Got a weird one, was trundling along happily and get disconnected.  Everytime I try to reconnect it disconnects me just as I finish loading terrain.

Can't see anything wrong with my connection so was wondering if anyone else has got this problem?

Ok, it's let me back in having thrown up an "isufficient privledges" error on the login screen *scratches head*


(386 replies, posted in News and information)



(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Morgan Raines wrote:

You might be willing to take it, I am not. Deal with it.

Dude.  I'm from EVE as well.  I am fighting, very hard, my natural urge to reach for my pitchfork and set the forums on fire whilst setting fire to the nearest outpost in game.

And yes, that is getting harder to fight the longer this continues I will admit.   But ultimatley, I say to you sir.



(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Morgan Raines wrote:

Oh well, at least its only 9 euero´s lost this time.

I should learn to not pay up before things work.


Right.  First of all, I'm saying this so many times I feel like a god damn white knight.

Secondly, your not loosing any paid for time.  You're not loosing any trial time either.  They're adding it to your account once they know how much to add.

Thirdly your account(s) are still acruing EP at the usual rate. 

In EVE terms, free gametime & 1.4k SP per day the problem continues is inbound.  You have not wasted your 9 euro's, you will get everything you have paid for.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Spawnster wrote:

Its not a Troll... Do you know what bandwidth is? it would seem i am correct. if you dont have enough of it lots of people cant log in... just like any other INTERNET GAME no bandwidth = 350 players end of story.

Except the physical hardware can take a lot more than 350 - 400 people.
The main game server (i.e. running around, spawning stuff, shooting people in the face, etc) can take more than 350 - 400 people.
It's the machine dealing with the market/chat system that's struggling.  However that machine is only at 2% load according to the Dev's.

BoyC was quite honest (when I was in chat over the weekend) that this is something they, the Dev's, have broken in the software.  So they're fixing it.  But as with most software issues it's figuring out where the bug has appeared then how to fix it with out the little sod jumping else where.  Unfortunatley doing that right takes time.

If it were a simple "we need to upgrade our bandwidth with the carrier" problem then the lag would not be comming from one specific element of their system; you'd have lag all over the place.  Having been in the game when it had 500+ in it and the bug began manifesting I can atest that moving around and shooting things was a-ok.  Couldn't talk to anyone or buy/sell/get assignment for love nor money though.

So no.  It's not bandwidth.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Tulip Wednesday wrote:

Request: Tone down the 'thump' as the system error messages hit the screen, its painfully agressive.

This.  It's a touch out of whack with the volume of everything else; minor niggle though but one to add to the todo list IMHO.

Arga wrote:

You'll also note, that AC has no intention of charging for new content. Unlike EVE you won't have to pay for expansions, and you didn't have to pay for the initial software.

Just to quickly point out EVE expansions are free and always have been.  Other than the original boxed Simon & Shuster release the client is also free (several boxed versions have been released recently though).

So in that respect Perpetuum and EVE are pretty equal.

I hope the Dev's here have considered stuff about custom Mech skins that was pointed out to CCP about custom ship skins:

If someone can make it totally transparent to sneak up on someone else they will (not that applicable with Overview/Landmarks but still possibly quite nasty).
If someone figures out how to make an infinite lag generator skin they both will and will use it in PvP. 
If someone can make a :rage: inducing skin so the other player CNTRL+Q's out of the fight in disgust, they will make it.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

NedStark wrote:

I have a paid subscription but can not use the product......

What options do we have in this regard??

Not many and whilst not being able to play the game is annoying there is an upside.  To paraphrase the dev's the clock isn't ticking and won't start ticking until again until this is fixed, so your sub is being comp'd these days for free and still gathering EP as per usual.

Fair... if annoying.

Tag wrote:

That said, i dont care, really, about the RMT for the paint. I just take the example of what's happening in Eve JUST for a simple-tiny-ugly-futile-monocle.

What's happening in EVE has to be taken in context.  It's not just the monocle.  CCP has skipped (for years) on 'Midas' the indie expansion, the boot.ini fiasco, the 18 months quote (still has 6 months to run btw), a series of bad and broken expansions, the "no MT in EVE" from 12 months ago and so on.  It's all been simmering on the promise that Incarna will be the one true expansion we've waited for and fix a load of low hanging fruit in the process.  If Incarna had been anywhere near as good as the tech demo's shown all those years ago were then a lot of this wouldn't of been a major problem for the game.  It could have been spinned as a secret indie expansion because hey: player created content's got to be built right?

Keep in mind the majority of EVE's players have nothing to do with the forums, Singularity or Duality and took no part in sucsessive CSM elections. Most don't even have Local and Corp chats visible (and thanks to the 11% NPC corp tax they're now in one-man-bands being utterly single player, thanks CCP derp). The first they knew of Aurum, cash shop & Incarna = Minmatar only CQ was patching and comming face to face with it on release day. 

At which point they then went to the forums to start digging, found the CSM votes that were ignored and such, did the math on how much stuff in cash shop really was then exploded along with the general population.  It's the first time I can remember the eve-o forums actually lagging badly and doing so for two days solid.

Jack Jombardo wrote:

And wouldn't it be cool for corps to carry a unique fleet painting ? wink
@EvE vets, how many times was it requested, I can't count the topics for it.

