(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Merkle wrote:

Its like playing with your little brother, you always let him win.  Makes him feel special.

The Gifter
Top  Killer 2012
01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle
Scarab Kill Count - 8



(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Merkle wrote:
Lemon wrote:

Its ok..... You can come hang out with my friends. Your friends didnt want to show up

Screenshot wars a new game to play!

Merkle: 0


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Merkle wrote:
Lemon wrote:

Yea Merkle *** you for have friends.  *Goes off Crying....

Its ok..... You can come hang out with my friends. Your friends didnt want to show up


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Merkle wrote:

Hm, doesn't say a lot about you when your leader left, you started to, well suck, and left the game.

Its ok, I still accept you for you who are.

But at least with my little corps enemys needed all this to even fight us, I would say we did pretty well. big_smile

P.S. your somewhere in there

Look i was your First and Last


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Martha Stuart wrote:
Tux wrote:
Lemon wrote:

Why did STC survive and thrive where other didn't

I/We in STC have put in a lot of hard work and are dedicated to the game. Corps with poor leadership will always fail in the end. I see lots of good small corps starting and look at their leadership and i see other corps with lots of challenges and poor leadership.

Single case in point strong leadership = strong corp

I completely agree with Tux, from the beginning we had good leadership, and as our corp evolved, it only got better.  We have had 3 CEO's and our best one yet is currently in charge.  We hope he stays there for a long time.  Secondly, it might sound counter intuitive, but Lemon, you yourself had a lot to do with STC surviving.  For about 6-8 months we got the **** beat out of us by Eharm, M2S, Hun, and many others.  I'm not calling anyone out for killing noobs.  We wanted fights, and the vet corps delivered.

The fastest way to learn in this game is to loose.  Then figure out what you did wrong, and don't make that mistake again.  More EP and better equipment is always helpful, but its the tactics that win battles and that's what we needed to learn. 

The fact that we came in as under dogs, and knew the odds were stacked against us galvanized our corp.  Yes we lost players, but who hasn't.  The players we did keep were the players, who knew that one day, we would be able to stand toe to toe with anyone, we might not always win, but we have evened the odds quite a bit.  Our entire corp hated Eharm (In a good way!)  you were the threat that forced us to learn, adapt, and eventually thrive. 

If any of the newer corps, or newer players read this.  Trust me, IT GETS BETTER!!!  But like everyone else, you are gonna take a beating.  The best advice I can give is talk to the vets,  go on roams with them,  listen and watch what their FC's do, and after the battle, ask them why they did it this way, instead of that way.  Most of this game is learnable on your own, but PVP is fluid, dynamic, and it is full of surprises.  It's also very dependent on the FC's style.  Borrow from others, but develop your own.  A lot of people B***h about the blobs.  But what it really comes down to is tactics, and having more guns then someone else is a good tactic.  It can be beaten but you have to know how.  You have to know when to fight, when to run, and when to die.  One last thing.  Always die face forward, guns firing.  If you run, you die.

Edit:  Grammar

See you had the leadership to carry you through it, now would you say any of the vets that joined early on had any play in this?

It doesnt say a lot for all those other corp leaders *burn*


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

To balance the # of beacons doable at a time simply reimplement damage to containers and modify the field can's hit surface size to adjust the % damage taken to a reasonable amount. This will allow you to throttle AoE-Chain farming but still keeping it as a means to gamma income.

Review the total reward you want for 1 player running missions on Beta, make it enough to support the risk and be rewarding. Adjust beacon cost or token rewards to tweak the balance of beacon flow.

Review this system for multiple accounts. Should a mission be more rewarding with 1 random variable preventing multiple accounts, while less rewarding missions are static and multi accountable. Obvious if using multiple accounts is allowed is still to be deterined but we should just tweak values and throttle it where we want it.

It is a great flowing stream of income/nic across the market both helping new-aver-vet players.  Just control the flow dont stop it.

