Topic: Dissapearing NPC's

I have now accepted level 3 assignments, started on Hershfield and there are no bots to kill in my assignment area?

What gives?

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Can you tell the name of the assignment?

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

Can you tell the name of the assignment?

Nemesis IX

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

That's because people lure away those NPCs from there. We're thinking about a solution.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Well how do I do my assignment?

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

That's because people lure away those NPCs from there. We're thinking about a solution.

First I would like to apologize for my boldness

Second.   What in the world were you thinking when you made npcs chase you non stop ?

What was wrong with npcs as they were ?

What you did is making impossible to do missions in alpha 2's as long people are luring npcs away from their spawn points.

I understand alpha 2 there is some risk or was some risk in mining but with these now you need entire fleets guarding miners in a pve zone.   It this was your point then congratulations

Solution ?   what about don't fix things that are not broken ?

Probably npcs in alpha 2 for missions will be set in passive now.

Gamma i get it or caravans that they get mean.   But I don't see how logical is having your guards running away from you chasing some lil bot while others attack your caravan.  (assuming I'm the scarab pilot getting an escort)

Again sorry for the rudeness I hate to post in forums but this is just wow.   Changes that we cant understand why they were implemented.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Jasmoba wrote:

What in the world were you thinking when you made npcs chase you non stop ?

Two things:
1. People have been asking us for years to remove fixed spawns in favor of free roaming NPCs everywhere. We practically did that.
2. If there is any limit that prevents NPCs going further, they become extremely farmable at the boundary.

Apparently this interferes with missions too much.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

That's because people lure away those NPCs from there. We're thinking about a solution.

well, you already have the mechanics to spawn NPCs for missions only. though, afaik you still need the player to interact with something on the terrain to trigger it, and the simpliest variant of "they spawn when player enters the area" is not yet possible (requires at least artifact scanner)

Free roaming NPCs are not the issue... miners still cannot defend themselfs against even the smallest threat due to the way industrial bots are kinda bad at everything combat related.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:
Jasmoba wrote:

What in the world were you thinking when you made npcs chase you non stop ?

Two things:
1. People have been asking us for years to remove fixed spawns in favor of free roaming NPCs everywhere. We practically did that.
2. If there is any limit that prevents NPCs going further, they become extremely farmable at the boundary.

Apparently this interferes with missions too much.

Costumer service you try to give what people want when you can

Most people don't know what they want.

Farming is part of the game if you don't want people to farm in a mmo what gives ?

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Jasmoba wrote:

Farming is part of the game if you don't want people to farm in a mmo what gives ?

By that logic we could put out stationary pinatas instead of NPCs smile

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:
Jasmoba wrote:

Farming is part of the game if you don't want people to farm in a mmo what gives ?

By that logic we could put out stationary pinatas instead of NPCs smile

By your logic you want any npc encounter to become an epic battle

Changes like this cost ppl things they have achieved with little effort from their opponents

Changes like this cost ppl bases

Now it's costing mining equipment and some combats

Get ready to receive reimburse tickets

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

There are no reimbursements made because of this, since people have many ways to avoid those incoming NPCs. Red NPCs are aggressive, there is no change in that.

13 (edited by Burial 2014-04-12 21:02:53)

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

If you want to nerf farming then the new assignments better be worth a lot since you are taking away pretty much the only no-brain farmable content for combat characters. smile

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

None of this helps me in my missing NPC's.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Burial wrote:

If you want to nerf farming then the new assignments better be worth a lot since you are taking away pretty much the only no-brain farmable content for combat characters. smile

The main reason I prefer mindless farming over missions is the travel system (or lack thereof) in this game. I wan't to spend my time shooting things and watching them explode, not endlessly walking from point to point on the map in a slow *** bot.

Looking forward to new players and new conflicts.

16 (edited by Cassius 2014-04-12 21:55:46)

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Farming is a necessary evil. Same as mission grinding.  Like it or not, it comprises the vast majority of income generation in mmos ... if people can't reliably make income they wont play. Its up to the Devs to make the farming tolerable, even enjoyable.

Zoom, the NPCs following everywhere is ruining many aspects of gameplay.  Its fine when we lure them to kill our enemies and they do it to us, but what is stopping someone doing it to noobs. your future income? Its being done to demonstrate its broken. You need to correct it. There is nothing someone can do when they undock a scarab, and do not appear on their screen on terrain before their stability is up, and someone else drags a red mob to them.

Dont tell us thats not reimburseable. Its players pushing a broken mechanics causing loss to other players, its not normal gameplay. And again, being able to take mission NPCs out of mission areas  ... just no. We already have no idea what mission we are accepting beforehand, and its so slow walking out to the mission area only to find ... nothing? Vets understand whats going on, but new players? Hence this post ....

Anyways, I'm just repeating what everyone else is saying.

