Not sure if it's useful for this specifically, since I run multiples, but just some observations from my machines:

32-bit Vista Business, Intel Dual Core 2.20GHz Laptop, 4 GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 512MB

One client: medium settings, very few crashes (one or two over the span of days), happened during dock/undock, hadn't left the starting island in those sessions (was doing mining missions), occurred at terminal (Asintec Alpha). Performance slows to a crawl/rubberbanding when opening map.

Three clients: low settings, sound off, unplayable, did notice one of the clients memory footprints skyrockets when the third is started to double the usage of the others (didn't check if it was the one starting or another one, I can if that info would be useful).

Two clients: low settings, sound off (attempted to have sound on, on one client, didn't really work, cut in and out, oddest thing was that it seemed to be effected by the camera position of the client that still had the sound turned off). Occasional crashes (once every one or two days), only one client will crash, occurs at dock/undock, mining again so rarely if ever leave the one island. Occurred at Asintec Alpha, also occurs at terminal on secondary Alpha (handful of people around, but does seem more likely to occur the more others are around, crashes happen less at the secondary Alpha). Loading map causes heavy slowdown, closing map will cause clients to temporarily go "not responding".

64-bit Windows 7, Intel Quad Core 2.67 GHz, 4 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4800 1024MB

Three clients: Low settings, sound off. No crashes over the span of multiple days I've used it so far. Once third client is started, see the large jump in memory footprint again. Will stabilize over long period of time when not moving (sitting still, mining) to all be equal (about 450MB for each footprint). Moving will cause footprints to go up a bit, one client will have a bit of an elevated footprint compared to the others. Docking/undocking will cause the large jump to occur again (not sure if this is every time, or just occasional, can observe more closely if that's helpful). Loading/closing of map will cause slowdown/minor pause, but clients are still responsive.

Hope that information is useful, happy to provide more/help out however I can if wanted/needed smile


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here's the work in progress: … umWIP2.jpg

There will be two versions, one print and one for screen. The print version will have some tweaks to make it more printer friendly, the screen version will have smaller text. The print version will be poster sized (2 versions of that too due to paper sizes, one for North America, one for the rest of the world =P)

It'll have a bot type weakness/strength table of some kind attached (still figuring that out). And I'll have an optional second page listing terminal/outpost facilities.

Anything else people really want? Or any thoughts on the current design, etc?

Also, anything that's said/suggested more than a day after this post, no guarantees it'll make it in, because I'll have already started doing the rest of the map =P



(386 replies, posted in News and information)

Hmm, let's go with:



(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Read here:

4 Days of game time is being added to all accounts.


Too slow hehe =P

There's a lot of Perp players who keep asking for the reasons behind the sudden influx, what has all of us so angry, etc.

Someone recently posted this video, that highlights all the juicey bits and should explain it pretty clearly (it's a bit fast in places, so you may want you mouse over the pause button):

The CSM meeting mentioned near the end is due to start today.

And yes... I know, "damnit, another Eve thread, lets get back to Perp!" But, I'm partially hoping this will be an easy place for people to link to, instead of having to rehash it in the chats every time someone asks, which pretty much hijacks the chat while we bittervets rant about the betrayal.

On the Perp related side, this may also help others understand why we're both surprised at, and immensely happy that the Devs here have a firm commitment to never have pay to win and you know... actually communicate with the players.

P.S. If this thread is too worrying on the off-Perp/drama level, I won't be offended by it being blasted.


(44 replies, posted in General discussion)

+1 As they say. Nicely done smile

Tulip Wednesday wrote:

heres a fix: smile

Step one, Find your Amex.  neutral

Step two, Google for CISCO, Read, call. yikes

Step three, Involve experienced professionals that know how to connect thousands of people to systems anywhere in the world.  tongue

Step four, raise the playing fee to 15USD a month to pay for systems/bandwidth/techs etcetera roll

Step five, listen to praise from happy customers.  big_smile


Tongue in cheek, I'm spending my time in a _ing forum rather than playing the game, no fair...

Ironically, I was a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) for years. By the end of my career I was manager for a network that spanned three countries (one across the Pacific Ocean). I was younger than most of my employees and had already been recognised by peers for some work that I had done.

I quit, gave up the good salary, and swore never to do IT again except for some few contracts for people I knew well. For the simple reason that those without any technical knowledge have no understanding of what's involved, appreciation for, or reasonable expectations of the work in IT.

It doesn't matter how well the system is setup, how well things are prepared, how many backups there are, or contingency plans, something will fail or something unpredictable will happen. People will always demand timelines when there's no means to predict one. Trying to explain that, or detail the problem, makes their eyes glaze over, or angry because it goes over their head and they assume you're lying/making excuses to cover yourself. Even when you manage to produce a miracle and have service restored quickly, all they will say is "this better not happen again" or similar.

E.g. A company I worked for had an employee infect some servers (he did things we'd specifically told him not to). He'd done it, just before leaving work... Meaning my automated notifications alerted me, just as I walked through the door of my home. I immediately went back and cleared everything, created new passwords for all employees, etc, including having to rebuild some servers from near scratch to be sure we were clear. I then sent an e-mail out at around 5 am explaining the events of the night. I got home again at 6:30 am in the morning. The CEO called me at 7:00 am because he couldn't read his new password, I changed it remotely to something easier for him. After that, he asked me if I was coming in that day... and was angry when I said, "no". The company didn't experience any downtime, lose any money, lose any information/have it stolen, or have any liability to clients for any of those events... Yet the response the next day was blame from the guy who'd caused the issue (you IT guys didn't explain it well enough) and annoyance from the CEO ("you weren't here for the day").

My point, I guess, is that these Devs have my greatest respect for actually daring to make do something where they will have those/these sorts of situations constantly. They've already done/do more than most companies do. Patience, is a virtue, and something that should be fairly applied to their efforts.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hmm, I could definitely use it in getting around myself. I'll fiddle around and see what I can do smile


Also, anyone want to see anything else on the map?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's actually not the capacity that's the current problem (they had up to 970 previously and from what I've seen the Devs say, they can do much more), it's just a bug somewhere in the code that's creating artificial strain/load...

But yeah, that aside, hopefully it'll be a free for all shortly smile


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

2005 (recently turned bitter) vet here. Eve was an addiction and I keep thinking, at this point, that Hilmar was the abusive spouse who kept promising, "this time will be different." =P Will probably still see what happens with the CSM trip, but don't think my heart's in it anymore.

Huge Battletech fan so this fits pretty nicely for me. See you on the field o7


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

New to the game, but spent last night grinding to get into a Sequer, first goal down so I'm decently satisfied. Pretty much sold on being here already (Devs & GM's that communicate? Who knew such mythical beasts existed?), so I'll just hang out in the irc when the numbers get high until the issue is sorted. Gives me time to work on some fanart anyway.

Good luck to all the even newer people and hope you get some time to enjoy the game. smile

P.S. Could a Mod do a /kill or such on my name on the irc? It seems to have glitched and is denying connection based on the belief that I'm still connected. =P Thanks!


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just to mention I had a similar issues (would get to 50% of 438 and then it would cause an exception error), link in this thread is what got me in. smile


(377 replies, posted in News and information)

Concise and prompt explanations for what's going on means I'm not bothered by not being able to play.

Communication (and the trust it builds), it's a wonderful thing. *cough*

Good luck with the fix.