(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Zoom wrote:

How old is that experience of yours? Because that was fixed 2 weeks ago.

Two weeks sounds about right. Did not see it in any patch notes so assumed it was still there.

Did you consider it too minor/unknown to put in notes or was it done by gnomes and you just found out ?


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Zoom wrote:

No, the tutorial doesn't give you any EP and you can't spend any during it either.

Interesting thing about the second part of this. While upgrading extensions during tutorial does not cost any EP, the price is still checked against current EP total. And if the price is higher (for example lvl 10 Robotics) then the Upgrade button is not shown/disabled.
Probably not intended but not really in need of fix.

On the virtual island.

There is an Argano given out for mining and artifact scanning tutorial, with modules equipped.

Change the geoscanner module given for artifact scanning tutorial from Syn Tec to Standard.
Since all extensions are at 5, should not be a problem fitting it.
And the Syn Tec is just too inaccurate for artifacts.


(151 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think this game could use a separate area with all red NPCs, roaming everywhere, observers etc but no direct pvp. A place where PvE players could go to challenge themselves and/or grief one another.

But Alpha 2s, as the main markets, transportation centers and main pve industry terminals* are not a good place for that. A few new islands perhaps ?

* - not sure there is a need to have Facility bonuses different on Alpha 1 and 2 when both are all orange now. Then again, no real need to change it either. And I guess it does help focus the main markets.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Oh I'm very confident people wouldn't create new characters just to grief the hell out of them smile

Make the reds leash then, since "farming is too easy" cannot be a concern when nothing is brought over.
And of course seed the market there with mechs, equipment and whatever else (if they are not already) to easily replace whatever is lost.

Right now the "combat area" does not have anything that can fight back in a significant way, which can give a very wrong impression to new players.

Because best place to learn aggro mechanics is where nothing can be really lost.
Different tiers and colors so people can get a feel on how they scale/act.

Bonus points: Adding a tutorial section that points to the spawns and explains red vs orange aggro.


(151 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

In all seriousness though, I bet it must be really fun gameplay to get hammered by NPCs next to a teleport for hours while you wait for someone to finally come through so you can get... what exactly? There are a hundred other ways to grief people and you still get along, now you realized there is plus one.

They do not have to just wait. For example:
- drag spawn to one of Tellesis interzone ports
- proclaim in general that anyone coming to Tellesis from X direction must take the long way around or tank Y spawn.
- engage in chat pvp with all the people blocked

It is not about waiting in ambush for random player, it is about going "you shall not pass" in a place that many people want/need to pass (and have been able to before). And no I would not expect anyone to selflessy go and clear the port.

Having slept on it, here is a new version of my suggestion for a long term fix regarding Red NPCs (on alpha, but I suppose it could work on other islands too):
1 instead of a single target, NPCs should have a target list up to the target limit of the bot
2 the first player to aggro the NPC is the Primary Target (PT) and locked as such whenever possible
3 players that lock the NPC as a target become its Secondary Targets (ST) and are locked as such whenever possible
4 players that are in proximity to an NPC when it has a PT are ignored, unless 3 applies
5 when PT dies or cannot be detected then a random ST is chosen to become new PT
6 when an NPC that had anything in its target list no longer has anything in it, and no players have it locked (so 3 could be applied) then NPC leashes
7 if NPC leashes by walking back then it ignores proximity aggro for a minute or two - concentrated on getting back into position
8 if NPC leashes by porting back then it gets NPC version of instability - it cannot move, will not aggro and cannot be targeted for 2 minutes or so - this gives surprised players time to escape spawn area. Optionally, same could be applied to red NPCs spawning in a completely empty spawn point.

Points 6, 7, 8 are the important ones, rest are nice to have and can be delayed.


(151 replies, posted in General discussion)

Same could also be used with mobile port, just set it up in advance in a busy area/chokepoint.

A few groups doing that could basically block access to a terminal/port until someone comes along with enough DPS to kill the reds.

My suggestion: have red NPCs follow their primary target through teleports. By teleporting after it. If target enters terminal or leaves zone then leash.

Regarding the issue of NPCs (re)spawning at their point unexpectedly. If a red spawn is completely empty (either because the NPCs are dead or teleporting back after leash) then a mini-beacon (that does nothing but shows on radar) should appear for a few min and the NPCs pop after.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

If you want to help new players then include one free EP booster with the initial purchase (which will also get them hooked on boosts big_smile ).

Beyond that, all they need is either a decent corp or an active market.

Speaking of which, the "markets in range" needs to be pointed out more in tutorials/tips/whatever. Because in many games the starter area is the main market and in here it most certainly is not.

While I like the idea, I think it should also be in synch with what the different island types are supposed to be.
So here is my variation on it.