Edit: What if we make Token's that rare resource people fight over?


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

DEV Zoom wrote:

The problem is that you are still thinking in "powerblocks". Who will stand up for everyone else who are not part of any beta/gamma powerblock and are just simple players?

These 'powerblocks' only have a slim numbers and any real population could push them all out of a beta very easily. As far as gammas go, well thats until there is enough players to siege them and take them within a reasonable ammount ot time to make it worth it.

But isnt this creating that "conflict" players need to fight over? Controlling the nic flows?

*Remember how much that nic flow is/should, be reviewed*

But why are we "removing" instead of "adjusting" a pro to being on Beta which rolls in to supporting gamma life?

I have funded my gamma/play exclusively off buy tokens from beta players, thus no need for me to go near the beta's and letting them grow/learn.


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

*** of how this is balanced the devs need to realize it needs to be rewarding for a player to run and that people with multiple accounts will use them if able to maximize nic/hr. If they choose to prevent that scalable abuse is up to them, but they can always balance mission for mass use thst alone are less valuable but say dont contain a random element to prevent spam.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Here's the thing: in our game mechanics a wreck is a "beam". A beam is simply a graphic entity that gets shown for a specific time. Every laser beam or missile shot or explosion is a beam too. But they are just "there", there isn't any serious calculation involved or anything that would create server lag. If that would be the case, a big battle with hundreds of beams would kill it. Also, every connection beam between gamma buildings is a beam too.

So I'm going to assume that "spreading this lag across the entire server" is a coincidence, and go with client slowdown, which sounds more plausible.

Ok so then with the 'beams' then here is what the other variable could be, Looting with the Gamma beams+ Wreckage +cans+Loot animation x50+ accidently looting your field container with 1500u=BOOM server for having lag even on other islands. Outside of that though it was localized to the near area of the beaconing

I mean to be technical with it.

Lay 4x Platoon Beacon
>Blow them all up
("lag" starts)
>Attempt to loot
*Mass loots* (More "lag")
>accidently loot field container w/ 1500u+ and 50+ loot cans
=Boom to the server

DEV Zoom wrote:

It's still not clear for me whether you mean lag as in network lag, or graphic lag as in low fps?

Whats happening is that at a certain point a delay begins to kick in where you have module delay, Explosion delay, Movement Delay, and just a rather slo-mo chop to it. If you try and do to much in this state you can reproduce the lag across the entire server.


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

DEV Zoom wrote:

The truth is, it was enough to simply read this topic to see that a change was necessary. When the number of wrecks already means a problem, you know there is something wrong.

This is a joke... CIR used to farm level 3 Mech beacons on Beta by the 7's without this level of lag. During this time we had upwards of 20+ of our own bots on the field. Now i am farming 7 with 7 and lagging to the point other zoned islands begin to lag.

Wrecks used to not be a problem.........


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

bla bla..

feature not used as intended -> fix incomming 1,5 years later.

it shows how fast you become attached to flaws in game elements

Dude you've turned in to that kid who runs to the teach trying to kiss her *** by saying everything everyone does wrong.

Ok lets remember someone had to risk it to get tokens, its not there fault the pop is to low or to scared to roam. Instead of bandaiding the issue how about we tweak values to bring things more in-line like the $ reward from missions the token amounts and the cost to buy a beacon with token's.

Its not the beacons that are the issue, its the missions+ Tokens +beacons=RICH MOFO Gotta start at the roots.....

EDIT: i mean you want traffic and play... there are people running missions in chains on beta to be killed, Haulers to gamma for beacon's. Market flow from tokens changing hands and quite high prices for new players blindly selling. Lets look at what the nerf bat is swinging at. *It does need to be tweaked but TWEAKED*


(116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Re-implement damage to containers as a way to soft cap farm-able beacons at a time.

Tweak the mission to more accurately reflect the nic/per hour you deem "fit"

Cap # of wreckage that renders locally.

