
Previous Bonds

Bond #1
Bond #2

This is Bond #3

Same rules as Bond #2

For every 500K nic that you send LethalBond on 3.28.2011 you will receive 600K nic.

I will start this bond on Monday 3/14/2011 or once I reach 200 shares. Do not send the NIC to LethalRose - send to LethalBond

Any questions or concerns about a scam (which you should have) see my Bond #1

As you can see multiple investors reported they received their initial invest and interest as promised.

I hope this will absolve any doubt the community has in me that this could possibly be a scam.

Please send NIC to LethalBond and post in this thread if you so desire. All the names and corporations who buy shares will only be known by me.

Name: LR Bond #3
Run by: LethalRose
Begins: 3.14.2011
Ends: 3.28.2011
Num. of Shares: TBA
Price per share: 500K NIC
Interest Rate: 20%, paid once
Total Interest: TBA (100,000 per share)
Send Nic To: LethalBond (500k Increments)
Collaterial: Personal

Thank you for your time and happy investing!

Bond Starts Today, only 12 shares this time. I blame rift.

Name: LR Bond #2
Run by: LethalRose
Begins: 2/23/2011
Ends: 3/9/2011
Num. of Shares: 12
Price per share: 500K NIC
Interest Rate: 20%, paid once
Collaterial: Personal


With Bond #1 finished,This is Bond #2

Same rules as my previous bond -Bond #1 EXCEPT I do not promise I will be able to return your investment immediately should you choose to opt out after investing. You should be investing NIC that you will not miss and no longer have feelings for.

Having sold 35 shares in my previous bond, this time I'm looking to raise 200 Shares.

For every share that you buy, you earn your original 500k + 100k interest after two weeks.

I will start this bond 72 hours from time of this post or once I reach 200 shares. Do not send the NIC to LethalRose - send to LethalBond

Any questions or concerns about a scam (which you should have) see my Bond #1

As you can see multiple investors reported they received their initial invest and interest as promised.

I hope this will absolve any doubt the community has in me that this could possibly be a scam.

Please send NIC to LethalBond and post in this thread if you so desire. All the names and corporations who buy shares will only be known by me.

Name: LR Bond #2
Run by: LethalRose
Begins: TBD
Ends: TBD
Num. of Shares: 200
Price per share: 500K NIC (100M total funds)
Interest Rate: 20%, paid once
Total Interest: 20 mil (100,000 per share)
Send Nic To: LethalBond (500k Increments)
Collaterial: Personal

Thank you for your time and happy investing!


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

these things happen..



The market value of all my assets has almost doubled, Business has been good the past 2 weeks.

I will probably stop making Sequers sad Pitty they had such a nice margin for so long.


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a feeling Lupus cries himself to sleep over his lost nic.

I think a lot of people are just upset because this patch brought so many changes its difficult to know what to do, especially if you do production or mine.

smaller changes more often are best imo.  If eve released a patch that made this many major changes I think the whole server would *** a brick.


You could check out AXE.

Bond will start on monday regardless if all bonds are sold. Currently 5 Shares left.

NOTE: This does not effect the amount of interest investors will earn.

It will be ok.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Purgatory wrote:

Seems a bit strange that they put the range on standard light missiles to 150 but the heat-ix faction ranged missiles have been left the same? Doesn't that mean HEAT-IX light missiles are  now broken? They are no longer 20% more range than standard, they forgot about those then?

they also forgot to run spellcheck on the patch notes.

Hummer wrote:

Your perso has less than 45 days.... nice try tongue .

I reset my account. I have been playing since release.



I'm looking for investors to invest in my first public bond.

I'm asking for 20 Shares @ 500k per share @ 20% interest paid once at the end of the bond. A total of 10M

To make this NIC I will be Buying/Selling/Manufacturing in various markets.

Note: Please only invest if you have extra NIC you can part with, I don't want people investing all the NIC they have unless you are going away from the game for a while.

Questions you may have:

Is this a scam?

There is always a risk this is a scam and I just want your NIC,  just like in real life there is always risk when considering investing. If you read this entire post you should be confident this is not a scam.

What happens if you cant make the interest amount?

If I cannot pay the interest back I will use my personal assets to pay off the loan/bond (see screenshot)

How are you making NIC?

I  purchase materials off the market and produce items. Then sell them for a profit.

What items do you make?

There is no specific item or items I make. I look at the market to determine what offers the most NIC making opportunities and its always changing.

I see you are in AXE, they are lame/suck/etc

All the NIC in my wallet and all my assets are my own and not owned by AXE or any other corp/alliance.

When will I get my NIC + Interest back?

2 weeks after the bond ends I will return your initial investment + 20% interest.

Ex. You give me 1M and the bond starts today. 2 weeks from now you will have 1.2M NIC transfered to you.

Can I back out after I invest?

To help build trust and encourage investors I will be keeping 10M NIC of my personal assets in wallet to purchase shares back if you choose to.

why are you offering this bond?

I as an individual industrialist I need investors to build my assets faster than normally possible, offering bonds is a good way to do this. This initial bond is to build trust within the community.

Will you be doing more bonds after this one

As long as I have investors Yes, each time they will increase in value.

Lets see your assets
Here is a screenshot of my current manufacturing progress and wallet balance. Market value is easily over 100M.


Do you have any alts?

Yes and they are all in AXE. Luftt is the only other significant one.

How do I invest?

Send NIC to "LethalBond" - This is the character I will use to receive and send NIC to investors. I'm not using LethalRose because it would be to difficult to keep track of bond activity with all the other transactions happening.

Once I reach 20 shares purchased the bond will close and I will use this thread to update on progress ETC.

If you are an investor and want to be listed just post in this thread how many shares you purchased.

Investors will not know which items I'm making/producing or where I'm producing them from (not hard to figure out if you really want to know)

Any questions please contact me.


Name: LR Bond #1
Run by: LethalRose
Begins: 2/6/2010
Ends: 2/20/2010

Num. of Shares: 35
Price per share: 500K NIC (17.5M total funds)

Interest Rate: 20%, paid once
Total Interest: 3.5M mil (100,000 per share)

Send Nic To: LethalBond (500k Increments)

Collaterial: Personal

GLiMPSE wrote:

This should be interesting next patch when people start randomly loosing bots from their containers.

just consider it a new form of PvP.


go to http://www.pingplotter.com/ and d/l the free version.

set it to gameserverb.perpetuum-online.com:17700

forget the port part.

now, play in windowed mode and watch ping plotter as you experience this issue

it will most likely be due to a small amt of packet loss happening somewhere along the route.

I was able  to use a VPN and the issue completely stopped for me.

the sudden jerk is probably just the client/server syncing  up on where you are located.

probably packet loss.