Re: Plex
There is a post from Dev Calv saying that they wouldn't pursue any issues with Code Trading. Meaning that they won't Ban you for doing it, but they also won't refund or mediate any disputes.
I have been pushing for a NIC sink to get money flowing out of the Large Beta Corp and back into the market. This type of transaction could facilitate this, as new players are more likely to spend on the market and to buy items that are producable by independant industrials.
They are also more likely to be aggressive in PVP. We know that currently the grind/fun ratio of earning NIC to outfit bots is a little off. Being able to inject NIC directly to new players will allow them to replace downed bots and modules more easily, and get the needed experience without having to grind endlessly.
Of course this could lead to an imbalance in Bot cost. That is if you get 200M NIC and can outfit 40 assault bots with no effort, your going to eventually be killing bots that players who didn't buy NIC had to grind for.
Your 0 time assault vs 20 hour grind assault.
It's probably more of an issue when it comes to Corps selling large volumes on codes, and those 40 assaults turns into 4000 assaults, piloted by 150 players relentlessly.
Then again, at this stage of the game, there are probably less than 100 players willing and capable of buying codes for NIC at that price range - 200M. The small market, as well as the need to do the transaction outside of the game, makes it unlikely that the full 20B NIC's worth would be realized. So there would be an initial rush of new NIC and bots, but after that it would settle back in, with just the occasional sale.
If this were part of the store, the penetration would be better, but still after the initial rush of ex eve players selling codes, the supply as well as the demand would be satisfied for the immediate future.