(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rage Rex wrote:

Industry and Market activity needs remote access and control. That is the solution you need not Spark TP with all its baggage. Well thought out? Sarcasm?

Perhaps a little smile

But yes remote access is where its at for what this dude was talking about.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

The MECHanic wrote:

You know.  What I enjoy about spark teleportation is that I can do an industry assignment that requires me to manufacture something.  Then I can (instead of WAIT for who knows how long for the item to be manufactured) teleport to another Terminal and do Assignments there. 

I mean seriously.  If you want a timer, impose one on yourself.  Just start your timer on your phone and don't use the teleport till the your timer is up.

What?  Oh, thats not fair?  Well, shove off and go play EvE if you want a farking timer.  Don't attempt to ruin the enjoyment for others because you aren't happy with something. 

I hope you realize that the GM's were trying to make it easier on the players to move around, do stuff at different stations and assist in Corporation endeavors.  You want to walk on beta?  Well, take the chance that reinforcements will come to decimate your Mech.  Don't whine that you can't do everything you want to do because you want something changed to assist you in accomplishing your whining goal. 

I'm NEW and I do not care what you have to say.  I read it all, the droning is ***.  I will not be lending an ear to rabble as yourselves.  Always whining about something not being in your favour.  WANT WANT WANT!  Get over it!  Its not unbalanced, its getting from A to B in 30 secs not 30min - 1hr.

As I said before ... set your own DARNED TIMER!

Hi, thanks for this quality well thought out, not at all idiotic post, please come again.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

That's not ideal but its preferable, you are giving something up in order to defend multiple stns, that's different from Sparks, where you're not.

BandwagonX9000 wrote:

My informants tell me otherwise. What? Don't the rest of your guys know already? Man it must suck to keep dying like pigs and still be kept in the dark about what should concern them... I hope I didn't spoil anything.

BandwagonX9000 wrote:

Just like they got special treatment while other people's _reported_ possible eula violations get actively brushed aside.

You're a special little fella aren't you


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Stranger Danger wrote:
Dazamin wrote:
Smokeyii wrote:

So, how about no timer on alpha, timer on beta/gamma.

*edit* hell, how about only on beta?

Off the top of my head, I would put a cooldown timer on everything (3-4 hrs maybe) and limit people to 3-4 Spark locations.

HOWEVER this only works alongside a much less rage inducing tp network, which also lets you look at mobile tps.

Ultimately in both cases I think you need a redesign of the tp network before you can do too much with either, since subjecting people to having to move purely with the static tp setup as is, is just cruel smile

I don't like the concept of timers because it encourages "no-play"

what I mean by that is that people will attempt to bait fleets into sparking so they can hit another station that will be undefended.  What you get from this is a fleet in one spot doing nothing and a fleet in another spot doing nothing.,..

the point of sparks should be to encourage fighting as well as providing a means of limiting robot walking simulator.

Again, I think people here are jumping to conclusion based on the fact that 19 islands are not in game.  Add back gamma and the current system is very restrictive.  lv10 = one gamma two betas and one alpha 2...that's pretty damn restrictive.

The real issue is that current spark system favors veterans, and limits new player involvement in current pvp.

From what I can tell, its people who don't like that one alliance is wiping an inactive alliance off the map, made possibly by the ability to have....2 (two) sparks on beta...considering they can spark with no cool down.  Mind you...everyone else has the ability to make use of these sparks.

Hell in the future, a cooldown on sparks is just going to favor people with multiple combat accounts who can just undock and spark while the new players and those with one combat need to wait 4hrs...

Cooldown timers are a horrible idea.  It will reduce battles, it will further favor veterans and people with multiple accounts, and it wont fix the issue of "inactive corps and alliances will get wiped off the map"

Mind you if the game does get really active and a few more power blocks rise up (some are on the fast track right now) and gamma is added back asap....the current system is going to be restrictive enough on fleet mobility.  Its a shortsighted suggestion imo, based more on personal gain given the current powerblock situation, and isn't based in any way on the health of the game or real balance issues.

I'm not in CIR and I'm not in STC, I don't care who wipes who, you don't like the idea of cooldowns, fine, but don't dismiss anyone who disagrees as just "being mad at how pr0 you are".

