sure sign me up abusing the #$%^ out of this

that would be silly to see an Riv with 6 cannons on it

things like hybrid bots should be worked on before this type of change


(68 replies, posted in General discussion)

What’s wrong with Perpetuum:
•    No feeling of ownership of anything in game for alpha or beta corps.

•    Players are not free to explore the game, the game space is small and does not require more than a single day to explore. This is my only real complaint of this game and it has been a sore spot for me from day one. Any living space needs to support its inhabitants. For a sand box game this one it TINY. Heck for a MMORPG this game is TINY. Ill keep saying it until it happens this game needs a massive explosion of playable space in order for it to survive long term. You can add all the content you want but until you have more space then you know what to do with you will never have a true sandbox game. One thing I learned from others games such as eve is that there can never be enough places for people to explore or play in.

•    There is a lack of professions in the game, the three main professions are Mining, PVP and Building things to sell on the market. We need viable alternatives for these three professions. Faction / mission grinding rewards need to be present(sparks are not enough to make the grind worth it) faction ammo is a good start this needs to be expanded to T+ items and faction bots.

•    We need the GM’s back !!! I know there was a lot of behind the rumors of which GM’s were actually in which corps but a company presence on the server makes a big difference whether you think so or not. I wouldn’t say we always need a DEV on the live server but a Gm would nice to see on regularly basis.

•    Content can and has been created by players to keep the game interesting, I think people will keep doing so. I also think that the current focus on PBS is a step in the right direction. Do something and do it well if the PBS system come out good then I will be very pleased and this game will have my support for yet another year. Yes I am being completely honest I am betting heavily on this next big change to be good otherwise I don’t see playing with just me and some pixels being enough to justify all of my subs. I think I am like many other people that want to interact with other but if there are not “others” to interact with then what’s the point?

•    @ grem: I think you went well out of your way to do what you did for the game it needs more people like you to help support it by getting the word out. BRAVO !!

•    Yes im in the same holding pattern that many people are and until there is something that excites people again then this will be the status quo.


I agree there needs to be something that makes both side want to play..

There also needs to be a HARD stop to prevent flippin PBS terminals in off TZ roams. This is the fundamental problem with this system right now is that people are only vulnerable in their off hours and that's when they get hit. if this is not addressed buy massive amounts of HP or good defenses [or something else] then PBS is the same as Beta. If the owner does not show in his time zone to defend the terminal then he needs to lose it but he should not lose it because he has a job and Real life obligations that prevent him from playing 24/7.

There needs to be blocks of time for the terminals to be attacked that the owner sets like one 4 hours block or one six hour block where it can be attacked. Allowing PBS to be attacked in off TZ is bad idea and it will not benefit anyone.

the reinforce timer looks good

@ Arga:
You raised some issues that are very important for the reality of living on these gamma islands. But I think and hope the DEV’s have thought about these as well.

One simple solution to much of this is to make the structures have the “right” amount of HP
For example:
Turret 75~100K HP
Reactor 2.5 ~ 5 Million HP
Main Terminal 10 ~ 20 Million HP
These types of HP amounts are just ballpark but they will make it so that groups of people coming in small 5 to 10 man roams will not be a threat. They may kill a few walls and turrets but they won’t be able to touch the main reactor to Terminal unless they bring some serious firepower. I’m thinking 20 + heavy mechs shooting for hours to break the main structures not just a few minutes. 

The amount of time it takes to destroy these things needs to be very well balanced. Attackers should actually need to “campaign “ in all senses of the word to take out a PBS terminal not just throw together a few weekend warrior runs.

Dazamin wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:
Grond wrote:

Give us more than 3 gamma islands, i would like to see at least 12 of them.
Make it so small corps can go out and find their little pice of land they can call home.
Players that like and want PvP will always manage to find ways to do it.

Also i would like to see some faction only ores that only can be found on the island of that faction.
And make it so PBS/new bots of different factions needs materials from that faction island.
This would make territory fighting more interesting and prosper trading.

make the game population grow into the world, not the world expand by the population!!

this is the truth. imho min 8-12 new gamma islands

Quit thinking so small!!!!!!

/Agree .. think big if we keep getting held back this game will suffocate and die ... people need room to grow we need 30 + gamma islands not a measly 8-12... this game will never go anywhere if there isnt the space for people to not feel like sardines in a tin can.

-1 to no passwords on cans,  I can think of all kinds of ways to exploit this.

