
(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Line wrote:

they are tanks, aren't they?

Which are useless in the current fights. I'll balance out if people stop only using the SAME robot.


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Thelodica have no place in PVP. Name a role and a combat thelodica is usually outdone by another robot.

If you get 10 teams it would be really nice to see prize money go to 1st and 2nd place winners. at a 70/30 split.

That pot is a large amount of NIC for new players. I might also suggest lowing the entry fee to 100k per person in future and contact corporations directly. Would be a nice idea not to stack teams as well and provide people with a voice comm channel should they want it.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Server are online however there was a lag spike. I suggest checking firewalls and such as well and your ping to perpetuum-online.com

Could be a routing issue as well.

You know what would have been awesome? A screen shot so I don't have to drive out there and test it myself to add a +1..


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

The 4th Assignment is File 3-b. It requires you to collect a data console from the terminal where you accepted the assignment and take it back to your home terminal. This is the reverse of file 3-a and should be dealt with as such.

Is this the assignment you are having problems with? If so the assignment is completable but can require you to get very close to the A marker and to finish the B marker you must deliver the goods by entering the terminal, opening the assignment window and delivering the goods.

I hope this helps.


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

Amos wrote:

When rolling my char iv maxed my mining skills, entered the game and done the ten starter missions and my reward is a light combat robot that i can't use for mining missions. I was wondering if all is correct or i have done something wrong?

You started at TM-A and should have gotten a Castel and enough NIC to buy yourself an Argano.
The Castel is able to fit 1 mining lasers which isn't optimal when compared to the arkhe.
As Malakian said, your corp (Largest in the game) should really have been able to answer this for you.

Seems to happen whenever I use the middle mouse button. I have to press it again to make expanding windows work.

Lord Infamous wrote:

Thanks for the tip, I'll check them out.

  I don't know that I mean "polite" necessarily, just a group that will honor their end of the deals on ransoms, and don't spend hours smacking in local after killing a miner.

If you could ransom someone that would be awesome but it'll never happen with current game mechanics. Smacking after killing a miner is short lived no matter who kills it.
People do like to bring up past wins and loses however to make themselves feel better when they're losing.

This would be a nice thing for smaller corps to do before they take an outpost as practise. Roaming squads could take these points, fight/kite attackers and leave with some loot.


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

Not a huge issue but given that most jumps for me increase my latency by around 5ms per jump I get a spike always from:

27ms/avg  te0-3-0-1.mpd21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com []
51ms/avg  te0-0-0-0.ccr21.muc01.atlas.cogentco.com []


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Every time there is a new News event the window should appear on login. I guess for the Germans it doesn't?

Log out of the Syndicate network and disconnect from your spark. Then go to sleep and jack back in later.

Yay for being alive far far away remotely logged into and connected to the spark.


(4 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Yup, If you deploy one first and then form the squad it breaks.
Fixing this should also fix the hyper rare case of not being on the terrain when the module is deployed.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

you dont have to turn then completely off, but middle setting works pretty well for my even older system...

But they look awful and you won't notice them on or off at that point. Sometimes I turn everything to full and walk around but graphics aren't what sell this game as you'll stop noticing them pretty soon. Heh.


(30 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Mouse Tiger wrote:

Are the numbers correct?
I assume a miner cycle extracts a volume of ore, but perhaps I am wrong.

Ore sizes from in game info
Titan 5
Stermonit 10
Imentium 15
Liquizit 20

so you should get 2 Titan or 1 Stermont, which is not what your table says

When you mine you remove cycles from the ground which is translated into a yeild by the base yield increased by your mining yield. The amount of U will vary per cycle depending on the quantity of minerals extracted.


(11 replies, posted in Q & A)

Everything in this game either increases exponentially or gives diminishing returns when more are added. Some just don't make sense at all for example the damage modifier calculation:

BDM = Base Damage Modifier
RC = Robot bonuses to damage
WC = Weapon control bonus from extensions
TA = Target Analysis
DT = Damage tuning
ª = Quantity of tunings

BDM * (1 + RB + WC) * (TA+(1+DT)ª)

Plug this into an example with a Kain. T4 Gause, Advanced Robotics 8. Advanced Magnostatics 6. Target Analysis 5. 2 Tunings.

300 * (1+(0.05*8)+(0.03*6)) * ((0.01*5)+(1+0.08)²) =
300 * 1.58 * 1.2164 = 576.5%

P.s. Nice work on a simpler formula Anni.


(11 replies, posted in Q & A)

Annihilator wrote:
Shaedys wrote:

For masking, it's the
value of your detector*(1+0.02*skill level)+0.02*skill level
T4 and level 4 this means:
50%*1.08+0.08=62% increase

This means you get more of an increase if you use a better detector.

how do you get to that strange formula?

with that formula my t1 standard masking or detector module would have a modifier of 22.44%  with lvl1 extension

but it has only 22.40% which is exactly base*(1+0.02*extensionlevel)

That's T1. For T2+ You have to double the effect it seems. smile


(10 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Like this?

Simple suggestion. Allow rotation of icons please. A lot of icons could be removed if you added icon rotation (Slider 0 to 359 degree). Also, I am sure I can see the same icon twice. First on the second row middle (The cross) is also on the 4th line from the bottom.

Some ideas:
Diamond or club symbols?
Generic robot head symbol?
Cog/Gear symbols?


(10 replies, posted in News and information)

It would be really nice to get an image containing all the current symbols for comparison.

No Niani modules have visual effects.


(10 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

I agree with Kalsius here - something like this should be permanent. Instead of making that a "module", i would rather see that as "modifikation slot" for crafting, which is done during PROTOTYPING.

I'd rather have robots modified during prototyping, then having the hybrid system in place.

this would give prototyping robots actually a meaning.

A nice idea.. Very nice.

If this wouldn't take the devs 5 burnt out servers and 3 months to code I'd love it!

Topic subject says it all.
They have a 100% base damage modifier but it's not shown until the module is equipped.

Add a 'follow' command or build it into the approach option. When you disconnect from following like you do now the client should be aware of this (Because, you know.. you're not moving any more) and should trigger another approach command.

Simple on paper. Harder to program.