If ever there was an actual need for Fred Phelps and WBC, clearly, this is the time.

Stupid iPhone, randomly brought me to this thread I didn't even know existed.

My only question is gawddamn!!!!!! How much back rent does STC owe you now!?!?!

Hey, wasn't the SpT nerf all about "playing in your own area" and "having to make choices" and "walking is fine, back in the day before SpT we used to do it across all islands, uphill, in 3 feet of snow"

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

But seriously Ville, they are intended as a starter or a "you died" bot. Not for cheap operations. They were definitely abused before, why encourage it again?  Other than you saying do it, what's the reason? Show me its a good idea and I'd support it, tbh.

Tund Bungler wrote:

Armored TPs arent the problem, using TPs while flagged is. Remove any TPing while flagged.


Nothing else of value in this thread.

Shadowmine wrote:

What specific need would this fill other than unlimited blood sparking?

It's not wanted for unlimited bloodsparking. It's wanted for all the gate scouts and griefing that will come when you have 1000 free lifetime accounts. Gate scouts just became free and no longer have to be replaced when the trial period is over. After April 2nd, every gate will have one. It's not what they were intended for.

You don't need them for bloodsparking since anyone with SpT and a corp hanger can produce them infinitely. You only want them on market in terminal so you come to some beta you have no SpT or deathspark at, dock your shiny, buy your arkhe, and go cause problems in cheap free bot.

Leave the arkhe for noobs, tutorials, and in case of death and no bot available.

-1 and a free bump.

Khadia Khan wrote:

wow I really do believe that STC counters everything we suggest.

The Sky is blue! make it so Zoom!

You should see the view from our side.

I'm in favour of removing the skill as well.

And selling extra slots for money, similar to the EP boost concept.


(31 replies, posted in Bugs)

Celebro, are you shooting roaming observers on Gamma?

The toughest in game are the Theo then Numquiol, which ones are you shooting? The ones from artifacting are not as difficult, nor are the ones on Beta.

I guess I will test it more and get back to you.

Also, are you farming solo, with one bot?


(31 replies, posted in Bugs)

I agree with Ville. It's not about too easy or too hard. The NPCs are simply doing things normal game mechanics cannot do. And this negates CORE GAME PRINCIPLES LIKE LOS. I'm fine with making them harder, observers that s-demob at 300m and with optimals at 850m, and lock past 1000m, all while dropping only T3 loot ... Ok they are ampped up, but at least their core mechanics are still in line with how the game plays. Right now the ONLY playstyle that can kill them solo is Tank, or you could get help with some Ewar help to make it easier. Just forget green bots using cover, or trying to outrange them, these normal playstyles are obselete.


(102 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Great bunch of guys, that we are smile


(31 replies, posted in Bugs)

Zoom, seriously, this needs to be corrected. Your desire to nerf mass farming of beacons has led to simple basic game mechanics like LOS and kiting to be obselete. Forget beacons, all these new players will have no chance of farming basic spawns ... I don't want easy mode, but impossible mode?!? Have NPCs do things that regular players cannot, like teleport, is not the way to fix. Your balance attempt has gone from one extreme to another, and added a host of what I hope are unintentional side effects ... Can you at least comment on this? Since this change you haven't said boo. And ask WMM if its safe to undock Scarabs at Tellesis.


(38 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

+1 to the best PvPers

Gunner wrote:

72 Hours free experience

Must have

go go go

probably the best idea ^^

Corps can field enough manpower to handle beacons in open areas, as one alliance was doing at Tellesis earlier today.
But the NPCs that follow you forever completely eliminate the tactic of kiting ... Meaning a newer player trying to farm a low level spawn will not be able to do so solo. Throwing sand back into the sandbox is fine, but not if you end up burying the kids playing in it. Needs a balance.

Aaron Sool wrote:
Jita wrote:

Downgrade cost should absolutely be linked to ep amount.

This goes hand in hand with my idea of having the full respec cost scale with the amount of EP you have. I think a full respec option could stay as long as it cost more to respec for some1 with 3 mill EP compared to one with 500k EP.

This is exactly what a cost of $10 to downgrade 100 k EP accomplishes.

And its a good idea. As mentioned the downside is its easy to switcha combat from one race to another, but at least the cost to change a combat to Ewar, or to Indy, is far more expensive. And hopefully enough of a cost prohibitive so it's rarely used.

Gunner wrote:

are you drunk or something

its beyond you to post garbage in peoples recruit post then edit it.

I read it.

not good

Cassius wrote:

Edited bump for a difficult and skilled enemy smile

Edited rant

Practise what you preach. Jita asked me to edit it and I did. End of story. Or, keep making mountains out of molehills.

This is a recruitment thread. Friendly bump for a resourceful and skilled corp like Jokers.

