(7 replies, posted in Testing server)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Nothing serious, it's up again.

We managed to be on long enough to test the plants patch Zoom and it was much, much better. Lag didn't change much at all, if at all that I noticed.


(7 replies, posted in Testing server)

Pretty sure we did.. But the lag issue from plants was non-existent while we were shootings plants... then the server crashed..  lol 

I blame you zort!


(6 replies, posted in Testing server)

Just tried it on the test server. Excellent work!! It was a massive improvement, before I could induce lag up to the 1000's just on my own, but now there was no increase in latency at all. Ping stayed on normal at all times. Will get some more guys online later tomorrow and test again and let you know.


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I like this idea.. It may also be an enabler to completely revamp the plant mechanics ? (remove possibility of lag generation?)


(392 replies, posted in Bugs)

Excellent news!! Thanks for sticking with it Zoom and not just telling us we imagined it. Hope this leads to a fix soon!

Hunter wrote:

Have to say that my ping latency increased up to ~160-170 ms. But anyway everything works fine (at least on hershfield). Even more several times NPC's shot plants instead of me when i tried to hide behind it. So i can say that perfomance is good.

If you have a ping of under 250ms the game plays fine and you don't notice anything, that's why people generally in the northern hemisphere don't understand what we are talking about.. Above that and especially with our normal ping in AU and NZ of 450ms, shooting plants increases the amount of traffic needed to be sent to all players on grid enormously, thus causing lag to make the game unplayable.

Remember this only became an issue for us here in AU and NZ after the patch to plant mechanics, where the plants were able to be targeted directly and HP was increased. Before that lag was seldom seen by us here..

Just had a small fight, 2 of us and 3 enemies on Kent. Both Ryni and I lost our bots due to lag. Everything was still playable until a roaming spawn turned up then lag went to N/A.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kayin Prime wrote:

- People arguing that it's not really X people playing the game but Y.  Where both X and Y are less than the number of people you will see at an IHop at 3am on a Wednesday.

Not arguing about anything, but good job on completely missing my point.

Phantomburn wrote:

We are in the middle of April when's testing?

A valid question indeed..

Any news Zoom on when we might expect to see it hit the test server ?


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

steamcharts say 10 people playing.


Phantomburn wrote:

It is bad.

Burial wrote:

It's bad.

so everyone uses steam to launch/play the game right ? If you're going to use this as some sort of validation for your bias against the game then you're more bitter and jaded than I thought.

We have 10 active people just in our corp ya numpty, and nearly all of them don't use steam..

I think your axe needs more sharpening Obi, better get to some more grinding.


(12 replies, posted in News and information)

Celebro wrote:
Blocker wrote:

What the hell Zoom, 5:00pm Friday night to 1:00am Sat morning!! You mean I may have to actually leave the house!

Crap, now I have to find the wife's Valium...

[edit] On reflection there is virtually no-one on in our TZ anyway so I guess logically it's the best time to do it.. Just sucks to be in our TZ.

Nobody cares about those living down under, go kangaroo hunting or something tongue

That says more about you than it does about anything else.


(12 replies, posted in News and information)

What the hell Zoom, 5:00pm Friday night to 1:00am Sat morning!! You mean I may have to actually leave the house!

Crap, now I have to find the wife's Valium...

[edit] On reflection there is virtually no-one on in our TZ anyway so I guess logically it's the best time to do it.. Just sucks to be in our TZ.

Most of this games issues stem from low population, it's that simple. The DEVS are currently trying to address that by working on PVE mechanics and Alpha. That's good, it needs to be done, the game needs people and people need content. I see a lot of posts in this thread that seem to be more intent on demanding features/changes for personal gain.. eg I want this, or I want that. It's not about what the few ACTIVE remaining players want, it's about getting more people into the game, new people, fresh people. These people will have their first experience on Alpha and not give one crap about the beta/gamma politics.

If those people have a bad experience in the first two weeks then it's a pretty good chance they will leave. If they have content that challenges them, if there is risk of losing bots, even just mining, they may be more likely to stay. Either way, if getting more people means accepting mechanics/systems that might not suit us (the existing ACTIVE players) then so be it. Adapt or leave.

The DEVS are a small team, they cannot be expected to get everything done at once and provide all things to all people. A lot of things need work, Alpha NPC's, missions, general Alpha content, beta sap mechanics, beta NPC's, loot tables, number of islands, corp/Alliance management tools etc etc, the list is extensive. They have to start somewhere, best to start with Alpha and getting new content to entice new players.

ohh and trying to force people into a play style (like PVP) will fail miserably and guarantee that some new players will leave the game for good. Offer instead incentives for them to PVP, encouragement if you will, but softly in the background so to speak.

ok end rant now..

Ohh one more thing, sometimes I think the biggest turn off to the new players are the bitter old vets (yes I'm one of them, but I'm not bitter) trying to influence the newer players as soon as they appear in gen chat. Just leave them be for a while guys, don't try and recruit them straight away into all the political BS, let them experience the game a bit on their own. If you want to help them then relocate to the Alpha one islands and help them, but don't poison their experience with old bitterness.

Phantomburn wrote:

So if I got an Officer slip would I have a chance at getting t1 items?

