(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm talking about Mk2 Assaults:   baphs,  wasps,  arbs.   Not mk2 mechs or heavies.   Mk2 assaults are very reasonable for new players to get into or at least aspire to. It's expensive for them but certainly reasonable and they DO help with early game PVE.   I don't consider them end game by any means.

Annihilator wrote:
Kayin Prime wrote:

The patch has seemed to demotivate a lot of newer players.   Several of them have logged in, found they weren't able to drive their mk2 bots anymore, and won't have the EP for the pre-req exts AND the high tech ext for a few days. They subsequently have just stopped playing now that they're forced to take a step backwards when they already felt behind in the first place. Mk2s are not cheap for new players both in terms of EP and NIC.

I am actually shocked that you guys are in endgame robots without having:
lvl5 Data processing
lvl5 Reactor expansion 
lvl5 Accumulator expansion
lvl5 Energy Management
lvl5 Mechanics

and then don't have 480 EP left to skill one level in hi-tech spec.
i am actually curious which one of the prerequisites youre guys didn't meet, because except the last one, all of them are pretty much what i would expect a player to have after character creation and running missions with an assault.

it totally sounds made up, since i don't know many noobs that run around in mk2s before having basic skills lvl5+

I had almost this exact conversation in corp chat last night.   How the hell do you guys not have lvl 5 in the prereqs at least?  How are you able to fit the robot? 

Most are fitting their mk2 assaults with machine gun / missile fits and haven't prioritized extensions for accumulator.  Again this is for low level PVE.    Apparently it's just what happened.

I was *really* surprised by the response the new players had to the patch. So surprised that I wanted to be sure the devs heard it was happening.  That was my reasoning for the post.  The patch is actually meaningless for me personally. It didn't really effect me much.


The patch has seemed to demotivate a lot of newer players.   Several of them have logged in, found they weren't able to drive their mk2 bots anymore, and won't have the EP for the pre-req exts AND the high tech ext for a few days. They subsequently have just stopped playing now that they're forced to take a step backwards when they already felt behind in the first place. Mk2s are not cheap for new players both in terms of EP and NIC.

Basically my corp has been cut by 1/4 or so.  The more dedicated group is still playing but is discouraged by the increase in harvest/mining grind. Our most dedicated miner ran the numbers and found he won't be able to achieve his previous mining 'ability?' for several months due to prioritization of other needed new player skills. 

I'm hoping this is a temporary shock reaction and they'll be back.  It's a dangerous game to play though. Taking people's progress away from them is not a very good idea especially in a game where that progress relies on such heavy grind.  To make it worse, you did it to people who are still undecided on the game.

-2 points guys sad

Guys,  the industry term for this is called "Testing in production"   It's a thing.  It makes developers cringe but a thing none the less.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

This game has a lot of opportunity for PCG (procedural content generation) both in missions and in playable area creation.  I would aim for that.  Infinite islands (alpha, beta w/terminals, and possibly even gamma?).

That's not entirely correct..

Back when CIR/77 was having their temper tantrum, NSE was offloading valuables from Abbu. we had a run in with a neutral corp that lead to some nub v nub pvp.  I'm hoping we see more of them.  That was good times.


(77 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:

Does it really matter?  Besides shouldn't you be worried about getting kicked from -ND- because some vet thinks your a spy and your CEO caves to it?

that never happens. oh wait...


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)



(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Just did some brainstorming earlier on things that would make combat more interesting, both in PVP and PVE. I like it when tactics and skill can overcome brute numbers.

- Make movement drain accumulator.  Highways have special 'effects'. Possibly lower accumulator drain / possibly higher.  Give haulers and possibly arckhes bonuses to fit their 'move stuff' role.  This wouldn't be as annoying as you might think when outside of combat. It'd be a consideration but completely manageable.  In terms of combat it would add a ton of strategic possibilities. 

- Add friendly fire.

- Turn ECM into an AOE thing, a lot like EMP in the real world. You set it off and it has a chance to jam everybody within radius. Exponentially decaying the further out.  Add an item that can focus ECM into a direction so it's not a perfect circle but more oval shaped.

- Add a penalty to turn radius based on robot size. Light bots should be able to literally run circles around heavy mechs. Slow and strong vs fast and weak.