One of the basic principles of the game is you can't get everywhere instantly, spark tps override that basic principle with no restrictions (for whichever islands you have sparks on). You think its a problem that I could fake out your force into sparking somewhere and then attacking somewhere else, I don't, I think that's a legit tactic. As we're doing sweeping generalisations it seems to me that lots of people think two sides should decide to fight over one spot, line up facing each other an then throw all their bots at the other side, well this isn't an arena fps. People don't have to play the game the way you want them to (Which incidentally would favour your side).

Cooldowns don't encourage 'no play', because sparks should not be the default way of getting to a fight. It just doesn't encourage 'no thought play', don't need to think ahead, just spark around whenever we like.

BandwagonX9000 wrote:

But Kaldenines, from your same corp, is stating that EW benefits the blob and needs a nerf so how do I reconcile these two conflicting statements from the same corp?

I don't know. It's like getting banned for reporting people for not complying for the EULA, and the violators getting ignored. Perhaps it because I'm of the wrong color.

Is there some kind of bad posting school you guys all get sent to when you join CIR?


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

RedKGB wrote:

I would rather have people semi-committed then let it get to the point where a corp with no desire to pvp runs around beta saying they are the best when there is less then 50 people on at a time.

How about you all try not bringing your stupid "lol STC don't PvP" *** into every unrelated discussion and just talk about trials. tia


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Smokeyii wrote:
Dazamin wrote:

Personally I don't like timers that stop you doing anything, so I'd rather have cool down timers (I can't spark jump but I can play Perp) to timers during or after jump (where I cannot do anything at all in game)

So, how about no timer on alpha, timer on beta/gamma.

*edit* hell, how about only on beta?

Off the top of my head, I would put a cooldown timer on everything (3-4 hrs maybe) and limit people to 3-4 Spark locations.

HOWEVER this only works alongside a much less rage inducing tp network, which also lets you look at mobile tps.

Ultimately in both cases I think you need a redesign of the tp network before you can do too much with either, since subjecting people to having to move purely with the static tp setup as is, is just cruel smile


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Personally I don't like timers that stop you doing anything, so I'd rather have cool down timers (I can't spark jump but I can play Perp) to timers during or after jump (where I cannot do anything at all in game)


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tund Bungler wrote:
Dazamin wrote:

I think that post was asking for examples of actual new players trying to PvP in the first 7 days, not scout alts.

All he had to do was ask


Yeah I did mean to add to that post that there probably were some, may well be some from when NeX started and a few other corps too, but its not that common, and is probably people who're a little more committed to the game, I'd agree with Kald that not allowing trial players onto beta isn't gonna ruin the trial for new players, a few will be disappointed they can't access everything, but yeah we all remember the problems trial alts on beta can cause.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tund Bungler wrote:
Kaldenines wrote:
BeastmodeGuNs wrote:

Though it would prevent that, It would also prevent these peeps from being able to try out beta PvP and see what PvP ingame is like.

Have you seen any 7 day old character die or get kills on beta? If so I would love to see that killmail.


These trials changed game mechanics within 24 hours.

I think that post was asking for examples of actual new players trying to PvP in the first 7 days, not scout alts.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Stranger Danger wrote:

however perhaps the real issue is me loathing long walk times to and from potential battles.

not so bad no with most of the map not in game, I don't want sparks to be nerfed again then have to deal with multiple allies gamma bases, multiple beta bases, and one alpha...

Long walking times are a problem, but walking around is the default way of getting around this game, and should (imo) continue to be. This does mean redesigning tps and highways so its not a giant pain to get anywhere. Mobiles and Sparks with no cooldown are a bandaid for a bad system that should be fixed.

You talk about multiple bases as if its unconnected, but that is part of the the power projection problem, I don't think it is ok that a bunch of corps that don't live at that base can instantly get there to defend it.

Didn't listen cos I wasn't on it, but sure it was ok wink

Ville wrote:
Dazamin wrote:
Ville wrote:

Your not going to like the consequences of bringing back the old network...

