(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Line wrote:

@Jita: If they gonna sell it, that would result in player base reduction, as it will be like "why should I pay for new bot I've waited for years and it doesn't have anything special". Would be much better to implement paint jobs but hey, that's another "let's finish it later" project.

I don't think they should ONLY sell it, I just think that people would pay ten dollars to get a construction template a month early and it wouldn't impact the game too much. The more they can monitise in game the more they can do sales etc on the game cost.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Every patch doubles the population (if you can call sub 100 people a population). The problem is they nerf it too hard which drives away the population and / or its three months between patches. There are other issues around the toxicity of in game politics but primarily from a new player perspective and for those not involved with politics it's the patches.

FINALLY there are new boys coming to Perpetuum, and with the gun rebalance arguably a new weapon system. Amazingly there are 11 new things to build and play with coming. This gives such an opportunity to drip feed content of one mech a month and at month six the gun rebalance. That's a whole year that the devs have to do no more coding other than balancing giving them time to plan the next years drip feed content. A patch a month really old cause the kind of population rise needed (especially because it's new bots).

Do I have any faith they will do this? Of course not.

The devs have shown an amazing lack of thought with this in the past. Gamma was a perfect example of a humongous amount of content that was put in game at once. Three tiers of base stuff. Dozens of new world building tools. Terraforming. Lots of new islands. They could have made that easily last a year. So what happened? A couple of months of rise, and then a dwindle in the gap to the next patch.

My ideal situation would be a mech a month with the heavy mechs and combat / wear mechs spaced to every three months. Release the light bots first to get the tease going. Nobody ever called a girl back if she tossed the salad on the first date. The game needs a bit of a through the trousers hand job.

Fake edit: for god sake make some money out of this. If your doing a mech a month sell a 5 run CT of next months mech in the cash shop for 10 - 20 dollars. its a blatant money grab but your a business that needs money. Who gives a damn.

This actually looks promising.

Please for the love of god don't release them all at once. One a month with a balance patch for the previous months robot gives you a years content and will build a population.

Also skills - add new skills making these something to log in and aim for rather than instant gratification.

And as an aside, add around month three or six a redo of the gun faction ammo. It sucks.

*edit: Offensive. - DEV Zoom

I'm sure all the new players who are in the game will really appreciate that.


It won't make a blind bit of difference to the population. You might get some old folks back if you commit to new bots and new weapons on a six month plan of drip release. Once you have a population you might get new people then but that's it really.

The devs can't / won't do it and the game is done.


(28 replies, posted in Bugs)



(141 replies, posted in General discussion)

Showing them how real men pvp. When two vs one isn't enough :-)


(28 replies, posted in Bugs)

Perpetuum wrote:

Gamma should be completely scrapped.

This was one of the nails, that killed this game.  Too much too soon, with little understanding what they want.

Actually Gamma with the old terraforming was really fun. World building was entertaining and one of the few end game solo activities that you could do. Also a great nic sink. Once they removed that and epriton gamma became pointless.


(28 replies, posted in Bugs)

Anyone who builds anything on gamma is pants on head ***. The arbitrary no notice (or even notification sometimes) mechanics changes and crazy amount of bugs and 'features' makes gamma unplayable for anything other than a base and handful of turrets.

It was only announced three weeks ago. We won't see that till September.

He has a sexy mouth though which gives me a half chub and is kind of cute. He doesn't engorge me like you or beastmode when he fc's

I stopped playing games after perpetuums last chance was snuffed out by six people who would rather end the game than compromise

Rovoc wrote:

Guys, i think you're forgetting the most important part to all of this.  Just because the ex-girlfriend puts on a new dress and some make-up, she's still fat and ugly.  We must realize they don't have the development team to keep people interested.  Even if they get the next content out, which is syndicate robots, what's after that?  So syn robots keep the population interested for what 2 weeks maybe a month what are you gonna do after that?  Maybe it's time to take perpetuum off the shelf collect some money come back hard core with tons of content with some in reserve.  Right now we the players are stranded in the middle of a desert and the only water(content) is a dried up well.  Time to cut the cord guys.

The thing is they release plenty of content they just do it badly. Gamma stuff was a good example. Instead of releasing some tech 1 gamma gear and then three months later tech 2 gamma gear with auras and masking and then another three months tech 3 gamma gear and boosters and colixium towers and then three months later terraforming they release it all at once.

Three months down the line everyone is hungry again.

The mission content was OK, the black vote great but once again they could have left difficulty and payouts unnerferd and added a black mech a month, then all black assaults month four, all black ewar mechs month five and all black heavies month six and stretch out that content. It really needed extra skills just to give people something to aim for.