It might be the factions way of saying "Thanks for the tokens but we don't need/want your help, go visit that other mob next door, they might appreciate your efforts"  or in layman's words F U!!   big_smile

BeastmodeGuNs wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

i know, this is for the patches next year... but roaming as in "running in scripted circles" or as in "running around, playing the game" ?

In the first iteration it will be just like on gamma. But we have already done AI experiments with 50-50 enemy NPC brawls, and it worked.

So what you are telling me... is that NPCs will shoot each other based on which faction they are in sometime in the future?

I can already imagine myself just wondering around finding a bunch of random containers to loot big_smile

LOL.. Ahh beast, ever the opportunist  smile

Phantomburn wrote:

Hey guys thanks for spending a *** ton of tokens hers a t1 target marker.

Yeah, this is a valid concern. Maybe need some more thought into this one Zoom...


(48 replies, posted in Balancing)

Celebro wrote:

I am sure you guys heard of the domino effect from the beacon pits, well its bad game play a few go down get too close bam all over , lost, it just sucks. New Players are not coming over until we start accepting this game is a niche of a niche that is already hardcore to the bone.

If you like it they way it is then fine, enjoy 4vs4 fights.

Yes, beacon pits were an issue but not one that could not be solved. Just add a database int value that removes explosion damage from / by NPC's that spawn from beacons, simples. They already introduced the teleport mechanic back in gamma v1.0 so beacon pits that did not allow NPC's to navigate a way out simply teleported out, usually to right beside you..lol

I just don't see the sense in throwing out a mechanic that differentiates this game from all the others out there. We have already seen way too many heavy handed "patches" in response to players "taking advantage" of an unintended mechanic.

If you remove explosion damage then we are that one step closer to mech fairyland where we all run around seeing who can pick the most flowers to throw at each other..


(48 replies, posted in Balancing)

Why must we constantly remove content? All that's ever happened since I started playing this game has been removal of content. We want people to come and play the game yet we seem to always be advocating to remove stuff from the game, especially the stuff that makes this game unique, like AOE and LOS.

How about we start encouraging the DEV's to ADD content, not remove it! As I said above all that's ever happened is stuff has been taken out, and judging by the numbers playing that's worked out nicely hasn't it.

And before anyone yells, "what about the new mining system" let me say that all that content was there already, all they did was change the mechanics around to make it just work differently. You could argue the mission system was adding content, although 2 or 3 missions per 5 /6 levels over 5 years is hardly what I would call noteworthy, and if you weigh this against all the content that has been removed over those 5 years, it's not really what I would call progress.

I guess gamma could be considered new content, but given that we have had 2 versions of gamma and we, once again, look at the numbers playing, we could , once again, come to the conclusion it's hardly worked out well has it.

Can anyone point me to one game where DEVS have removed content and player numbers have increased?

my 2 cents for what it's worth.

When Lectron and I first started playing all NPC's were red and there were roaming observers on both alpha 1 and 2. On alpha 1 they were grand observers and no larger than assault class. On Alpha 2 they were grand observers and were both assault and mech. They roamed around and there was no such thing as afk mining.

I remember the incredible feeling of achievement when I solo killed my first Baphie observer after 10 minutes of using cover and kiting him. It was that sort of experience that kept us in the game, the threat of losing your bot. You needed to be paying attention. I don't know what the answer is for NPC AI, but what we have now is dull and boring compared to those first encounters all those years ago.

I believe the static and roaming red spawns were removed to cater for the new dynamic mineral system. So it's more than likely that any change in NPC AI would need to be tied into a rethink of the mineral system maybe ?

Bump for DoY, great corp, nice people.

Jita wrote:

There was 11 people in general chat yesterday. Maybe zoom and alf hung themselves with their belts in the closet and they are holding hands through rigor mortis as we speak ...

I logged on one day last week and there were 2 in GC..


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

Burial wrote:

Probes shouldn't be allowed within X meters of teleporters.

or under NPC beta stations


(47 replies, posted in Open discussion)

T3xasp3t3 wrote:
rieka9411 wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

No no... Goons don't Destroy games. They just Destroy your fun smile

from what i have heard im not the only one. also ex-eve players say goons are well known for destroying games.

So i have a few questions for you.  Have you ever played eve? How long have you played eve if you have?   Have you even left high sec? If you're in null sec i assume you live in the south but how long have you been down there?

I ask this because Nullie, NC., PL., and all the other Alliances in the N3, RussRuss, and small ones dotted through null sec are just as egotistical as goons just as i want the game to be my way, and just as evil. The only thing Goons has on them is leadership. Mittens is by far the best leader in that game ever.

Ps. I am not nor will i ever be a Goon

Yes I have to agree, EvE does seem to appeal to the self important/righteous.

DEV Zoom wrote:

I asked him to post it here because this is where feature requests should be posted, not via support tickets, because those only hinder the processing of actual support issues.

Yes that's fair enuff and I can understand that, but my point was shouldn't these sort of things be on your "to do" list anyway? Without people having to ask for /request them ?

I don't imagine there would be anyone in the community that would object to this suggestion. If Zoom did ask for this suggestion to be posted here on the forums, I am at a loss to think why. It's one of those things that could just be done for QoL benefit..