should demob turn off highway bonus?


(24 replies, posted in Balancing)

+1 make green bots useful again


(80 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Whats wrong with the mining?
Im only doing liquids and buy the rest cause its boring yarr
Ohh wait tongue


(11 replies, posted in Balancing)

Give the ictus a +1 head and leg slot so it comes in balance with the vaga and zenith in slots since it got the 50% nerf on neuting yarr
and since the seth is a better nwar platform atm


(9 replies, posted in Q & A)

Like being able to get information on your assets and production thru the api so we can make tools for account, corporation and alliance wide production. maybe get mail and send mail thru it


(9 replies, posted in Q & A)

A long time ago there was talk about a api 2.0 tied to account info.
How does that fit into the roadmap/long term goals?

Its not like it was foreseen that they would *** something up bad (or was it?) yarr


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

I wish the cash shop would get some items soon, but it looks look Star Citizen going to get some more from me since  their *** looks awesome yarr

Now where is those damn paint jobs???

Im happy with the predicted fu**up that was foreseen yarr

Maybe i have to bring out the "Hand of God" for another spin yarr

DEV Zoom wrote:

Those who are content with a change rarely comment on it, so we're left with the negativity, I thought that was common knowledge.

Remember the two first industry/mining changes zoom?
When we actually had players playing the game?
Ur record of bad patches are a loot bigger than the good ones just saying.

Seems they decided to combine the roulette table with some blindfolded dart just to be sure to not hit the target yarr

Im just waiting with popcorn see whats going to get *** up this time yarr

So u have finished calibrating ur roulette table.
Thats good yarr


(0 replies, posted in Q & A)

Is the new API being developed or did it go pirating yarr

Where is the bot paint?

And can we implement a Annihilator filter pls? Or a way to block msg on the forums from players by ur choosing?

What if spark tps could only be placed in stations 100km(or whatever distance for balance) from the station/outpost u put as ur home base?

The thing that hinder this game the most is "skylapper" cool


(63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Content has been provided, not our fault that u dont embrace it fuuu


(201 replies, posted in Testing server)

make the npcs red again, and make the mining fields move after a certain time like u already are saying u are going to do on gamma. Better fix than this at least.
And bring back roaming npcs and observers at alpha 2 yarr


(201 replies, posted in Testing server)

Annihilator wrote:
Kanogi wrote:

does this change mean that observers will agro at 1000m on rsa bots?? or what is this magical agro range? or does this only apply to orange npcs?

Because i have seen more than 1 fight get realy interesting because someone pulled observers, especially now that they follow u to the end of the world yarr

roaming observers attack you when get into their aggro range, no matter what you do. they are red. OFC the change only applies to ORANGE NPCs.

well last time npcs aggroed by module activation like sensor amps, they aggroed a lot further away than usual


(201 replies, posted in Testing server)

does this change mean that observers will agro at 1000m on rsa bots?? or what is this magical agro range? or does this only apply to orange npcs?

Because i have seen more than 1 fight get realy interesting because someone pulled observers, especially now that they follow u to the end of the world yarr


(201 replies, posted in Testing server)

Awsome change now i cant use my scarab as a nexus bot while mining because i have to energy transfer it with my riveler fuuu

Another one of those not completly tought tru changes, like aoe dmg removes loot from npc's.

The devs have said it takes a lot of resources to make beta island because u need to make the terrain interesting.

What about making 3 new beta islands that is randomly genereated, have a event for 4 weeks where the island only have 1 outpost placed by the devs and the island is like a alpha without ores. But u allow us to terraform the terrain. then u lock it down for som finnishing thuches add like highways and other buildings, spawns and such, maybe more outpost.

Whole point make a event for creating new beta 3 islands