+1 to allowing cans to be killed ... should have at least 15K HP or some where around the level of a destruction sap.

Arga wrote:

Edit: @ Tux - Devs can always add more land in, taking it away is more complicated. My suggestion is simply to release a small amount of gamma islands. 2 new items, and 2 major adjustments later, a more conservative approach may be less distruptive.

I'm hoping they get it right to start out with because the failure of the recent patches has left a bad taste in many a mouth. giving us 2 new gammas of each color is not the right thing to do, because if they have any hopes of the game expanding they need the infrastructure in place to do so. this is just like the old cap on the server limit where only so many people could be logged in at once.

there needs to be a big change and Gamma/TF should be it. two steppin will just annoy people. if they need testers they need to let players into a test server to test the content not test it on the live server.

So far in this game I have not seen any one Corp have only one faction of Mechs. This being said if the Devs put one or two types of recourses on the gammas  that can only be found on those gamma islands these recourses will be needed by all corps. 

Red Gamma | mineral Rx and mineral Ry
Green Gamma | mineral Gx and mineral Gy
Blue Gamma | Mineral Bx and mineral By

This allocation of recourses will make it so corps will need to go to different gammas for their Mech fleet construction. Or they will need to trade for it on the open market. It will benefit corps to trade the recourses they have access to, to other corps that hold recourses they do not have access to. I am going to be optimistic and say that some will fight their way to getting access to those recourses and others will be diplomatic and set up trade agreements. I do not think any group will have the capacity (players and playtime .. all TZ’s ) to lock down 6+ gamma islands. Maybe in the future this will not be the case, at that time there should be more islands deployed to increase the area of the game (fish dont grow in small tanks!!). 

The reason for deploying lots of gamma islands is because it will make it very difficult and or impossible for one player corp or alliance to control all of the gamma islands of one faction and cut off the supply chain for that recourse that is located on that island. With 6 to 9 new gammas of each faction it will be to say the least a “challenge” for any one group to control.

Gremrod wrote:

The is what is wrong:

Q: Do they has stuff we want?
A: No. We have all the same stuff because we can get the stuff we need without having to fight them for it.

Q: Does their island has stuff we don't have on our island?
A: No. We have all the same stuffs on our island.

Edit: This is what the game has now.

Q: So why do we fight?
A: Because we built all these combat mechs and need to use them for something.

This is what it needs.

Q: Can I get X resource on our island?
A: No. You have to get it from their island.

Q: How do we build a lot of X item? Because we need them for A. - Activity - B. Research - C. Production.
A: Hmm. I guess we go to war for that island over there since they have X resource we need.

All the gamma islands in the world mean nothing if the above is not fixed and done.

+1 and /agree I think this was broken from the start and could be fixed with gamma islands.

A really good way to balance the islands and the new resources that will be introduced is to make each Island type have 2 or 3 minerals that are tied to it by faction. And these new minerals are only found on the new gamma islands of their specific faction ( Green, Blue, Red, ) indy can be mixed to all.

What I mean by all of this is new PBS outpost and deployable structures should be made by players, the players will need to mine these new resources and these resources will go in to making faction buildings. This makes sense because all the different factions have different building skins.

The next step would be to add this to new T5 and above modules … could even add in new fragments only found on these islands.

Next step add this to new MK3 and or new model Mech construction.. you want that MK3 seth you need to go mine the mins on a red gamma island or trade with a player corp who lives on one, also they may want the stuff you have because they cant get it.

These things will make commerce between all factions and corps / alliances work well as well as bring in a lot of PVP.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

Heres one issue tho. Inter Island TPs. I dont know about you but the way the TP network is spread like it is atm actually makes the game work smaller..

On this i agree, and it is something that can be fixed with moderate ease. Only real work is to re balance missions that go to other islands in accordance for the time needed to travel.

/agree if i had my way i would get rid of all inner island TP's ....

and maybe for all the people who would QQ about it replace the TP's with highways that linked all of the old inner island TP paths.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:
Tux wrote:

Please no [Gamma/Alpha] Islands. You may think this is a good Idea now but it will get abused to no end. Any PBS must have the ability to be destroyed by other players, right here you have a opening for abuse when placing PBS structures on non PVP islands. Having people place  PBS’s on non PVP islands will only open them up to get ganked by any random dude that wants to because he will not flag as he shoots the PBS until its destroyed.

