Look forward to it!


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

From my limited viewpoint, it seems to me that the core issue facing the game is that it is a sandbox game without many people in the sandbox.  A player-run economy depends on lots of participants, and the game is still very new and unknown to many.  This will hopefully change with time.

I unfortunately wasn't playing Eve when it first came out, but I suspect it had similar issues.  I believe Perpetuum has a lot of potential and I'm willing to wait and see what it becomes.

Further, could someone who is not participating in an aspect of the game as significant as the corporation and alliance system really be qualified to comment on the game?

Certainly a politically biased podcast would be undesirable, but it would be quickly noticed and the podcast would fail.  Likewise, someone not participating in the game to a full extent would not have very much of interest to say, and the podcast would fail.

Therefore I would argue that the success of the podcast depends on involvement in an active beta corporation.

Just wanted to chime in here in support of your podcast idea.  I remember listening to one of the Eve podcasts back when I played it and it adding significantly to my enjoyment of the game.  Specifically I remember a conversation about a huge battle that I was a part of, and I felt like I had contributed to something bigger than myself.

As far as format and frequency, I would say start with some basic talk about the game and let it evolve from there.  You don't have to have everything figured out from episode 1, just like Perpetuum itself.  I do think it is extremely important that the people involved speak clear English, otherwise it will be a failure regardless of how great the content is.

I think once a week is a good frequency, bi-weekly at the minimum.  Anything more than that and people will forget about it in between episodes.

Keep us updated on your progress, I'll be sure to listen when it comes out!


(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

Gremrod wrote:
TRANTOR wrote:

How about more than 1920x1200?

I can say yes. I run three monitors with Nvidia surround gaming and the game runs in a custom res that stretches the game across all three monitors.

That sounds awesome...

+1 on this, was very surprised when I searched the market for something like this and discovered game doesn't have them (yet)


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Here's a question.  If I play for 4 days and then do the reset, what happens to the skills I spent lots of NIC on?  I understand the EP is refunded, but if I spent say 1mil on skills, are those skills unlocked after the reset or is that money gone?

Nice post, thanks for the info.

I have a few questions which I suspect others may have as well.

What are my options for moving bots between bases BESIDES using a transport bot?  For example, I am in Station #1 with Bot #1 and I want to buy Bot #2 from Station #2, but also keep it at Station #1.  I can drive Bot #1 to to Station #2, but then no matter what I have a bot at the wrong station.  It would seem the obvious answer would be free Arkhes everywhere, but I don't know how to request one, if that's even possible?

On a related note, is there a way to see all of the items I have and where they are?  For example, if I have items in two different stations but I forget which ones they are, is there an overall view of my possessions which will list all the stations I have items in?

Is there a way to see your total EP in game?  Not just available, but what you've spent?

Thanks again!