Chapter 15: Failed Attempt
The word got back to Garish very quickly that his team had failed and that made him furious. He had sent his best and they didn’t even get within sight of the Queen. If he ever thought he'd get the entire countries backing she had to go, then even the current laws would help him and give him control. He had underestimated her and her friends, something he'd never do again, but he also saw that the church was going to play a bigger role here than he had hoped, and that would make his job even harder, as they jumped into the conflict faster than he had planned, and with their massive military he was really glad he got some allies before things got started.
The pair were interrogated by the best the church had to offer and they said nothing. They were real pros and that gave them no real evidence that Garish had sent them, something they wanted badly. Now they were locked up for the duration of the war, and security around the Queen was tightened, and in a few days things started getting back to normal.
“There was an attempt on your awful.” People were saying as Kate milked all the attention she could get and Cybil looked exhausted watching over her while people made a big fuss and she drank it all up. They were sitting in the cafeteria with a crowd all around Kate asking her if she was alright and if they could do anything to help, and Cybil was standing by trying her best to see everything that was happening, but not at all sure she was getting it done with so many gathering around,when a hand reached over from somewhere behind her and as she jumped she saw her favorite drink, a vanilla capachino,and Phil just smiled and said she looked like she could use some and she finally relaxed and thanked him.
“It's been like this for days now, you'd think they'd get tired of it, I sure am.” she said taking a good drink as Phil nodded he understood.
“I doubt they will until Kate gets tired of all the attention,” he said as they both smiled, fat chance of that, she loved the spotlight. “I'll have a talk with her later, maybe you'll get a little more rest if she stays at home in the evenings and at night.” he added as she agreed and thanked him for his help.
“She's the perfect politician that’s for sure,” Cybil said chugging her drink, and Phil laughed and walked away and waited for a better time to talk to Kate when she wasn't so busy and Cybil went back on guard while Kate assured everyone that she was perfectly safe now, something even her own bodyguard could not guarantee at this point and Cybil rolled her eyes and finally just stepped in and said they needed to go and everyone looked sad with Kate the saddest of all when she was dragged away.
“Katherine!” Cybil said as they walked home and Kate looked a little surprised , she seldom used that tone with her, “ will you PLEASE think of me for once? It's my job to protect you, and every day you let yourself be surrounded by people who go on and on about stupid things. It would be the perfect time for an assassination attempt, and I'd be nearly helpless to get to you in time.” She explained as Kate smiled and agreed, she did get a little carried away from time to time.
“I promise I'll be more careful.” she said finally as Cybil started to settle down a little but Kate could tell she was still upset. “It's all good publicity for our country, they ask questions and I assure them things are fine, and we both know that’s not true, but it sounds good and the word gets around and we have friends here that are watching over us so it's not as bad as you think.”
“I don’t need watching over, just you, and sometimes an army would have a hard time,” Cybil said sourly,as Kate smiled , she had made it hard on her lately and she would give her a break when she could.
“It wasn't me that got the free drink just now, maybe your being watched more than you think.” Kate hinted as Cybil's face grew red and she refused to think that way, Phil just happened by and did something nice for her that’s all there was to it, and she went the rest of the way home denying the whole thing.
But Kate, being Kate wouldn’t let it go and after a while, they parted as Cybil went for a check the perimeter she said, and Kate took a long bath to relax from the days activities. They had two guards there every night now, men and women they knew were loyal and that helped give Cybil a chance to rest herself, but she never really did, she worried even when she knew things were safe, but that was the job, and she had accepted it long ago.
The night was uneventful and they walked silently back towards classes the next day and Kate saw that Cybil was being more quiet than normal and she finally apologized for giving her a hard time the day before.
“I'm your bodyguard,and I've failed to protect you once, if Phillip wasn't there, then you might have gotten hurt,” She said sadly as Kate smiled, it wasn't true and she knew it.
“If Phillip wasn't there being the pain he is, then you'd have fixed the problem, I have faith in you or I could never sleep at night, and I sleep quite well.” Kate said as Cybil smiled a wide smile and thanked her for the comment and they heard people calling them and several ran over to start talking again today, and Cybil stepped back a step to give them some room.
“Thank you all for your concern,” Kate said loudly as they all cheered,” but I have classes to worry about and my own security, so please, lets just get back to normal shall we?” and at that the crowd seemed saddened and they all said their goodbyes and slowly thinned out until they were alone again.
“Better?” Kate asked silently as Cybil walked back up beside her again.
“Much thank you,” She said as they both smiled and went on to their first class of the day, and the argument of the night before was forgotten.