Annihilator wrote:

no autopilot in PvP is in line with ACs design philosophy
having auto-cycling weapons enabled while in PvP is not in line with it.

What is this ~Design Philosophy~ you speak of? Is it something written expressly? I think the rest of the community would love to hear about it.


Gwyndor wrote:

I still like rex's idea of one spark on beta/alpha/gamma. Having a built in spark for each terminal placed would be kind of op

More I think about it, Beta Sparks need to go entirely. The problem is that Home Base 'Blood' Sparks still exist and I want those tied to 'Normal' Sparks to eliminate that extra fake-ass spark (see sig). But I also want to be able to make Home Base on Beta, so ...well dilemma.

I may be changing my whole sig soon as I have fresher ideas on Sparks but they still have holes. Example, I do not see any real issue with having multiple sparks on Alpha I islands (Alpha II gets you more world reach, which I do not want). I also see the rationale for having a couple or few (or more) sparks on Gamma, with other types of restrictions such as only ONE ISLAND or even ONE ISLAND RACE.

I do not see Alpha or Gamma as the real problems. They can still use restrictions, no doubt. It really comes down to Beta. I think those Sparks just have to go.

OP we'd all like to know what Zoom's thoughts are but he does not really seem all that interested in sharing ...ever.

Celebro wrote:

Zoom said they would do that if most would agree, but no poll or feedback has been given after all these discussions.

If you have a quote of Zoom saying such I'd like to see it. Last comment I remember from him was something about not being convinced sparks were problem.

Celebro wrote:

TBH it all gets obscured with politics and CIR spin.

Celebro, I like it better when you're being your normal more-objective self. Stay above the spin, which is HARDLY one-sided. The CIR Hater Express long ago derailed from reality.

Celebro wrote:
Mitix wrote:

As an outsider who doesn't play, rest assured, each and every one of you is a ***.

Oh nice; thanks for insulting us all, I will make sure not to visit your site again. neutral

Actually, I think it's a fair perspective. What the hell are we bickering about and why? Also, have you guys seen the garbage people post in the comments of perp kill? He's just calling it like he sees it.

Despite calling me a ***, I want to thank you again Mitix for you awesome site. Keep up the great work and uh, please don't make me Anonypost on an STC site.

Jita wrote:
Mitix wrote:

As an outsider who doesn't play, rest assured, each and every one of you is a ***.

Zoom can we disable perp kills API please. No need for him to make money from us if thats his attitude.

Speaking for the ***, lol, I find my sense of pity for you refreshed as you turn your vindictiveness on Mitix. So, I guess anyone who does or says something that Jita-Does-Not-Like deserves the Wrath-of-Jita via Dev intervention...


Cassius wrote:

Armored TPs allowed small gangs to attack big ones and have a chance to escape. But it was nerfed, killing hit and run PvP.  Not sure why you think eliminating armoured TPs will help small gang PvP Rex.

Not a troll btw, I am curious your reasoning on this.

Speed is buffed. Requesting masking buff on assaults and TPs. Requesting elimination detection. Requesting elimination of Sparks on Beta so blob force can't so easily drop on your head. Basket is mostly full of what I believe can help smaller invasion forces. But I'm NOT looking to ELIMINATE the small invasion force RISK.

Armor TP is broken for pvp. Period. It's too easy to escape with, even with the new flag mechanic which just disincentivizes engagement. I'm looking for ACTIVE evasion buffs, not playing Patty Cake on a nearly invulnerable escape route.

Stranger Danger wrote:

Don't care about villes thread.  You guys are, as usual, seeking permanent dev intervention for short term problems.

Wait until the game has all its islands before you start begging to make the game world harder to move across.  They already nerfed sparks lets see how it works with a full game first.

After suffering through the 50 page Spark thread I noticed that no matter how many ways it was explained some people just did not understand the issue.

I have no doubt there are people currently asking for spark change who don't get it but see the potential political convenience. So yeah some people have poor motivations for wanting ~dev intervention~ as occurs far too often on way too many game mechanics. On sparks they are accidentally right this time, and likely opposed it last time.

One person? Im hardly the only one with this view on sparks and certainly not the first. It all comes from exact same arguments made in the 50 page SpT thread.. If anything the detractors on this issue are the minority, even in CIR77.

Ville wrote:
Rex Amelius wrote:

No one power ever dominated the server territorial ownership before sparks.

Umm..  Yeah they did.... three times actually.

Who, M2S pre - asset wipe when there were 6 islands in all of Nia. Please, history lesson, giveth.

Aye Pod wrote:

Zoom could get an influx of old players by sending all accounts that have subd over 3 months an email telling them their accts are now FtP. Entice them more by giving them a boost or two to help them close the ep gap.