From what I understand, Respeccing thru downgrades would cost a high EP character roughly $130 for a complete wipe. With a 100k EP downgrade priced at $10, I can certainly "retool" a character, perhaps removing some mistakes while optimizing his choosen class. This is far better than a full respec.

The downside is that my maxxed Mesmer Mk2 pilot would only need maybe $20 to become a maxxed Seth Mk2 pilot.

Tux has a point though with the possibility of one full Respec per vet account upon Steam Launch .... simply because of all the core mechanic changes over the last few years that negate the value of many characters specializations. I think after this free one, the downgrade mechaninc would be the only needed type of EP respeccing.

Will we be able to repair these NPC teleport mods and fit them to our bots? They will drop when we kill them, correct?

Although a beacon nerf doesn't help Gamma, I understand why you are doing it (unless you think it was to solve the lag, the beacon pits did not cause the current problems)

But these changes might make almost all types of NPC farming impossible. Right now the mechanics dont seem balanced, or fair, I guess. And I have always advocated for more difficult NPCs ... I will have to test this a little more.

Excellent points. The only thing I would add is some forum moderation. Some players seem to use offensive comments like others say hello. And, impressions on the new players is in this regard is equally important.

Gunner wrote:

So hmm 10$ for three months EP reset?  Id say that is expensive enough not to worry about Cassiusisms


Zoom. NPCs broken now, it appears some spawns on Gamma are static.

Vroom wrote:
Cassius wrote:

So EP resets ... I have 5 accounts. One dedicated miner and a hybrid miner/production.

Secure a mining area, let's say a Gamma ....
Respec  all my characters to max miners
Strip mine in relative safety for a few weeks until minerals are in the billion
Respec into Scarab Mk2 bots, haul all the *** to production facilities
Respec into Production, mass produce enough mods to supply my combat needs for a year (and I lose a lot of bots) or enough mods to flood the fragile market and skew it
Respec into combat and  never have to mine again.

Alternatively, let's say a corp like -77- fields a great mix of Ewar and combats while my corp is heavies 24/7 ...
Respec into ewars, negate advantage other corp had.

FOTM doesn't have to mean a particular OP bot/fit. People put some thought into their skill paths and trained and trained and trained to get their character to do their thing ... Unlimited EP resets throw that all away.

Maybe 5 accounts switched to mining is no big deal, but what about 20, or on a corp level, 50.
50 EP resets brings in lots of cash for AC, but completely knock out of balance what those accounts could normally be used for. It be kinda like every time a defunct corp like CIR had corp mining ops they gave players maxxed mining accounts to mine minerals, getting maximum bang for their buck. Hypothetically of course.

I'm cool with you spending $200 to do that.  At $10 a respect.

Let's say I currently spend $600 per year on 5 accounts, and EP resets cost $20 per shot.
I use 4 per character to accomplish what I proposed above. I spend $400.
For the rest of the year I accumulate EP normally for free.

Net result. I save $200 per year, and everything I do I do it with maximum efficiency. And I end up with 3 times the stuff I would be capable if producing with non reset accounts.

This is a deterrent how?

Gunner, you are probably right on both accounts. I will happily trash talk you in vicinity and corp dialogue, but I have respect for your corp's PvP skills.

And yes, my examples are extreme. But possible. If another game not even in Alpha can sell out on $15 000 US pledge packages that give you the game and a bunch of ships, and the game is not out for another year, anything is possible.

The only thing I am really comfortable with this game selling is the EP boost, since it simply replaces my previously monthly cost with a new similar one.

So EP resets ... I have 5 accounts. One dedicated miner and a hybrid miner/production.

Secure a mining area, let's say a Gamma ....
Respec  all my characters to max miners
Strip mine in relative safety for a few weeks until minerals are in the billion
Respec into Scarab Mk2 bots, haul all the *** to production facilities
Respec into Production, mass produce enough mods to supply my combat needs for a year (and I lose a lot of bots) or enough mods to flood the fragile market and skew it
Respec into combat and  never have to mine again.

Alternatively, let's say a corp like -77- fields a great mix of Ewar and combats while my corp is heavies 24/7 ...
Respec into ewars, negate advantage other corp had.

FOTM doesn't have to mean a particular OP bot/fit. People put some thought into their skill paths and trained and trained and trained to get their character to do their thing ... Unlimited EP resets throw that all away.

Maybe 5 accounts switched to mining is no big deal, but what about 20, or on a corp level, 50.
50 EP resets brings in lots of cash for AC, but completely knock out of balance what those accounts could normally be used for. It be kinda like every time a fictional defunct corp like See Eyre had corp mining ops they gave players maxxed mining accounts to mine minerals, getting maximum bang for their buck. Hypothetically of course.

Edit: changed to a fictional defunct Scottish corp.


(29 replies, posted in Bugs)

rebooted, and still getting this:

everything else internet wise works