You mean like the official CCP Trinity demo that had an Iteron with Red Alliance's logo on it's nose?  About erm... 4 farking years give or take.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Major Hazzard wrote:

Seems like quite a drop there, though I wonder what effect the broken Mac clients have on the figures. You can also have a look here for full historical stats (read right to left -- most current totals on left of graphs).

Mac users have never been "happy" with the solution offered, it got to the point I was compiling wine and doing it that way to get semi-reasonable performance.  Saying that, even C's stuff suggests the usual useage curves are going down.

I still think we should deliver the tanker of RedBull to the devs.  Just to be safe you understand smile


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Brace. For. Impact. … ate=050002

TQ's concurrent login count.   We need a tanker of RedBull delivered to the Dev's STAT.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

With the exception of us :bittervets: causing headaches for the dev team they actually have someone/people who know how to build a backend:  24/7 uptime as a matter of course.

So once the current issue has been fixed Perpetuum should be avaliable to play at whatever insane hour of the day you choose.  Unless it's patch day of course, in which case I'm sure there will be pony threads to enjoy instead big_smile


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Miaradz wrote:

09 wormhole dweller reporting in.

After seeing the direction EVE was taking, I say give the mechs a chance.

By the way, how is this game making my GT435m powered laptop chug?
Would join NeX if I could LOG IN.

Turn shadows off.  It's a drain on gfx resources for some reason.

It's worth keeping in mind (and this is aimed at Dev's, want to be Dev's and such... except you CCP you can just keep going LALALALA in the corner becuase we went blue in the face trying to explain it to you) that WoW is the exception rather than the rule when it comes to subscription games and microtransactions.

Sparkle pony (and flying derp lion) might well have generated, seemingly insane figures.  $25m USD from what I've read, queues (lol) of people waiting for the transactions to clear.  All very impressive.  All very tempting.

What's not so impressive is the figures behind that. WoW makes about $2B (B as in Billion) a year. That's only 10% of WoW's total subscriber base handing over the cash for those items, if WoW was any other other MMO (and it could be argued that if Blizz had pulled a Richard Bachman then even WoW wouldn't be WoW) then 10% of it's subs buying something would generate nowhere near as much money, press or indeed subsequent PR material. 

WoW's playerbase are also starting to squirm over the nickle and dimeing they see happening (cross-shard dungeons for MT, paid realm shifting, etc), Star Trek Online is a virtual wasteland, apparently, due to excessive microtransactions and yet that 10% figure generally holds true; only 10% of your customers will use the cash shop.

So if a small game like this one, still in its infancy, only has (for aguments sake) 3,000 subscribers... that's at most 300 people willing to buy the PO equivilent of Sparkle Pony.  That figure also drops if you game allows/pushes multiple accounts... people are only going to buy one sparkle pony for their main after all.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Got stuck in chapter 4 of SPAZ.  Annoying.  Went in to it low on Rez & Goons.. whoops.


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Jez DeLaney wrote:

Can everyone just remain calm?  It won't be long before this little episode will be a distant memory, and the long-term effect of it will be a much larger playerbase.  Isn't that worth a few days of server naughtiness?

I am being calm and I do understand the problem.  That does not stop it being rather annoying.


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

How'd the arkhe swarm go?


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Ohhh a patch.

Edit:  From admin only to server limit in the space of a few clicks.  God damn.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Friedrich Psitalon wrote:

It's almost like... in that other game... they're LYING to you about the logs.

They are, it's one of the :rage: things the other company finds funny: crappy customer service.  OFC, it's not like I've got saved copies of a pettion closed with "there are no bugs in <mmo>" and another with "there is no lag in <mmo>" but only because I didn't export them from the website.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dude.  Ouch.

Frankly I'm playing it the same as EVE, sticking with my native race (well the race and weapon I started with lvl 1 in) and I'll move to the others sooner or later;  it seems most of the skills (more accumulator, more HP, faster reps, rapid fire, run-away-quickly, etc.) will work, to a degree, whatever I'm driving.  With the obvious exception of a mining bot big_smile 

I can see in the skills selection the other 2 races, just requires some cash and EP to activate it so I assume if I tried it wouldn't give me the finger and tell me to reroll (if it did why are they shown).


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Major Hazzard wrote:

As an ex-EVE :bittervet: who subbed his account with ISK bought PLEX, I'd hope that it isn't introduced into Perp at this time. With such a small population I don't think that this would be of benefit at this time.

^-- This +1


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Melor Rend wrote:

A quick "Damn guys, server is dying, we're limiting logins for a while" is worth way more to me then some slick Dev Blog written by some PR-bastard.

I've yet to see a Dev here pull a Captain Arogant, nor do they appear eager to demonstrate putting a fire out with petrol and putting sand in the vasaline smile


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Surge wrote:

Nothing currently. Perhaps the devs will expand on them in the future, but right now they are just Earth technology that the syndicate use before utilising Nia techs.

So, ditch them quickly for missiles/lasers/rails as race starter traits & EP expenditure allows right?


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Zedrik Cayne wrote:

I very much on purpose did not read any of the 'eve -> perpetuum' dictionaries or other setup docs/guides before creating my agent.

Same, I'm sat there reading about what X does and pusing Y points in to it carefully.  I've just got this gut feeling it's all gone wonky somewhere.