Should do this regularly like any email campaign least monthly, and on special occasions like important releases or updates. Zoom it would not be hard. They can sub out if they don't want the emails.

Hunter wrote:

1) Because of this is content and DeVs spent a lot of time for it's development.
2) It won't balance anything. The overpowered alliances anyway will stay overpowered.
3) The first one who will suffer - it will be noobs. Also they are first who will leave after such changes.

1.) When I take a dump in the morning it's content. But I still flush no matter how many posts I can squeeze out in the process.

2.) Removing sparks will not change CIR 77 ability to stomp everyone wherever they want. It will change WHERE CIR 77 WANT to stomp everyone as logistics gets HARDER. I know ...multi accounts etc, but not everyone has 5+ combat accounts and without sparks each account is less effective logistically. It'd be much harder to get people where they need to be, and then back.. Nevertheless, it will still take lots of time for CIR 77 to start giving up on the ~we didn't want those stations anyway~ given the starvation for action.

3.) What's noobs got to do with it. They have low EP for sparks and stick to alpha anyway. The ones who do venture to Beta will be LESS likely to have a blob dropped on them in minutes. So it HELPS them.

Cassius wrote:

I'm not happy with the current SpT format, but its far better than eliminating it entirely.
I thought and still think the base problem with power projection is the entity controlling the game has 15 people while the opposition has 5. Therefore the opposition can't do ***. The overall game population is far too low for any game mechanics to work properly, therefore the value of force projection thru simple numerical superiority is quite magnified.

The mechanic of SpT does very little to multiply power projection,


Power Projection

POWER is the 15 guys ability to stomp 5 guys, or 150 guys stomp 50, or 1500 stomp 500 etc.
PROJECTION is more less the distance or logistics of how FAR that power can go in the game map. In perpetuum sparks allow ANY power regardless the size to be anywhere in minutes VERY EASILY ...FAR TOO EASILY.

Sparks don't multiply POWER. Sparks eliminate the distance restriction  power can dominate. The population is IRRELEVANT.

I want a game with regions or at least more restrictions on moving pvp forces so it become too much pain in the *** to bother. This way smaller less effective forces can still be a factor in there region, if not the whole server.

Game world is too small and needs more Islands. Sparks add insult to the small world injury.

No one power ever dominated the server territorial ownership before sparks.

Maidden wrote:


Your idea of what poison is truly is remarkable. Developer Zoom wants to remove sparks to help with the power projection issue that exists in game. You and your corporation oppose developer Zooms decision. While the rest of  Perpetuums player base supports that idea.

The reality is your corp fears Zooms decision to do so. Thus a reason of why you and your corp associates think the player base is poisonous. Perhaps towards your corp. But definitely not towards the developers of the game.

So for the average mmo reader who reads here. You now understand what it looks like when a corp and its members go against the game and the player base who support the Developers. All over power projection of that said CORP!

Now thats funny!!!

^^ You're an idiot. Take notes from this guy with actual reading comprehension skills.  vv

Gwyndor wrote:

It's actually the other way around. I have seen many in cir/phm/77 request a nerf or the removal of spark teleport. It's just dev zoom who "refuse(s) to see spark teleport as a problem". Most of the community is united in wanting a change to spark teleport regardless of affiliation. It's THE dev that disagrees and sadly that's all that matters in this game sad

Shadowmine wrote:

How bout allowing the ability to jump through tp's when flagged again? Would go a long way in allowing smaller units the ability to roam...

Nah. With a speed buff and masking buff would be IMPOSSIBLE to catch. There has to be some sport still. I did recommend to at least reduce that 4k tp visual range.

Break the Monopoly - Well at least crack it.
1.) Remove Sparks from Beta
2.) Add simple 2-3 second clicky-type activity for Point Accumulation on Successful SAP Defense.

Reignite Small Gang Activity - Sneaky Sneak Hit n Run
3.) Eliminate Detection Module
4.) Buff Assault Base Masking
5.) Eliminate Armor Mobile TP
6.) Buff Masking on remaining Mobile TP
7.) Nerf Probe Masking & Prohibit placement within 1000 of TPs
8.) Increase Interference over time on ANY bot sitting under TPs

Note these are all very quick changes (except #8 - likely complicated). Revamping entire Intrusion system, creating more islands, and creating/balancing incentives are all more involved topics that will take a long time to develop. So please keep the focus, if possible.

Inspired mostly by Gremrod's recent posting.

Smokeyii wrote:
Gremrod wrote:
Jita wrote:

yes because the cam needs to do the work to find the miner whereas a detector can sit at strategic points under a station or gate and see everything.

