Topic: Need rollback.
sorry for google translate.
So guys... It is obvious that the game is broken because disbalance. You can look at on-line or discussions. People are not play. Drama on the forum. To beta players and corporations are not interested play in such conditions. Only the Pirates were happy to change, but soon will become bored for them too. And then will leave last people. I suggest rollback. It's necessary to fully restore the functional of defense. I mean work armor tunings and ERP.
Dear developers, if you want to game live, do not kill the concept of combat.
There is a triangle between the races in the game. There must also be a triangles between classes and between the combat aspects:
Fast/DPS aspect. Must be very strong against the siege, but vulnerable against the defense aspekt. Main advantages - speed, firepower. The main disadvantages - a very weak armor. Low combat-range.
It is very slow, but very survivable aspect. Should be almost invulnerable against attack aspekt, but weak against siege. Main benefits - armor and firepower. The main disadvantage - very slow. Middle distance of combat.
It must be fast enough units with high firepower and long range combat. Should work very well against the defence robots, but to be vulnerable against attack aspekt.
Now it is very well developed aspects of attack and siege. Aspect of defense dead.