Alpha 1
Concept: These are owned by humanity and Nians do not expect to retake them at this time. Thieves and spies are sent, that try to avoid combat.

Suggested changes:
- Orange indy bots, that roam randomly, if they encounter ore/plants will harvest them. If killed they drop (most of) the harvest. If they harvest some X amount then they move to a teleporter and disappear.
- Orange faction bot groups that roam randomly. One of them is a rare (Darkstar etc) that sets off the geoscanner FX from time to time and drops artifact scan charges and random loot from the artifact drop lists (level proportional to tier of bot) when killed.

Alpha 2
Concept: as Alpha except there are small aggressive incursions (red roams)

Suggested changes: same as alpha 1.

Concept: Humanity has set up outposts but their control is uncertain, Nians try to reclaim teritory

Suggested changes:
- At random, long intervals a large group of red NPCs spawns and somewhat slowly makes its way to an outpost. They have shorter aggro range than normal and try to take the shortest path to their destination. Once at the outpost they attack it (reducing control) until killed or X% damage is done.

Concept: unclaimed teritory

Suggested changes:
- These are the places that should have NPC outposts and mineral/plant farms popping up, with NPC hauler trains traveling in between.
- If the NPC outposts are left alone for long enough they start randomly (at a low rate) spawning red groups that move to attack player structures on same island.
- The Gamma islands that are on faction borders can have outposts of both involved factions show up, in which case they will attack each other as above


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

i have not much experience with the new mission system yet, but the one transport mission i took on attalica, made me almost lose my sequer MK2 with medium shields...

how much impact would such a mission have on a relative new player?

everytime you interact with one of the mission nodes, a group of demobbing npcs spawns, full aggro and and not slow either...

The spawned ambushes are much harder than a static spawn with same NPCs would be. Because of the way aggro (at least for oranges) works.

As a result, industry/transport missions can be as dangerous as same level combat missions. This really shouldn't be the case, I think.
Some of those missions have no combat and there are no reliable indicators whether an industry/transport mission will have combat other than writing down the mission names. Which makes it hard to use the right bot/equipment.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

the front end was changed,
now they have to change the backend of missions - and somehow find a way to NOT to turn the main game from "eve with robots" into "korean grind f2p mmo with tit-less robots".

You do realize this could be solved by simply adding tits.

To robots.

Personally I would not mind the random selection if the industrial/transport missions were more explicit on whether they will involve being shot at.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Alright, I won't say this is really high on our list right now but we'll keep it in mind.

No problem, did not expect it to have priority, especially at this time.

Also, after sleeping on it, a further refinement on how moving camera view affects bot direction:

- when no primary target and (not moving or in manual (WASD) movement mode), turning the camera turns both torso and legs - changing direction of movement

- when no primary target and (in autorun or autopath mode), turning the camera only turns torso - not changing direction of movement

- When primary target locked, turning the camera does not turn bot at all

While this may seem confusing, the existing camera mode already has a variation of it. Turning camera in autorun mode changes direction of movement, but in autopath mode it does not.

How I imagine it:

Right click drag to move camera target.

Free look when there is no primary target, camera does not auto turn by default, but could be set to turn in the direction of movement - but this is overridden by next point.

When there is a primary target, camera target is locked on it. Camera can still be turned, but will auto-return when right click released - like the radar currently works.

For movement, WASD can be used to move forward/backward/sideways/combinations-of-previous. Just like in a FPS, with the difference that robot legs will turn into the direction of movement but being in 1st person view the player does not (much) care.

Doubleclick to move would still work as before.

Optionally "autorun sideways/backwards" could also be added, this could be useful in all camera modes.

Regarding the ground textures, those who do not like them can always zoom back out. Besides more detailed ground textures would also help show the supposed scale of the bots *subtle hint*

As in the subject.
Because it is occasionally useful to look up. And I honestly like the scenery.
And allowing to zoom into 1st person view is probably simpler to implement and less controversial than reworking the camera/ground collision in 3rd person view.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

Well then replace it with Miner charge (gold) with the upcoming patch.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

Apparently the training mission to mine Solibdit has been removed.
However newly created (after finishing the virtual training part) characters still have Solibdit scanner/mining charges in their inventory.

When renaming a character, will it also be possible to redo the "face" ?
If not, could we buy a separate service for that ?

How about allowing trial players to trade with other trial players only ?

Together with NPC-sold lvl 1 decoders it would let trial industrialists to actually build stuff and have someone to sell it to.

And for trial combat types - introduce new factional bot, somewhat better than the first one. And make this bot buildable by trial players (not sure on specifics here). Thus the combat types will have a clear, achievable upgrade to strive for beyond the 10 training missions.