Topic: Developers waste time.
Sorry for bad english.
I remember time when speed was principal advantage. And all used lew.
Have then changed balance and advantage have received Kains.
Have then appeared cheaters and have shown to all server that the strongest Grophos.
Have then changed balance of masking and there was a new force - assault.
Many changes were because of shouts at a forum.
But it seems to me that many motions were excessive.
I consider that:
1) It is necessary to be defined with the main concept of game.
2) It is necessary to define roles of classes.
3) to Adjust balance once and further to change it is very thin and rare.
... And I consider, what even now it is not required to change something in game balance. The balance is. Assault have taken the place of PvP. Now there is a choice: force, the armor, speed or masking (Electronics only is insufficiently developed).
Anyway and any situation that will prevail what certain type of robots. Assault aren't guilty in that that now popularly murder of miners on beta islands and that they for this purpose are ideally suited.
Gropho it is not guilty that it far shoots. It should shoot far because it costs much and demands high level of skills (extensions).
Actually the concept is defined for a long time also by all is known. It is better to be engaged in adding of the new.
Frequent change of balance conducts to instability. Instability reduces popularity of game.
Now at all forums speak: Perpetuum - unstable and crude game which balance is influenced by crowd of trolls.
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