This is something that has been missing from the game for a long time. Well since detector modules were introduced. They should have left the assault masking alone and left detectors out of the game.... But some people said that the assaults were too OP.

So the more I think about it the more I am for removal of the detector module!


This is what got lemon and I crossways years ago, he was mad that he couldn't see a masked assault till he was in demob range, and I said so what? cry more. And he did.

I agree with this in part. I think sparks are ok, except for the fact that there's no cooldown to it and therefore no commitment on the players part for sparking. Mobile teles I like... a lot, although with the speed increase, and the planned highway expansion maybe they're not as important as before.

Probes and detectors should be taken out IMHO. Hell, I'd rather see the 1k meter standard detection for every bot/mech like the old days to be honest. Maskers should stay and assaults should get a masking bonus because surprise buttsecks in assaults is a lot of fun, was back in the day, would be today too.

I've also been thinking a lot about Masking/Detection and I think their may be something to the argument to eliminate the detection module completely.

And Buff Masking on Assaults.

I'm not sure about eliminating probes, but perhps nerfing their masking so intruders can more easily avoid them. But if probes and scouts are chilling on gates it should not matter much if a speed-buffed mask-buffed ewar and assualt gang sneak around the island.

Still also need to eliminate Sparks on beta
Still also need nominal activity requirement for SAP defense point accumulation.

I'm not sure about removing mobile teles, but some tweaks definitely in order.

Most of these changes are sooooo easy. Devs just need to be sold on them.

Not trying to STOP the projection of power, just make it HARDER to do so. I want a game with regional power blocks but we have a ways to go to get to that goal. Sparks is step 1.

Also, what Gwyndor said is right on if his second reference was the PVE problem.

Sparks and PVE are the two biggest problems in game. One is easy to fix, one may take years.

Celebro wrote:
Syndic wrote:

The game has since release always been plagued by vets manipulating the Devs to get changes implement that benefit their corporations. We've seen it before and we're seeing it now, nothing new or shocking there.

Right, the Devs want their own game to fail, and they are naive and can't read between the lines. OK, that makes no sense at all. roll

No one is saying devs WANT their game to fail. I dont see how you read that from the quote. Devs don't play this game and historically have made changes to mechanics based solely on forum threads ...very bad knee jerk changes that were not planned or tested.

No one SANE thinks anyone wants this game to fail. People have much better things to do and if anyone really believes that line he needs a long vacation.

And no Burial, our eyes are open. I think yours are too but I guess you felt the need to drop a useless cliche. I don't agree with many of your ideas but I base that on a difference in playstyle preferences, mostly.

But this whole demonization campaign is childish and pathetically weak.

Jelan wrote:

This is much better than malificent that I'm currently watching I just can't decide if syndic or gremrod is angelina jolie lol

She's the ~good guy~ in the end


Smokeyii wrote:

I don't think anyone has questioned Gremrod's promoting of the game.

Smokeyii wrote:

I fail to see what you seek to garner by posting this topic on

Are you trying to bully the devs into your way of thinking?

Jita wrote:

Do you think your helping bad mouthing the game on mmorg's forums?

Jelan wrote:

Nice, back handed dig at the Dev's... That'll definitely help the game roll

Shall I go on?

Gremrod Actually wrote:


The poison I speak of is the fighting that happens like what is going on in this thread now. DEV Crm wants to make a game and more than a game. He wanted to build a community of online players that would contribute to it and make it a breathing living entity.

But from what I can see it has turned into a forum fight of you did what and who is to blame for this and that....

Jita, Jelan, Smokey think Gremrod wrote:


The poison I speak of lies within all the corps that are not CIR77. On our path to Ultimate Victory of Burning down the Perpetuum server we must torture and maim all noobs and vets who do not see our evil vision. Dev CRM must be stopped before he can fix all the broken mechanics that we exploit. The Devs must not be allowed to have a flourishing game. Oh and did you hear the one about Jita's mother? I have the recording right here!

Bagdad CeleBob wrote:

So where exactly is the poison.


Jita wrote:

Gremrod come on, your acting like we've not been on teamspeak listening to the main guys in your alliance saying they want to kill it.


You only hear and see what you want to hear and see. You're so consumed by your own bitterness I'm not sure whether to be angry or just sad for you.



(63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Cassius wrote:

When Perp has the same market tools as EvE then I think its right to make a comparison. SpT in Perp is essential to an industrialist. There are no remote contracts here.

Gotta agree with Ville on these particular points

So we need sparks for 3 dudes wanting to seed all markets?

*** the industrialists. They can walk at +36

Some of you guys just don't get it. This game will be a boring 2 powerblock server with instant access to any island. Game would be far more fun if players stuck to a region, both pvp and industrial. It's all in their 50 page spark thread about regional powers versus server wide powers.