Merkle wrote:

Anni Tell him whats up!

He doesn't know anything about wiping 30-70+ bot fleets of players in the last year and dealing with the lag of there wreckage and loots.

These are valid concerns. I mean i would enjoy a stable environment to PvP in and loot safely.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Daza i think you are grouping to many vets together. There is only a small faction of vets who understand the game and what it takes for it to thrive and the effect each change has had on the population. There are however a lot of very vocal players who are narrow minded, as with any game and will spew there crap on the forums to gain what they see as a benefit without fully understanding the repercussions. This isnt to say that other players know the repercussions, but there is a group of us who can acknowledge that  quite a few types of changes should not be implemented without being properly tested in order to discover any possible exploits and to determine how the system will be impacting the current gameplay and balance to prevent blowback.

I mean the pure fact that you speak of Vets who complained about walll nerfs is very shallow at best. There was a portion of players who cried about losing there safety but the most vocal were players simply trying to say "Its not my fault YOU(the devs) didnt have the forsight to see how this could be misused or abused. Now because of the lack of preparation my X ammount of nic and Y amount of time is being brushed under the table with some *fix*" Nullifying my effort and removing my faith in their ability to make decisions in what they were assuming, was a persistent game. Not erasing players forward progression and decisions in a persistent decision based world, like it is in a beta.

Lets look at Gamma where a # of players voiced concerns over the rules around how players can use the features. Specifically teleporter ranges and how terraforming is handled there, players were ignored, it was implemented and later changed. Players voiced concern over the time/cost of gamma and low and behold it is implemented a few factions spend Y man hours and 2-5 billion nic on making PERSISTENT changes to a game world only to find out that it is going to be nerfed. After already having 1 faction of players quit due to running out of in-game funds  with their failed attempt at exploring these features but to then also have the  75% reduction in cost/time required for the end product. I want you to imagine with how that sat for the player who invested 2-5 billions of nice and 3+ weeks of time invested in pioneering these features to be told *We are changing the rules and making it easier for everyone else", that being the intent of the message or not that is how it was received and only after cornering the devs and squeezing them was a portion of the change even reimbursed to the players effected. This oversight alone drove many players both industrial and combat alike from the game.

Lets get constructive here, Martha what is the variable factor that has enable STC to not only surivive but establish itself as a PvP corp and one that can hold its own, where many new flood corps have failed before you. Lets compare to other veteran corps who had greater experience and were unable to survive or continue playing. I mean how are you still here where so many others have vanished (even your own leadership from my understanding at one point left you high and dry)

^That is how we start making progress. identifying the issues and having proof of what is driving players out and keeping them in. What makes STC so different than the other flops? What happened to the majority of there population, why did that happen? what caused it? Those are questions to ask not GAMMA IS OP BECAUSE I CANT GET KILLS ON CAREBEAR, heres a hint.... the carebear will find a safe way as it always does and you will only catch the dumb ones.

Beaconing aside if we ever do get back to large scale battles this will quickly become a leading issue for them and how well they flow. I know in some cases I have taken the server in to a lag for 10-15 mins at a time while looting. This time-frame has module lag on all the other islands, not just the one i am on.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

This ishow itwould play out, the powerblocks would shift even more to be timezoned based to allow them to function on a open beta or onr corp would control the vast majority and the only others on beta would have been sneaking out

i could start naming the corps that woupdnt be able to live on beta or be active with thst open world, it closes  the world to many. They wouldnt have castles to play with and be done with alpha and the game. The walls in theory great idea but were implemented poorly just as with initial gamma, its a trend. One that has been reoccuring with many implementations of new features. This is why we vets are against changes, because they arnt thought out or properly tested before thrown in to live.

Is limiting the max rendered wreckage possible? I think this would help with a lot of server issues.

maybe cap it out at 50ish


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lets entertain this no gamma idea.....