Who in this game will deploy what is going to be a very expensive item(PBS = NIC Sink) on an Island and have people come destroy it every day without the opportunity to defend it. In this situation I would just bring a squad in unopposed (it being non pvp island and all) run right up to the PBS and shoot it in the face. Boom its dead.

An alternative to what I have described would be to make the player attacking the PBS flag. This would be a possible alternative but people are already crying about “log traps”, this will just harvest even more tears. lol

There are many solutions to this problem and one way is to enable war declaration between corps to be able to attack PBS in alpha a neat solution working in a famous space mmo. This might not be the best for this game but it all depends on the PBS mechanics.

Just rejecting the idea of safe gamma islands just because it might need check and balances, a headache and a few nerfs after implementation. If that's the attitude then this game is not going anywhere.

I only want to game to be successful. My opinion is that this game will not be successful if you can do everything in "safe locations" there has to be a point at which if you want to achieve higher ("end game") content you must accept substantially higher levels of risk just like the risk of mining Epitron. this means you need "true" beta / gamma Islands and content that only exists in those areas. PBS and TF should be in this area. otherwise its just a kiddy fun park with no real risk.

Alpha should be designed as a starting place for players to gather and build their experience in order to survive in beta. It should not be the alternative to beta, like some games that have pvp and non pvp servers with the exact same content on each server.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Please no [Gamma/Alpha] Islands. You may think this is a good Idea now but it will get abused to no end. Any PBS must have the ability to be destroyed by other players, right here you have a opening for abuse when placing PBS structures on non PVP islands. Having people place  PBS’s on non PVP islands will only open them up to get ganked by any random dude that wants to because he will not flag as he shoots the PBS until its destroyed.

Who in this game will deploy what is going to be a very expensive item(PBS = NIC Sink) on an Island and have people come destroy it every day without the opportunity to defend it. In this situation I would just bring a squad in unopposed (it being non pvp island and all) run right up to the PBS and shoot it in the face. Boom its dead.

An alternative to what I have described would be to make the player attacking the PBS flag. This would be a possible alternative but people are already crying about “log traps”, this will just harvest even more tears. lol

Lemon, ask the devs for a new TP from Hersh to the already made arena Gamma Island. your problem will be solved. since your a "sportscaster" it should be no problem.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think that there should be no restrictions on areas within the gamma islands, the not being able to terraform near teleports is not a good idea I could deal with if there aren’t a bagillion TP’s on the gamma islands.

I think 2 TP’s per island would be a good number. Otherwise people will just simply go to the minimal distance away from a TP’s that you can terraform and just terraform it off there so no one will be able to use the TP’ anyways. This happened with walls and it will happen with Terraforming. All it will do is make the islands smaller.

The solution is to not place so many TP’s on an Island (I will cut off any TP's that do not benefit me and so will others)


Let players relocate the position of the TP’s in the terraforming process … this would be cool.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Still no updates Dev's ????

Thank You Zoom \O/ hopefully we have seen the last of the attacks

you do not need any new mechanics that dont already exist to accomplish what you are asking.. all you need is a presence on your island. I have seen people that logged out come back to being walled in because they were seen by a scout when they were logging out. ... if you dont have a "presence" or scouts then stop whining about having people logged off in your island... how were they able to log off there anyways.. most likely because you dont have a strong enough presence at the time they came.

ZOMG: if logging out of the game is an exploit you are seriously confused about game mechanics.

Hey why not add a dock timer so once you hit the button to dock up you must wait 30 seconds (after instability) for the porter to warm up and let you in ... this would stop thoes *** docking games everyone likes to play.

come up with ideas to encourage pvp not discourage it.

I FULLY agree that the devs need to allow players to test new content before release on a test server.. them making the live server a sudo test server is breaking the game and making a LOT of people upset, issues from ERP to walls all of it should have been tested by players before it was launched. Yes this will add time to new content but it is needed very badly after the recent half cooked releases got botched.

I am very looking forward to PBS but if they are not done properly then it might very well make a lot more people leave the game because of lack of testing and foresight on the part of the Devs

+1 for open test server


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Walls don't have an owner, so we can't simply reimburse those who ask for it. It would be only possible if we removed ALL deployed walls from every island, but I very much doubt everyone would agree with that.

Maintenance is now a massive time sink as well as a small NIC sink.