- Add temporary / deployable land mines and energy fences. Land mines harm the bots, energy fences demobilize and force shields to lower.  These can be PVP only. I can see it being OP for NPC spawns. 

- Add environmental AOE heat damage. In particular heat generated from multiple bots in a concentrated area firing together or being fired upon. Give 'thermal damage' some real meaning.  Bringing thermal lasers into a fight can have some unique effects.

- Fleet teleport beacons.  1 time use, the entire squad physically present in the radius of the beacon teleports together.

- Jet pack 'item' or module. Vertically scale terrain.  Adds heat. Disables all active modules jumping and has a cooldown after landing before modules can be used again.

- Make deployable walls block missiles when you're hiding behind them?  I just don't like how missiles can find you anywhere and have a long range.

Ville wrote:
Kayin Prime wrote:

CIR could just organize this themselves without the need for dev time.   Setup an island with terminals. Rent them out. Police them.   Anyone gets lippy, blow them up while trying to haul... deny access to the terminal... etc.

It would actually be better organized and secure if player ran this than something that requires dev time.

We won't do that, too much work for the amount of effort we want to give this game atm.

And.......there's the problem.  ;-)   

/thread.  good day everybody. See you on game tonight.

CIR could just organize this themselves without the need for dev time.   Setup an island with terminals. Rent them out. Police them.   Anyone gets lippy, blow them up while trying to haul... deny access to the terminal... etc.

It would actually be better organized and secure if player ran this than something that requires dev time.

I don't like the idea of adding game mechanics to try and make up for community behavior. 

Everything talked about could be achieved right now in the current system if the community would mutually act in a way that supports it. Currently it does not.  So if we add this new mechanic it'll be filled with a bunch of people who disagree with the idea gaming and trolling the system.  It'll be a waste of dev time.  Certain individuals have already dumped an absurd amount of real money into this game. There's no reason they wouldn't buy every piece of available space on day 1.  If we use perpetuum credits there's no reason an entity with trillions of NIC wouldn't buy everything they could simply to deny access.  With terra forming there's no stopping some jerk from camping and terraforming obnoxiously every day at 3am.  The troll will continue and the 'tears' will be harvested.

I'm with Syndic. Shut up and nut up. 



(0 replies, posted in General discussion)

Extra life is this weekend. Register, donate, and pvp for the kids!


/shameless but not so shameless spam


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)



(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Perpetuum wrote:

No, the problem is no one wants to STAY and play the game.

Question is WHY?

Answer is...

Honestly, a lot of the butt hurt, crying, and over seriousness on both sides of the fence right now are very unappealing. 

I like PVP but not if I'm going to be accused of being a spy and subsequently harassed for 2 weeks all because I .. logged in?  And especially not if there are 10 hours of forum + gen chat rage for every 15 seconds of combat, win or lose. Community needs to have some sportsmanship on both sides. Winners need not gloat, losers need not cry.  This is a video game. Sacrificing human relationships for a virtual gain is completely insane.

Community is make or break to minecraft servers. We shouldn't be surprised to see similarities here.

That being said I would like to see more PVE content to break up the grind. Something like a progression raid maybe. I like where those special level 3 missions were going for example.


(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:

After talking with Kayin and his friend Lily which are both very active they have choose to part ways with PHM.  As it is kind of obvious we are mostly inactive due to the level of fun being enjoyed in ArcheAge, what it causes is new players jumping into the middle of our ArcheAge pvp fight scenes and interrupting battle comms with Perpetuum Questions.  And anyone who knows our comms is well enough aware of the ramifications of interrupting an FC during an operation.  Sad to see them go but you know.  Things happen.  I wish them the best in wherever they choose to fly with and hope to see them again on the battle field, maybe.

^ this.   And thank you Ville.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

"sandbox of this size."   

You're absolutely right that it's a population problem though.


(62 replies, posted in Balancing)

I like this idea in that you want to force players to 100% commit.

I'm not sure NIC is the tool to force that commitment though.  10M nic is a lot to a guy like me. It's nothing to a guy who's been mining epriton the last 2 years.  It basically lets someone with more money bully people out of playing, like in poker.