Yeah, imagine if one group could project power over the whole map... oh wai...

I have no sympathy.  I told them, three times actually.

Told who what? (I assume the devs about power projection, but idk)

Anyway, the reality is the current tp setup is (imo) more annoying than the old one, for no real benefit. It doesn't prevent power projection which would be about the only positive thing it could possibly do. Possibly the devs thought it would create the 'illusion of space', it doesn't. If you want space add space. Mobile tps and sparks are a bandaid to a bad system, for new players coming in who don't have those things and have to walk everywhere, I feel sorry for you.

Tund Bungler wrote:

There isnt a good way to share tile info from one bot to another while in the field, which necessitates a lot of tedious moving around and communication to get groups all mining the right spots. The suggested fixes which theoretically be simpler to implement than a tile sharing system./

Fixing the actual problem might be a better idea though no?

Ville wrote:

Your not going to like the consequences of bringing back the old network...

Yeah, imagine if one group could project power over the whole map... oh wai...

Celebro wrote:
Dazamin wrote:

Why not just have one bot with every module fitted and then we'll never have to worry again...

I thought you wanted balancing, that's what we are discussing. smile

Demonstrate why mining needs to be buffed then its a balance discussion, you can already fit a geoscanner to a mining bot, so what is the reason for this change?


(16 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kaldenines wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Dazamin: you're seeing this too much black&white I think. Obviously hybrid robots will need some balancing too, like not letting people put together heavy mech legs with light robot chassis, but the random system would let us not worry about nerfing each and every possible combination on its own.

And low priority for balancing doesn't mean that we won't change stuff if there are any glaring imbalances, what I meant is that we currently wouldn't want to make any in-depth balancing changes since that usually generates a butterfly effect, possibly making things worse than before. Balancing is a delicate issue and any change needs to be checked from different angles, but I'm sure you know that.

It's nice to see you reply to this topic.

I can't help but think that the glaring imbalances would be easier to avoid, in the first place, if equations like X^(number of tunnings) or Y^(extension level) were not used.

Also it would be nice to hear from the devs what pvp is intended to look like in this game.
How much should be down to chance or EP or skill or numbers?
How active should support roles such as remote repair be?
Should fast tackle also be tanky?
Should retreat ever be a practical option after a fight starts?
Should ewar form the bulk of an effective force?
Should ewar have a counter other than more ewar?
Should certain bots require a hard counter (bring A or automatically lose to B)?
What role should relatively new accounts have in pvp?
How much space should one faction hold with ease?
How safe should pve activities in pvp zones be?
How expensive (in man hours) should a top of the line pvp bot be?
Should roaming be a viable option for finding fights?
Are sap defenders expected to sit there for the whole hour?

These questions don't really have a right or wrong answer but it's difficult to even discuss balance when we don't know what the goals are.

I am not asking for a specific answer to each of those here and now but some idea of the way things should be would be great.

And like other have said, please try to balance with small changes first sad
Have you ever looked at the patch notes for blizzard's multiplayer games or eve?

Balancing is 'Low Priority' hence this thread, so I wouldn't expect many answers, I'm not sure that some of them have been considered in any detail recently, which is a shame.

@ Syndic, I take your point, although Gamma was on the test server previously, and well... Test Server is a good thing and can definitely help find glaring problems, but ultimately the devs come with some features and we try and break them, see whats op etc. My big issue is that in the realm of bot balancing there are no features to test, bots are what they are and are not really gonna get changed. There's plenty of issues around bot balance that deserve looking at, but that's not happening, and probably won't in the foreseeable future.

Why not just have one bot with every module fitted and then we'll never have to worry again...

New version, OP Updated, Nexus stuffz

Added guide to importing your extensions


Its almost like Armored TPs were the problem all along :shocked:

Tux wrote:

shoot the mobile teleporters?

TP 2 Stronk sad

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

is it possible to add NEXUS effects? or did i miss where that feature is ?

Hoping to add it, along with sparks, although theres a bit more involved for Nexus since its skill based, do we use your skills? Max Skills? Use a particular character?

Updated OP, new alpha version

Indy wrote:

This will make mining much easier.

Mining 2 Hard sad