This is true, and we are currently working on an idea to reverse that ratio, making it more of a NIC sink and less of a time sink. The idea is a new deployable wall maintenance device, which will repair walls in a fixed radius. However the device can only repair a fixed amount of overall HP, so if there are many damaged walls in its effect radius, it will deplete its reserves faster and you will possibly need to deploy more of it to fully repair all the walls. The device will have a relatively short lifetime during which it performs its work, so it will only provide a lockable target for enemies for that time.

We will also make two other changes in the next patch affecting walls:
1. Interference emitter modules will have a LOS check for deployment.
2. Walls will only start to decay in their last few growth phases.

Look at the market records and reverse all the market transactions related to the 3 wall items ... you have the power to do this as we can look at our own market transaction history. Also i can assure you us residents of Kent and Dom will take you up on your offer remove all our walls and give us our NIC back. you don't believe me ? ask any 62nd or WAR member.


(3 replies, posted in Balancing)

can we balance all the lost NIC from these walls that dont do what they were advertised to do ?

I would like all of the NIC returned from the recent wall testing that was done. I say testing because when the walls were deployed they were advertised as permanent features that we as players could purchase and deploy out to the terrain. Now they are not permanent or persistent as they will destroy themselves after a short period of time. I can assure you if the “Defensive Wall Unit” was released as not persistent then I would have not purchased a single one as there would be no point in deploying them. I have spent hours upon hours designing and deploying these items, hours that are now gone because of the changes made to make these items degrade.   

And I quote

Defensive walls===
The first herald of persistent player-built structures is here! Defensive wall units can be deployed from your cargo onto the ground (beta islands only), and with time they will grow into full-fledged sturdy walls, mainly used for territorial defense.

A special wall compiler module is also available, to speed up the relatively slow "natural" growth of walls - if you have the NIC to spend on the required charges. There are some special rules for building walls too: 1 wall unit can have up to 3 neighbouring walls (diagonal doesn't count), and an area of 21 by 21 tiles can only contain a maximum of 95 wall units. Ah, the mysteries of Hungarian maths. 

I ask and urge you to refund all purchases made for:

Defensive Wall Unit
Wall Compiler Charges
Standard wall compiler module

As it stands without refunding the NIC spent on these items you are essentially deleting my NIC from the game without me even having a choice about it.

If I had the choice to deploy walls knowing they would degrade overtime then I would not have anything to complain about. But you told me at the time of purchase [one week ago] these items would last FOREVER unless destroyed by another player.

I can deal with people shooting and bombing my walls that’s expected. I can deal with the change. I cannot deal with and will not deal with being misled and tricked by developers.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

This must be a bug the walls i bought said they were persistent

I would like all of the NIC returned from the recent wall testing that was done. I say testing because when the walls were deployed they were advertised as permanent features that we as players could purchase and deploy out to the terrain. Now they are not permanent or persistent as they will destroy themselves after a short period of time. I can assure you if the “Defensive Wall Unit” was released as not persistent then I would have not purchased a single one as there would be no point in deploying them. I have spent hours upon hours designing and deploying these items, hours that are now gone because of the changes made to make these items degrade.   

And I quote

Defensive walls===
The first herald of persistent player-built structures is here! Defensive wall units can be deployed from your cargo onto the ground (beta islands only), and with time they will grow into full-fledged sturdy walls, mainly used for territorial defense.

A special wall compiler module is also available, to speed up the relatively slow "natural" growth of walls - if you have the NIC to spend on the required charges. There are some special rules for building walls too: 1 wall unit can have up to 3 neighbouring walls (diagonal doesn't count), and an area of 21 by 21 tiles can only contain a maximum of 95 wall units. Ah, the mysteries of Hungarian maths. 

I ask and urge you to refund all purchases made for:

Defensive Wall Unit
Wall Compiler Charges
Standard wall compiler module

As it stands without refunding the NIC spent on these items you are essentially deleting my NIC from the game without me even having a choice about it.

If I had the choice to deploy walls knowing they would degrade overtime then I would not have anything to complain about. But you told me at the time of purchase [one week ago] these items would last FOREVER unless destroyed by another player.

I can deal with people shooting and bombing my walls that’s expected. I can deal with the change. I cannot deal with and will not deal with being misled and tricked by developers.

I would like all of the NIC returned from the recent wall testing that was done. I say testing because when the walls were deployed they were advertised as permanent features that we as players could purchase and deploy out to the terrain. Now they are not permanent or persistent as they will destroy themselves after a short period of time. I can assure you if the “Defensive Wall Unit” was released as not persistent then I would have not purchased a single one as there would be no point in deploying them. I have spent hours upon hours designing and deploying these items, hours that are now gone because of the changes made to make these items degrade.   