It shouldn't be about loot and levels.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ville wrote:

Which leads me to ask a few questions:

Should 1 guy in an assault bot be able to complete disrupt an entire corporations production in a station because he hits a SAP during an off time and makes the station lose up to 2 production facilities efficiencies?

Should a 1 Man corporation be able to own a station in a pvp MMO and hold it?

Good questions! I like you Ville.     These are simply my thoughts on the matter coming from other PVP games (and designing a few massive catastrophic failures myself)

Should 1 guy in an assault bot be able to complete disrupt an entire corporations production in a station because he hits a SAP during an off time and makes the station lose up to 2 production facilities efficiencies?

-- Yes and no.  1 guy should be able to screw with things proportionally to his strength and knowledge.  Unless we start talking about adding in sabotage mechanics there is only so much 1 guy should be able to do.  Subsequently, 100 guys showing up should be a different story. This is probably the gameplay the devs were striving for on Gamma.  Beta appears to be a progression towards Gamma. There is a lot of room to interpret what that progression means - but it seems it should at least feel like that. This is why I was suggesting making the SAPs harder at some point to force multiple people to be involved in an attack.  That might be misguided but eh the discussion is fun.

Should a 1 man corp be able to own a station in a pvp MMO and hold it?
-- No.  The only games this is possible on are horribly broken and inevitably fail.  The definition of balance is ensuring an even distribution of power.   i.e  1 person shouldn't be able to effectively own that large of a percentage of territory in a sandbox of this size.   

Nobody likes playing against a hyper carry.


(62 replies, posted in Balancing)

Ville wrote:
Burial wrote:

Anyone owning a station can either be there or not to increase the stability. If they aren't there then they aren't supposed to hold the station either.

It only affects easy-moders who want to own as much as possible with as little effort as possible while fishing in ArcheAge.

Back to the elephant in the room.  So at what point is the difference between 24 hour coverage of an island and "dude, some people got a job and need sleep"?  I hate to tell you people but if we had a chance to do our own saps then you'd end up having Race Drones being the wealthiest person in game in a month.

That's kind of the point. It should be increasingly difficult for a group of a few people living in roughly the same time zone to hold multiple bases in the game.  Not impossible - just difficult.

There'd be more strategy in planning which terminals I want to live in based on their relative SAP times. It encourages you to recruit people across time zones with different schedules. Etc..   Maybe that's an unreasonable strategic expectation?


(62 replies, posted in Balancing)

Make the corp that owns a Beta station actively participate in every SAP or else they lose station stability, and make the SAP's require more than 1 person in an Argano.   Destruction should be .. you know.. destructive. Active / Passive hacking should require a bit more effort than sitting there. As least put a puzzle up or something.  I suppose that could be addressed separately.

Quite frankly I find it ridiculous that once you own a station you never have to step ..foot?.. on the island again and you can keep it forever.  It's equivalent to a dog peeing on a fire hydrant right now. I peed on it first therefore it's mine. If you want my fire hydrant you have to come pee on it at least 5 - 10 times and then one more time after that.

- This prevents a corp from holding onto a station unless they 'deserve' it.  They should be active players, with proper resources, industrial backbone, and skill to maintain a station.
- It adds more PVE content to the game automatically because you have to do something about it.
- It gives more PVP opportunities automatically because we know *someone* is going to be at those saps.
- It doesn't make it impossible for a mega corp to hold all the stations but it certainly makes that corp work for it. As part of that corp I'm ok with having to work for it.


...let the complaining commence..


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

It depends what sparks were intended to do in the first place.   

I like having multiple home bases for multiple operations.  If I plan to setup a multiple day operation in shin - for say farming theo fragments - then reconfiguring spark teleports to do so is a worthwhile feature as I still can maintain my primary presence in Hersh.  If that was the intention of sparks then perhaps setting a limitation on how often you can delete / create new spark teleports rather than a cooldown for using them. 

If they were intended to allow a player to have 'presence' all over the perp universe at a moment's notice then I'd say they're doing their job.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)



(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

Is this the part where I post a picture of my man boobs with a timestamp sign?


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

double posted for some reason.

Since we're talking forum features - how about a way to delete duplicate posts? smile


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The General Discussion forum is usually filled with...erm 'feelings'.   There really isn't a good place to ask newbie questions and have that sort of banter with other new players.

Would it make sense to have a new player forum?