(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

That might work, but not a 24 hour period, and not with a squad. Think about how frustrating it would be for a noob to not have a fighting chance of getting to a terminal quickly and lose his hard earned cassel smile


(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I didn't know there was already something like this out there! Yea I was thinking that the poster would have to pay the bounty fee, though I don't think I wrote that. The reason the fee would depend on the posters EP as well as the target, is because there needs to be a deterrent for higher level players picking on lower level ones. The system I was thinking of would enable the the assignment taker to kill the target in alpha islands.

I don't see how it would be able to be exploitable though... if the fee to post the bounty is scaled right it wouldn't be a problem. The actually bounty paid out to the bounty hunter would not match the fee paid by the poster to post the assignment, it would simply be a portion.

The transport mission would be really easy to work out. If the bot dies while carrying the anonymous package, the package does not appear in the container created. It simply goes back to the terminal and gets posted as an available assignment again. I know it doesn't make much sense in literal thinking, but it would have to work like that. I'm sure someone could put a spin to make it more real......


(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

franko wrote:
Neoxx wrote:

Lets just change the name of the game to PerpetuumVille.

There is long way to be like ...ville game.

Number of FarmVille on Facebook Hits 81 Million Users and Counting
It took CityVille 8 days to reach 6m players.

Or maybe you want something like that ? PO its on this direction now.
"A large, urban sandbox sounds simple enough, but things just didn’t pan out for APB. Players were asked to pay upfront for an unfinished game, then they had to buy hourly or monthly game time. With broken gameplay mechanics, and a lack of direction, its little wonder that APB didn’t command the audience the developers originally expected. The launch was supposed to give them an injection of cash to buy time to patch the game, but players quickly lost interest. Less than three months after its release, APB was scheduled to shut down."
Sounds familiar ?


Wonderful post. I can't seem to muster the motivation to play anymore because of how poor the PvE is. Please see my topic for more ideas on how to liven things up. http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … signments/
We should post as many ideas as we can, polish existing ones and hopefully speed the process up for the Devs or they'll never get it fixed. Making their biggest priority hiring coders to bring the existing ideas into reality should be a big focus for us, even if it seems like they should have done all this to begin with before launch. I certainly wasn't expecting such an unpolished game when I logged into my paypal account to buy game time.


(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This game needs more assignments and a better delivery system. Clicking through a list gets tedious, and doing them gets even more tedious. The whole thing needs to be worked on.

I'm thinking player made missions that can either be posted to a terminal or created as a data disk that can then be traded to an agent.

transportation missions:

Any player/corp leader puts together a package of real goods, market value of package is then calculated, and a percentage of said packages value is charged as a fee to the package creator. A destination is also set. Created packages get listed in some window that allows, at the click of a button, the creator to put the package and destination on the market for anyone to pick up as a transportation mission.

Players will be able to transport the package to the designated destination and collect a portion of the fee. Levels of difficulty scale with the value of the fee.

If the transporting player dies while in possession of the package, it's contents will not be lost. It will just be placed back on the market for another player to grab. The time limit can also be set by the package creator.

This idea is complete moot if I'm a huge noob and theres a super easy way to transfer stuff between terminals that I don't know yet, which is a big possibility.

Bounty Hunting:

Players will be able  to put a bounty on the head of any player they wish, for a fee proportional to the total EP you the poster have accumulated and the total EP designated player has accumulated. You may place as many bounty missions on the market as you wish, but if multiple bounties are in place for a single agent, the fee for posting the bounty increases with each available and active assignments, proportionate to the before mentioned EP. When a bounty assignment is accepted, it is removed from the terminal list (thus only one agent can accept a single bounty). An agent who has a posted bounty cannot accept his own assignment (but an alternate agent may, or a friend). There would be a time limit, where upon when not reached it is put back on the terminal list. The time limit is proportional only to the target accumulated EP.

Destroy and Recover:

Same theme as above. An assignment to recover a certain raw item or kernal is created, and a list of bots which drop said item is rendered. You the creator choose the area, time limit, and amount of items, and any additional items to be included in the reward. A fee is charged to you based on current market supply values, and the agent who takes the assignment, when completed, receives a portion of the fee as a reward (the portion is explained in a sec). The up side to the creator of the assignment is they will basically be able to lock in a great market supply price for an item before buying it out (and increasing the costs). The up side to the assignment taker is they might be able to get some nifty items from the rewards, plus whatever average demand value at the time of completion is. Thus, if studious Agents created destroy and recover missions at a time when the supply was high and demand was low, it will be a win win for both parties when the supply is low and the demand is high.

The ability to see, if a container is locked or not, is something that was already requested many times, and IMHO should not be something that needs a special bot or extension.

Thanks for the thoughtful response Recognizer. It seems to me that since having the ability to see (or scan) what types on containers are out there is in such high demand, we might have a latent urge of this games population for just the type of bot as I envisioned. Sounds to me like a niche needing to be filled.

Rather then having an extra bot/mech or extension for that, i would like to see that as squad-leadership extension, to share intel of targets locked by other members of the group.
Also, how much faster would you like to lock? there are already bots/mechs that can lock in 2 seconds, up to 6 targets

When I say quick targeting, I mean a module that, when active, allows you to see hp of bots with mouse over, click, in the radar, etc. Something more like that. And it sounds like something a squad leader could easily delegate, and in fact might love to have taken off his hands.

There are some "stealth" concepts planned, but i don't think that they will implement the full-invisible mode known from other mmo's
(Thats where my earlier comment was aimed at)

A stealth concept doesn't need to be static. There could be modules which are less invisible but allow for harvesting modules to be equipped, modules that have very little invisibility but offer use of weapons, and modules with full invisibility but do not allow for either. If you're worrying about delivery quests becoming too attractive for these types of players, keep in mind that may be the only thing they're good at as far as assignments.


(118 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Heya, been trying to take a look at the guild site but it doesn't seem to come up... is it just me?

I don't see how that comment was constructive at all smile

I like this. Or at least give the leader an option to allow certain players access to the info. That way a corp body can have an election to create a council of financial auditors, or even one person. If the leader values transparency he would give in to the election. If shady things are going on, the leader would have to option of bribing the newly elected auditor, or even denying the election and possibly introducing suspicion of mismanagement. Introduces intricacies.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

it never worked on myth busters because they were too stupid to realize the importance of accuracy. A mesh screen? Kids who can't sit still holding mirrors? If you look at the footage the reflections are all over the place.

I had an idea.... How cool would it be to have a type of robot that specializes in thievery? Yes, it would be hated by many.... but it would serve as a spice to those players wishing to play more on the dark side but not fight..... much.

Concepts for Modules:
~mastermind type answers when making a guess on a container in exchange for steep accumulator usage~
~stealth until action performed, with restriction to other modules equipped, such as no weapons, harvesting, etc. Constant accum consumption~
~ability to see when a container is a dead player vs npc vs lock, etc, in exchange for moderate accum cons~
~allow for quick targeting of players for purposes of checking hp% only~ (for picking off corpse steals on the battlefield)

Concepts for counters to hacker/scavenger bot:
~module to further encrypt a container, adding digits to the hackers mastermind like module, giving you more time to kill them/empty the container/make a new one/etc ~
~destealth modules... like a geo scanner but to reveal stealth bots instead, possible EW~

The same can be done for extensions.... there's all kind of possibilities. Thoughts?