(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Seems like sparking wasn't a problem before when the pop was higher..... And you had a gamma base....

Anywho, I am going back to Corporation Dialogue as well. I believe both sides have made their arguments. Let the DEVs decide what they want to do at this point. I still say there are bigger fish to fry ATM. And I would prefer them spending their time fixing actual problems with the game and the new player experience, and not with a game mechanic that isn't broken to begin with.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Spark teleport has no impact on a small group of players pvping on the beta islands. It may play a role in a small group of players trying to take over a beta outpost against a numerically superior force. But I still say they aren't gonna be able to do that even if you were to get rid of spark teleport completely.


(153 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

And for the record, I still don't know what is "wrong" with the current ore system. Just seems like a bunch of people pissed off that while they aren't playing, everyone else is mining... Pvp is whats broken, and new players will help that. So just keep fixing research and missions and make the new player experience better and a lot of this stuff corrects itself.


(153 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I have no problems with changing the current ore system, if that's what is the best for the game. But Gamma has ZERO benefit for me, other than planting noralgis if I cant mine what I need there. There is no point for me to be there. That was the whole appeal of Gamma to begin with. High risk and High reward.

And this Idea of yours Arga, that by doing this Corps will build and move terminals around all over the gamma islands to mine is ***. Miners are gonna find a way to mine safely, they sure as hell aren't gonna wage wars to get epi.

Maybe this would be great for CIR who could just roam around griefing corps trying to get started on gamma. But it makes it much more difficult for small corps and new corps to do anything on gammas as they will have to build 3 or 4 gamma bases to get enough mats to be able to build any kind of defenses.

Not to mention it would destroy the market for epi, beacause no one would sell it with it being such a pain in the *** to get. Which makes it that much harder for a player who just wants to produce and/or pvp and not mine, to do anything.

Miners shouldn't be the sole reason for pvp. That is flawed game design....


(153 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Guess its time to start mining my billion epi..... Stock up on colix, and move my miners to alpha.


(153 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

So what about some sort of system that would allow for only so many mineral fields per island. And each field would have a random chance of being any ore type upon being spawned. With a higher chance of being common mats like hdt, titan, liquizit, and lesser chance of getting epriton, factional ores, colix, etc.

           So your island may have a bunch of liquids and not many ores. Making you either go to alpha or beta to get ores you don't have on your island. Or you will just mine something you may not need to get something else to respawn. And you might be more willing to sell the mats you get overstocked on due to this mechanic, helping the market and non-mining characters.

          You could provide better percentage chances of epi on beta>Gamma>alpha. And even colixium on beta or epi on alpha. The number of fields per island or the percentage chance of each ore can be adjusted by population.

          The could set beta to have more fields than any island. Alpha to have second most with low chances of any good mats. and gamma to have less fields with best chances for colix and epi.


(153 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

So tired of the script mining stuff being thrown around all the time. I assume its because that's what CIR did so that's what they accuse everyone else of doing, but some of us actually mine the old fashioned way and shouldn't be accused of doing so.

              "Sure, corps and people who were dumb would plop a 40M miner on the field and expect to be left alone. Smart corps plopped down 20-30 miners, and 20-30 combats. 1 miner = 1 combat was always a good ratio. "

Sure, this seems fair for the lone guy who just wants to be a miner or indy guy....

The problem, is that people still think that gamma islands are inpenetrable. The fact of the matter is, there isn't a gamma island in the game that cant be infiltrated. I am curious as to how many gammas must be infiltrated or destroyed for people to realize this?
     Just because my enemies are lazy *** who cant get off their *** long enough to be bothered with a combat mission lasting more than an hour isn't my fault. We have made our island difficult to get into, to discourage all but the most serious of attackers. The only reason we don't get into more gammas, is that with such low pop, it may take days to see someone, much less get some good fights. The payoff isn't worth the effort atm.

    But I suggest that with a better population, gammas wont be the miners paradise they are now. The problem is that so many people don't actually understand the gamma mechanics or actual gamma combat at all. They just assume everyones base is impenetrable and come on the forums to whine about all the time other people spend building their sandcastles. Sorry if you don't keep your accts subbed or actually spend time in-game playing. But please, by all means keep telling us that do, how to fix things....

    Sorry, this wasn't supposed to be a rant.


(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

And epri on beta only sounds great right now for stimulating some pvp. But long term it is a bad idea. if you get a few hundred more people in this game. There will be so many people on beta that no one will be able to mine it.


(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Wait a sec. Are you actually asking us, where we went? What happened to you guys? Syndic stopped iceing your accts so you had to stop playing? I guess ten dollars a month is a lot of money to some people.....


(57 replies, posted in General discussion)

Man, you guys sure cry a lot, about us taking your beta stations that you didn't really want anyway.... I am starting to worry. Your salty tears are starting to taste good to me...


(8 replies, posted in Balancing)

Curious as to who has "Used" this method currently....


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

You don't have to troll us to get us to want to pvp with you anymore Ville. You just have to undock....


(36 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

So exact same bounty program except not on alpha...

If only the Devs didnt have to read hundreds of posts from whiny *** players, think what they could have done by now....


(10 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This feels weird to say.... But, I agree with Ville...