Please Dazamin how do you feel the game would have played out without gamma.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Mash Boden wrote:

Why shouldn't 10-15 light be able to kill a mech?

They can.....

Idk what your expecting from this, I mean short of telling you exact fit examples which unless you understand the proper way to use them and there weakness's will be about as effective as your forum post.

Listen to the people trying to help you, expand your thoughts on balance and the way things work.

You wont know the right way until you know the wrong. Most of vets have gotten good through trial and error and losing hundreds of times to know most if not all the variables in a  fight to make proper calls/


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

im quite confident that gamma is nota major factor considering that the players arn't making past new and/or medium play tobecome a vet and experiance gamma. The argument that gamma isnt functioning as intended is a entirly seperate argument. Thefactthat people are worried about the 5 to 20 players online are behind a gamma bse is some how hindering game growth is a joke. If you needthose players else where to grow population then you serious issuez beyond their location.

The most players we ever had was with out gamma. Give us the population flow charts and peak play times with activites performed back to the begining we may be able to start getting somewhere. I remeber moral being a large a factor in players playing. Players leavimg when they think others are beijg allowed to cheat and run the game. Players spending killions to billions on new features to see the cost or work they did nerfed amd made null, even at times that same work being eased for others and your effort disregarded.

What happened to 1000 man norhoop.
What happened to foom/stc/nex or any other influx.
What happened to ToG n friends on alsbale.
What happened to........

If you still think its gamma show me why.....

A game designed for a certain level of players but no plan or process to reach those numbers wont work either. From my personal experiance, the players themselvex are a driving factor. I have cause many to quit directly or indirectly.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

The inaccuracy of this thread is almosf worse than the gamma dev/player meeting. Anni what happened, did styx touch you?

Gamma was designed for a larger player base, currentky you would almost not have enough man power to out dps the automated defences. I mean let alone if the server could handle the proper number of.players. gamma may not even be the largest cojtributor but without us have statistics and data to go off we cant make valid claims or points. These wild accusations as to why the pop is *** has just been getting more and more twisted and confused.

I remember a year ago I used to say the game was great and stable it just needed more features. Now I can crash the entire server if I loot a special way and can barly perform mundain tasks with out experiances issues.

How I wish it was just simply gamma or a easy fix but we all know the issues are adding up.to.create where we are at.


(3 replies, posted in Buying Items)

If you have beacons, Tokens, Kernals, and T4+ and are trying to sell it PM me in-game.

I deal in small deals and bulk volume.


Valid points but here's How i view it.

A Mobile TP Costs you this.

Positioning (3km radar sig)
3Mins to wait



They may be vastly superior to using a internal teleporter in the open PvP area, This however does not change the fact that a internal TP device can still be benefical and come at different costs.

lets say a Internal Costs you

-Accumulator (drains as charges)
-Growing interference (like your bot turns in to a  scaling interference beacon)
-Radar range for your self/nearby enemies/allies
-some Cooldown
-Charge time

Save Cargo
Not a Give away
no $$ (new player accessible)

This opens up easy movement for young players and allows vets to adapt it to there own personal play styles. Not to mention we are leveraging in-game mechanics and adapting them to increase our game-play options.

Not to mention Haulers can just haul....

If a bot is going to get away with a TP beacon it will get away with a Internal Beacon the difference is 1 will force them to stick around the other can be used as even bait or decoy's

Imagine if a fleet laid decoy TP's and moved another 2km's and internal Tp'ed to throw off a pursuing fleet. It just adds more dynamics to the current game-play and i think would spice it up nicely if done correctly.

EDIT: Imagine if a fleet can stealth counter a running fleet's TP's with Internals or Vise versa. If a pursuer were to use his internal to counter a external beacon TP a fleeing pursuer could turn the tables and attack with the penalties of the Internal inflicting on a larger force

So if can's aren't/weren't logged then how do you know what drops from a bot when you reimburse it?

Also how do you know how much to reimburse when a can on the field is lost?