(42 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

That makes sense to me. I was hoping to get started on a references list but I shall have to wait until someone is feeling the clink of NIC and the possibilities. I'll keep this open for when that time comes and maybe if I have a greater need for investors later I will offer a bonus interest rate for the bravest souls.


(42 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

I'm honored, truly. :-) I attribute it to general lack of trust in this game stemming from EVE scams (justified) and lack of activity on the forums. :-x


(42 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

I have had zero takers outside of IRS. This is not surprising. I will continue to make this service available to anyone who may stumble across this post, however.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

The pvp is fun enough for sure. I'm excited about future mechanics and pvp possibilities.


(42 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

Very perceptive. Nothing gets past you :-).

Edit: You do.


(42 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

Artem Blue wrote:

Ember was suspicious that I might be up to some espionage goal.

This. Also, I have zero interest in dealing with you, Artem, as a third party in any deal. I have no desire to deal with your OCD related to instituting a complicated financial system in a game that doesn't have 1/100th the population to flesh one out.

Artem Blue wrote:

1. It's a remote possibility that the entire IRS corp could be one person or a small number of tightly-knit people.

We have 130+ members, are you serious? Please stop derailing my thread. I like M2S, trolls with skill, not idiocy.

TLDR, butt out.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think game pop will shoot up a bit in the next couple weeks with students returning to school. I especially like the part about increased forum activity. It's all about the community, whether it's RP, troll, or newb-friendly. Something will always be better than nothing.

Yeah I highlighted blue, too.


(28 replies, posted in Open discussion)


great troll or greatest troll? You decide.

P.S. I believe he is single-handedly keeping the forum ball rolling at a pace of at least 10 posts every 6 hours. Inspired by his unceasing effort, I've decided to spend more time on here and also encourage corp members to do the same. GO PO FORUMS GO.

Neoxx wrote:

Will we have daughters with huge..... tracks of land?

"One day lad, all this will be yours."
"-What, the curtains?"

I predict world domination of Nia by Russians.

Edit: Also, the devs will release 36 new islands of the exact size and shape of the current islands, thus continuing their strange preoccupation with symmetrical geography. The new influx of this real estate will lead to vast swathes of...land... being claimed in the following manner:

"Yes, yes...this is a fertile land and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land and we will call it...ThisLand."
--"I think we should call it your graave."
"Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

+10 cool points to the first person to "get it."

Dear god yes, +1.