I think this entire direction you have gone in an effort to nerf the beacon pits and eliminate farming, is the wrong solution to the problem and is making it worse.

Also, not an hour ago, -77- was able to kill a farming Mesmer Mk2 and support bot ratting the lvl 4 mech spawn on the *** by Weyster II ... by draggin a huge number of reds to him.  You know the area, there is only one way in and one way out ..... how can he possibly avoid this? Cudos to -77-, its brilliant what they did ... but it shouldnt be able to happen. What do you think will happen when people cannot complete pve activities? Bye bye customers.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

sounds like you have a problem on your hands, Zoom

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Cassius wrote:

Farming is a necessary evil. Same as mission grinding.  Like it or not, it comprises the vast majority of income generation in mmos ... if people can't reliably make income they wont play. Its up to the Devs to make the farming tolerable, even enjoyable.

Zoom, the NPCs following everywhere is ruining many aspects of gameplay.  Its fine when we lure them to kill our enemies and they do it to us, but what is stopping someone doing it to noobs. your future income? Its being done to demonstrate its broken. You need to correct it. There is nothing someone can do when they undock a scarab, and do not appear on their screen on terrain before their stability is up, and someone else drags a red mob to them.

Dont tell us thats not reimburseable. Its players pushing a broken mechanics causing loss to other players, its not normal gameplay. And again, being able to take mission NPCs out of mission areas  ... just no. We already have no idea what mission we are accepting beforehand, and its so slow walking out to the mission area only to find ... nothing? Vets understand whats going on, but new players? Hence this post ....

Anyways, I'm just repeating what everyone else is saying.

I think this entire direction you have gone in an effort to nerf the beacon pits and eliminate farming, is the wrong solution to the problem and is making it worse.

Also, not an hour ago, -77- was able to kill a farming Mesmer Mk2 and support bot ratting the lvl 4 mech spawn on the *** by Weyster II ... by draggin a huge number of reds to him.  You know the area, there is only one way in and one way out ..... how can he possibly avoid this? Cudos to -77-, its brilliant what they did ... but it shouldnt be able to happen. What do you think will happen when people cannot complete pve activities? Bye bye customers.

I think what needs to be answered is what is the problem we're trying to fix with this? Is it to slow down progression? If so, make progression slower not the way in which you progress harder...

19 (edited by Syndic 2014-04-12 22:02:49)

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Make mission-NPC's orange. Fixed.

We used to have observers roaming Alpha 2's and blowing up afk-liquizit miners, this just adds a player component to it.

I'm actually pretty interested now in offering protection services to people who do business on Tellesis. This mechanic has allowed me to do that, why remove it?

The mineral & T1 module market might actually be worth something now that its not being flooded with botters who run L4 spawns on Alpha2's 24/7 in perfect safety.

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

I say keep it, the tears in my bath tub of imortalilty are getting deeper. Soon I can bathe and live forever.

[16:03:43] <Mara Gossep> syndic.....and get your *** spy out of our corp

21 (edited by Gunner 2014-04-12 22:07:31)

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Alpha 2's all red NPCs


22 (edited by Syndic 2014-04-12 22:09:33)

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

I'd just like to add that in EVE the "carebears" are always in threat of being suicide-ganked, and everyone keeps on playing just fine. The idiots get ganked, the smart people keep on making money hand over fist. And stories of shuttles with hundreds of plex in them make the news for free advertising all the time.

Remember burn jita? Ofc you do. That's my point.

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

Syndic wrote:

Make mission-NPC's orange. Fixed.

Yes, that's what will happen, I just wasn't sure so far whether there is an easy way to do that, but fortunately there is.

Syndic wrote:

I'm actually pretty interested now in offering protection services to people who do business on Tellesis. This mechanic has allowed me to do that, why remove it?

If you want my personal and honest opinion, it saddens me a bit that the community is still not at that point where they would just start organizing guardian squads to protect the miners or the busy transport routes. That would be a true sandbox trait, but maybe I'm just a dreamer.

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

If you want my personal and honest opinion, it saddens me a bit that the community is still not at that point where they would just start organizing guardian squads to protect the miners or the busy transport routes. That would be a true sandbox trait, but maybe I'm just a dreamer.

I'm very much interested in offering this protection service, CIR offered a similar militia-style service in Mortal Online for Vadda and it worked splendidly to bring the budding community a lot closer. I made some good RL friends in Vadda days.

But I will wait until I see your fix, wouldn't want to put too much effort into it if it might get nerfhammered. smile

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

Re: Dissapearing NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

If you want my personal and honest opinion, it saddens me a bit that the community is still not at that point where they would just start organizing guardian squads to protect the miners or the busy transport routes. That would be a true sandbox trait, but maybe I'm just a dreamer.

I have to say your tears are the sweetest of all.

[16:03:43] <Mara Gossep> syndic.....and get your *** spy out of our corp