It took eve six months to release three t3 interdictors. They were teased, drip fed and practically everyone in the game took the time to train them in order on this journey. Perpetuum should (and could) do the same thing.

A DECENT rebalance alongside new mechs (using existing models) could be teased and added every month for the next six months. Do it with the modules too and you have a years content drip fed every month and its zero development, just dome table changes and theory balancing. The population would absolutely increase.

You can have grind for ep and it be successful, you can have grind for resources and it be successful. Where this falls down is in two places, firstly where do you spend the ep and resources? The market has been useless for years. Secondly how engaging is the grind?

Now the first problem is easy to fix, nic sell orders and buy orders of everything on the market is long overdue. With good pricing levels you still leave a lot of room for producers and you at least move the pain from acquisition and provide a market to sell.

The second is a lot more difficult but the basic concept is possible - most successful grinding games take you on a journey doing pretty much the same thing. It seems different because they change the type you fight as your level gets higher. Perpetuum makes a different attempt trying to do the eve method which is more about back story and the beauty of the place you fight in.

Now it's possible to see the journey to level 6 as an effort based ep booster with the whole journey maybe giving you a million ep. There are problems with that of course - ep is transferable over characters and so you could get your ep up to level 6, reprocess your character and rinse repeat for endless ep. Perhaps some sort of character based ep pool from missions would be better.

Once again though is that the real problem is that missions are not engaging enough to be the reason to play. Before the mission nerf(s) when people did squad missions solo then the difficulty level WAS engaging and the payout WAS worth it this just shows that it's within the devs power in a very small time to just fix the difficulty, fix the payouts and sort out the market for perhaps a more engaging game.

DEV Zoom wrote:
logicalNegation wrote:

What's next after the EP upgrade?

Probably Syndicate robots.

Revert the goddamn balance patch already, Jesus ***

Ville wrote:
Jita wrote:
Rovoc wrote:

i just want to point out that when the mission revamp went through we saw an increase in players and activity on beta.  Missions got nerfed, which negated a lot of reasons veterans were playing so they left.  PVP keeps peeps in the game, while PvE pushes players to PvP.  I do like what chemist suggested, however what the game needs is PvE content to keep casual players in the game.  PvP caters to only a small portion of the population while PvE caters to both. 
just to point out, gathering materials is a grind and should not be considered content.

Rovoc talking sense. This is why I pleaded with you and begged you not to nerf missions and told ypu it would kill the population.

I hope your happy with your 'balance' zoom


You advocated for their nerfing, saying theres no real nic sink in the game lolol.

I advocated adding nic sinks when payouts were 480m an hour, not nerfing payouts which we were very clear should not be touched.

Rovoc wrote:

i just want to point out that when the mission revamp went through we saw an increase in players and activity on beta.  Missions got nerfed, which negated a lot of reasons veterans were playing so they left.  PVP keeps peeps in the game, while PvE pushes players to PvP.  I do like what chemist suggested, however what the game needs is PvE content to keep casual players in the game.  PvP caters to only a small portion of the population while PvE caters to both. 
just to point out, gathering materials is a grind and should not be considered content.

Rovoc talking sense. This is why I pleaded with you and begged you not to nerf missions and told ypu it would kill the population.

I hope your happy with your 'balance' zoom

This will be about as successful as trading cards in bringing new players in

Its an OK change. It won't increase the population but its OK.

Why keep making content that won't bring in money? Doesn't this devalue your money making elements and so bring in less cash?


(23 replies, posted in Q & A)

FTP would not help at this point. It's time to sell out or shut down, the 'balance patch' has shown how totally disconnected they are from the reality of the game. It was nothing less than a travesty.


(23 replies, posted in Q & A)

Naismith wrote:

I bet it's daily quests to activate EP generation instead of the current 3-day-login scheme.

Hopefully this alongside a move to FTP

Annihilator wrote:

doesn't every "standard 5 button mouse" come with a driver that allows you to do that anyway?

Yes but 'dumb people'


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

Or just run a script that deletes artefact DB locations that are 28 days old and creates a new one

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:
Jita wrote:

I hope your joking. The players are the reason this game failed.


YEEAHHH no. Its not the player base's fault that your an alliance killer & a bad CEO.

But really your funny please never stop posting lol

Celebro wrote:

The best thing about this game has always been the players.

QFT mate smile

edit: 2nd page HYPE! big_smile

(Caps added for dramatic effect)

I'll bet you a billion nic you can't name any of the historical alliances I supposedly started or led.