five on your front page alone.  Yes, some of them contained the typical trolls who will attend this thread similarly in short order, but for the most part expressed the general dissatisfaction of many over the openly admitted actions of a few which violate the clearly delineated rules.  Several others simply grumble about their dissatisfaction over current events and their place as the trammeled masses... but the trend is clear:  They're leaving faster than they're coming in, and certainly are not calling the merits of your work to the masses.

This game is not alone in that, granted.  Eve Online has for years overlooked blatant, egregious violations of its EULA and done little (read: nothing) to bring such violators to heel.  Nor, admittedly, can they after allowing them for so long that a measurable part of their playerbase exists solely due to those violations.

It only takes a single rotten apple to ruin the cider, and when you've only got a gallon of the stuff that apple has a huge impact.

Getting out here on the forums and listening, and discussing it out, across every thread to express the Dev side view of things, the actions (in a blanket sense) being taken now, and what you're going to do to restore the confidence of your waning subscriber base, can only help.  And right now regaining player confidence is paramount.

Closing things just because people are whining (and people will always whine, no matter what happens) only leads them, us, me to feel that the violations are being defended, and rationalized as appropriate by those committing them and crowing about it.

I, for one, happen to like Perpetuum.  Despite a felt lack of ... well, lack of direction, I genuinely enjoy the play.  I hope to see future expansions that give me a sense of growth and fulfillment I have yet to find.  But at the current rate I am scratching my head in confusion, and am more than a little concerned for the future.

Ville wrote:

There's a new ticket system DESIGNED for this....

To report it, not air the concerns of the playerbase about what happens with such reports, or does not.

And to be clear, I've made a report against a pejorative attack made against me in other threads and the result:  Not a thing.  One wonders why my confidence has been shaken?


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, Devs, you've made it abundantly clear that your clients (you know, the people paying your checks?) have no way to air their grievances over wrongs real or perceived.  Continually closing threads that question recent events, or non-events, dealing with violations of your own rules only leaves people with a sour taste in their mouth and a rapid dwindling of confidence.

I lurk on multiple boards for multiple corporations, and among most I am seeing thread after thread of people telling the corp that they're either leaving outright or unsubbing for unknown periods of time.

Yes, new releases are always going to affect the bottom line, but when the players witness a panicked quashing of a legitimate grievance each time it is brought to the forums at the same time potentially strong contenders are being released (re: Skyrim, SWTOR, or even patches on existing games; Eve Crucible) only sends them to greener pastures or back to the same barren brown bracken that they left, often for similarly bad decisions, and blatant disregard for similar EULA violations, by those Dev teams.

I'm not portending doom; but you lack a steady stream of incoming players due to limited/no outside advertising and word-of-mouth rapidly turning negative can certainly have deleterious affects on future growth.

These things exist in all games, yes, and they always send people away, but doing so when the playerbase is small and the game still young only compounds an already shaky situation.  Quashing discussion of such topics moreso.

Listen up Devs, your players are talking... and few of them are talking positively (well, except those power blocs which suddenly feel themselves unassailable after a perceived violation was not only allowed to remain but any contradictory opinions ruthlessly squashed).

<redacted> wrote:

Sad to see you go, but I totally understand. I wasn't going to try SWTOR but after what's just happened in Perpetuum I'm giving it a try. I've lost all confidence the the Perpetuum development team. They will now have th earn it back.

I'm seeing this on numerous corporate forums.

Perpetuum is still young, but your hard work has shown considerable promise for a bright future.  Don't drop the anvil on your foot quite so early in.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, the Devs have made it abundantly clear; cheating won't be punished!

After someone was caught openly admitting to cheating (re: sharing accounts that others were subbing) they got... a sum total of no punishment at all.  A few days ban while the case was busily swept under the carpet.  A vacation, that's all it was.

It's clear that the dev staff don't really care about enforcing their own EULA, so get on it folks!  Cheat up!  The game will last forever as a haven for script kiddies and hackers who won't be touched even when they're caught at it.


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Hoverbots, like the upcoming freighter, should be able to ignore certain terrain gradients and/or objects (like rocks & plants) and traverse water.