Cal Sinai wrote:

"Account Reset" does that mean all items, and characters are deleted, and we are refunded every skillpoint as if we had a blank account sitting there from the time of activation?

I'm still unclear on this as well - although, mom's OBY-GYN did slap me a few too many times.

OMG 9th Circuit court is activist court!!!  Repeal!   Err... Impeach!   Err... recall?


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

Obliged, chaps.


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

Do the crafting levels in outposts (1-3 for refinery, factory, etc.) change over time?  If not has anyone put together a list/spreadsheet for the different outposts?


Jita wrote:

Waspish is imo great due to its range. Makes a good intakt killer...



(4 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Very nice!

Suggestion - color code name slot to indicate Corp affiliation (if any).

edit: also, doesn't Cameleon have two turret slots and zero missile slots?


(13 replies, posted in Q & A)

Messsiah wrote:

I think all concerned have learned a lesson.

This is a game, play it as one.



AKA "See it my way, or gtfo".


Kraftwerk wrote:

Here is a perfect example of why a respec is needed and why this title will lose subscriptions.

I have specced into lasers heavily to find out they cant hit and LOS is broken so my toon is basically trashed. I am not going to destroy the account but i know that a lot of users would rather play something else then continue to subscribe.

This seems to be more about fixing lasers than respeccing.

Excellent thread...wish I read it before I started =p.


(3 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yeah I know.  When I had my final tutorial robot still, I was able to farm it myself (until a big daddy would come along, of course) as I had put points in reduced locking at the start (not cause I read it was good, I was just impatient at 12 second locks!).

I hate hate hate the idea of trivial loot codes though, and I don't want to piss off good players who have suggested things like banning or what not for players farming with > x # of e.p.  I think there has to be a better way, and I think it would be lowering the carrot value at tier one locations and raising it at tier 2. 

Thanks for the support though smile


DEV Zoom wrote:


You guys need to stop thinking this is some kind of "DEV Simon says" game. When I'm discussing things with you on the forums, think of me like just another player trying to make the game better.

Being a DEV doesn't mean at all that what I say is the ultimate truth and you all need to shut up. So please stop with that ooh how can a dev say this, he doesn't understand this game at all! *ragequit*

You are absolutely right.  However, when you say things like:

"Just to be clear neither of these are actual exploits." with a "DEV" near your title, you've turned this from a "let's have a discussion about balance" thread into a "this is the official policy, you're wrong".  So do we try to convince you it is an exploit if we think it is?  Or acquiesce and just accept this is the way it is?


"the fact that real life references are always flawed since this is a game" Well, real life references are flawed for all things that involve interpretation of one person's reality in explanation to another.  It's like you're saying "stop trying to convince me my opinion is wrong using similes".  What do you want, a mathematical proof? 

You obviously are doing the right thing by telling us what "the policy" is (something is or is not an exploit) - but don't shoot down entire methods to convince you of seeing something a different way because there it might be partially "flawed".  There will always be something lost in translation.



(3 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hello friends and enemies.  Couple thoughts from a noob who hasn't played EVE and wasn't in Perp beta.

1) Deletion cost - I'm aware of Dev Zoom's response in the 3 page thread on this topic - however, I think (respectfully) that it misses the point.  You can post about this on all the forums and patch notes you want and new players will miss it.  Why?  Not all new players even know about those sources.  The BEST place to let people know that deleting an agent costs 2880 is at the CREATION of that agent.  Something like:

***Big F'ing Warning***
deleting an (any?) agent costs xxx EP points!

You should also mention that a character isn't "saved" until the name is selected, so they know they can scroll ahead to see what future choices will be.  It's a simple solution.  You can hope/expect/think/assume that noobs will all spend a week reading the precious forums, but it's not going to happen.  And the simple fact is, even if many did, the learning process at SOME point requires a person to just jump in and move around the world.  Expecting a new player to know every caveat of info posted on forum changes is Pollyannaish.  But hey, your game. 

2) I r dumb.  Yep.  I lost my final tutorial robot (which was nice one, maybe too nice with 4 arm slots).  I was lulled into a false sense of security when some rookie was kickin me 1 on 1 and ignored it when 2 of his buddies came by.  Boom.  Sadness.  Totally my own fault, although I do claim I was lulled into a state of mental dullness by the mining mini-game I had done for 30 mins prior...and fallen asleep to while leaning on my arm.  My opinion (obviously, take it or leave it) is at least at this level, it's simply begging to be something you AFK through (or alt+tab and do some other gaming for a while).

I'll get flamed for this but so it goes.  The initial death penalty is way too harsh.  I was actually semi-unclear about just what happened when we died.  The reason - insurance.  I tried to insure my second robot during the tutorial the Ark-2 (right click in private storage, yar?) and was unable to.  It occurs to me now that it's because it was a tutorial robot, although you can insure the final tutorial robot my friend tells me (the one that I gots blowed ups). 

I'm not saying wah wah replace my bot, I lost it because I was stupid.  I could have asked in Help channel but I assumed foolishly that it would respawn as characters do in many other MMOs with some penalty.  I am saying it would be good if you could convey to players more about the finality of death and exactly when insurance becomes available.

3). Farming in mission sites and mission difficulty.  Again, the subject of other threads, with many players saying things like "people will just tell you to improve your lock time".  Please.  A good game developer will recognize that mechanics like this shouldn't have to be fixed by player duct-tape solutions.  You made starter areas for noobs right?  Neoxx and others are right.  It's far too profitable, and the second tier missions are way too much work and not worth the risk for sometimes identical item rewards, double payouts for triple work and farther travel times.  I ended up abandoning my first tier 2 mission that I was doing in a squad because it wasn't worth the risk. 

As others have said, back to chain running tier 1 missions.  Now that I've figured this out, i can make 2 million a day in my stripped Arkhe-2 traveling 90 Kph with a light frame - Zero risk.  I'll have enough cash for mech or heavy mech way before I'll have the ep. 
When I get bored of running those missions stripped, i can drone farm as long as don't have to compete with some uberdewd and get 100s of kernels, vendor those for 1850 or whatever. 

So, you can listen to the players who think that the way to solve farming in mission areas is by telling their lessers to get faster lock times, or you can fix the break and nerf those areas a bit so as to not make them so profitable, and buff tier 2 missions.  Someone also suggested removal of faction bumps at a certain point for doing tier 1s, say past rating one (or allow them to keep getting neg bumps).  I'd agree with that, although I think at the end of the mission you should get a pop-up that shows your rewards including faction).
