(12 replies, posted in News and information)

Ok now we got some blue. Gropho watching how im fapping my e-peen and its more annoying than cellar cat.


(12 replies, posted in News and information)

No blue bot? It's racism!


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Btw, lag and connection to po is the worst crap i ever see. I cant move when my speed more than 150, heavy freeze and jumpbacks when im faster 100. No dissconnects peronally for me, but i prefer them, not dejavu-moving mode.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

ECCM status:
Nova use, rest whines. Sucsess.

Time to use arck gangs. "OMG this cost nothing! Even more cheap than our t1 lights! Nerf this maadness syntec op!"


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

ECCM stupid module. Use 1-2 of them on EW and u can shut down heavy mech. Use 4 of them on assault and neutralize 2 enemy HEAVY mechs. Thats why you are roamed by ew\*** swarm, because its YOU who asked everyday to nerf mech and buff roaches.

Now you want roaches nerf. For what? U would bring nerfed mechs to the battlefield? Goddamn man do it now, our generals command to use only lights to dont scary you, ***.

Enjoy ur sandbox, and enjoy alsbale while u can.


(69 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yes nerf them, observer dont mining for their fit, imba-reps with unlim capasitor (ERP-fit sure). Also observers are not-so-lol pirates - u cant treat them in general chat or attack their miners. Obs roaming 24/7 all islands, EVEN APLFA!!!111 NEED NERF I WANNA BE NAMBER ANE PIRATE!


(69 replies, posted in Balancing)

hmm, no kernels from observers? WTF man? If u cant just find an art box and kill lonely stupid npc its not our fault.


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hope next patch would remove all t1 fit from game. that would be honest.

Reynava Mohric wrote:

find Chaos Chests - which could contain gold, gear, and rare items.

Don't. Touch. Our. Chests.


(57 replies, posted in Balancing)

Dont shoot inside your hangar and FMA wouldnt drive you away smile Go outside.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

15 people spending 6-7 hour to kill 2 ppl? U r awesome. 1 miner do about 10kk/hour on beta.
So who is losing this war?


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

* why can alfa have epriton isotops


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Alf wrote:

Are you sure?

Some kind of sure. If u r reading this thread, just say
1) "go on guys, we need more opinions how to balance" or
2) "gtfo with ur erp tanking and short battles time whine".

I still have a luthus full of letters, but them are not endless.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Nodev cares about this thred - check.
Novastroll > m2s&dogs - double check.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Who wants some t4 fit? Nobody. Coz everyone has brand new t1, which enogh to space-click.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Novastrov, *** yeah!
Killing the game honestly since devs killed m2s cheats.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

This game became full of cheap stuff. Now cheap people too. Thats bad.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

80 pts on CIR character. Cant sigth of line or doy corp. Now stop trying to fake and return to the topic.

We are playing game, and its turned on 180 degrees sometimes.
We are paying game, and its turned sometimes too.
Nerf, buff, patch, fix, broke, waste, remake, rebalance, improve, fail, and here we go!


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Line wrote:
Medved wrote:

Proof or gtfo, bro.

I'm not gonna bother to proove something to miners, "bro".

Say more about miners, -66 warrior.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Good news everyone. We have one more m2s patch.
Not long ago them all started to reset in red bots, and now we have double red-buff. With tanking remove and t1 modules buff.
Third patch in same theme - and im stop paying this gaym.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Proof or gtfo, bro.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

U have never seen me on beta coz doy have zero pvp potential. Come get some to alsbale or novastrov, im still have a little piece of buble gum.
Keep flaming. One day u will forget to turn off troll modules and ur home will burn in hell.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

It's a whinebox. Everyone here should have their own head on shoulder (maybe not ur 8 twinks and industrial 2-12), and think how to make the game better.
Easyway - live in alfa-terminal, troll in general chat, kill akhers at tp on castels with t1 detectors. IMMA PLAYING PERPETUUM MOM!


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Shields got buff only for "tru pvp t1 ganks", coz in heavy tanking nerfed shield tunings give us less ap\hp.

WTF guys? I wanna some end-game content to reach and use it. And i dont want to be pwned by lucky homeless zerg. Game also has defence missions to defence bots, and prev patch kill any defence fit. But its so pro to stay at the enemy outpost with 3-4 t1 heavy plates to observ the area and dock in case of dangerous. NERF IT!

This game about big corps, big drama and mass pvp. Not hurr durr counter-strike.