And I quote

Defensive walls===
The first herald of persistent player-built structures is here! Defensive wall units can be deployed from your cargo onto the ground (beta islands only), and with time they will grow into full-fledged sturdy walls, mainly used for territorial defense.

A special wall compiler module is also available, to speed up the relatively slow "natural" growth of walls - if you have the NIC to spend on the required charges. There are some special rules for building walls too: 1 wall unit can have up to 3 neighbouring walls (diagonal doesn't count), and an area of 21 by 21 tiles can only contain a maximum of 95 wall units. Ah, the mysteries of Hungarian maths. 

I ask and urge you to refund all purchases made for:

Defensive Wall Unit
Wall Compiler Charges
Standard wall compiler module

As it stands without refunding the NIC spent on these items you are essentially deleting my NIC from the game without me even having a choice about it.

If I had the choice to deploy walls knowing they would degrade overtime then I would not have anything to complain about. But you told me at the time of purchase [one week ago] these items would last FOREVER unless destroyed by another player.

I can deal with people shooting and bombing my walls that’s expected. I can deal with the change. I cannot deal with and will not deal with being misled and tricked by developers.


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

I would like all of the NIC returned from the recent wall testing that was done. I say testing because when the walls were deployed they were advertised as permanent features that we as players could purchase and deploy out to the terrain. Now they are not permanent or persistent as they will destroy themselves after a short period of time. I can assure you if the “Defensive Wall Unit” was released as not persistent then I would have not purchased a single one as there would be no point in deploying them. I have spent hours upon hours designing and deploying these items, hours that are now gone because of the changes made to make these items degrade.   

And I quote

Defensive walls===
The first herald of persistent player-built structures is here! Defensive wall units can be deployed from your cargo onto the ground (beta islands only), and with time they will grow into full-fledged sturdy walls, mainly used for territorial defense.

A special wall compiler module is also available, to speed up the relatively slow "natural" growth of walls - if you have the NIC to spend on the required charges. There are some special rules for building walls too: 1 wall unit can have up to 3 neighbouring walls (diagonal doesn't count), and an area of 21 by 21 tiles can only contain a maximum of 95 wall units. Ah, the mysteries of Hungarian maths. 

I ask and urge you to refund all purchases made for:

Defensive Wall Unit
Wall Compiler Charges
Standard wall compiler module

As it stands without refunding the NIC spent on these items you are essentially deleting my NIC from the game without me even having a choice about it.

If I had the choice to deploy walls knowing they would degrade overtime then I would not have anything to complain about. But you told me at the time of purchase [one week ago] these items would last FOREVER unless destroyed by another player.

I can deal with people shooting and bombing my walls that’s expected. I can deal with the change. I cannot deal with and will not deal with being misled and tricked by developers.


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

I would like all of the NIC returned from the recent wall testing that was done. I say testing because when the walls were deployed they were advertised as permanent features that we as players could purchase and deploy out to the terrain. Now they are not permanent or persistent as they will destroy themselves after a short period of time. I can assure you if the “Defensive Wall Unit” was released as not persistent then I would have not purchased a single one as there would be no point in deploying them. I have spent hours upon hours designing and deploying these items, hours that are now gone because of the changes made to make these items degrade.   

And I quote

Defensive walls===
The first herald of persistent player-built structures is here! Defensive wall units can be deployed from your cargo onto the ground (beta islands only), and with time they will grow into full-fledged sturdy walls, mainly used for territorial defense.

A special wall compiler module is also available, to speed up the relatively slow "natural" growth of walls - if you have the NIC to spend on the required charges. There are some special rules for building walls too: 1 wall unit can have up to 3 neighbouring walls (diagonal doesn't count), and an area of 21 by 21 tiles can only contain a maximum of 95 wall units. Ah, the mysteries of Hungarian maths. 

I ask and urge you to refund all purchases made for:

Defensive Wall Unit
Wall Compiler Charges
Standard wall compiler module

As it stands without refunding the NIC spent on these items you are essentially deleting my NIC from the game without me even having a choice about it.

If I had the choice to deploy walls knowing they would degrade overtime then I would not have anything to complain about. But you told me at the time of purchase [one week ago] these items would last FOREVER unless destroyed by another player.

I can deal with people shooting and bombing my walls that’s expected. I can deal with the change. I cannot deal with and will not deal with being misled and tricked by developers.