(113 replies, posted in Testing server)

Tbh I would be fine with raising the masking of industrials and dropping the detector bonus from percent to a passive module and flat amount like eccm.


(320 replies, posted in Testing server)

Tund Bungler wrote:

I'm very much against adding any skills to the game for ewar. It just makes noobs that much worse off.

It all depends what skills are being added. If that's the case just get rid of the skills that increase targeting range and lock time. I'm sure that won't change how often sensor suppressors are used. I'd love to be able to reroll that ep into sensor suppression...


(641 replies, posted in Testing server)

This is awesome news! Keep us updateand give us an idea within a few weeks of gamma release. With a rough timeline of expansions it always creates content in game and plenty of meta gaming. All in all this looks like excellent balancing and content smile

I know this is off topic but I wish you hadn't gotten rid of NPC explosion damage allowing loot drop, I heard wonderful things about beacon pits.


(320 replies, posted in Testing server)

I think ewar would be fine as long as eccm has the same amount of skills as ecm has. Also get remote eccm andactive eccm. Ewar is fine, just not the counter mechanics. Sensor supressors can hurt a bot but they have the ability to use sensor amps, remote amps and skills to improve lock range and speed. Just like there are two sides to a coin their should be two sides to a mechanic.

Hollywood wrote:

Can we please! not bring gamma islands back anytime soon? The game is so much more enjoyable in the current state of Alpha and Beta islands. Tweaking/adding beta islands sounds good, just please don't add several useless and player devoid gamma islands. Do the right thing devs... wink

Beta island activity is back with the server moves. Even if gamme is ready and fixedd don't impliment it until the rest of the population thinks its a good idea. Maybe wait until you can put a 25% off on steam too. Just focus on the islands at hand please sad

Syndic wrote:

Key question that the Devs should be asking themselves is why should players be risking assets necessary to stake claim to Beta/Gamma, instead of simply staying on Alpha.

As the current situation evidently shows, the vast majority doesn't consider Beta to be worth investing and risking assets necessary to take it. So whatever incentives might be there, evidently they're not enough and need to be increased or expanded.

Gamma will be in an even worse position since it will require significantly more investment asset-wise and bear more risk (destroyable terminals), but the incentives can be summed up as 10-15% better facilities and all 3 color plasma NPC buy orders. The solution obviously cannot be moving epriton back to Gamma, that would be just childish.

The only thing more islands will do is provide space for people to hide/ninja-mine, it won't solve the root of the problem - the potential gains are not worth the actual effort required.

The reason betas aren't being contested  because there isn't anyone to contest them, not lack of incentive. This is my opinion of course. I am part of the next biggest group that could contest the current beta owners but aside from us I don't know of any group who could/would contest them.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Yes, we can create the TERRAIN quite efficiently. But that's like 5% of the content that makes up a playable island. It needs terminals and outposts, highways, NPC spawns laid out, artifact configurations, at least some minimal decoration, and so on. We're looking easily at 3-4 weeks for an island and then we're not doing anything else.

That's why you hire devs and artists to be a team specifically for these tasks. Don't do it all yourself because then it ends up being half assed without even meaning to be. This game might be your baby but if you don't hire and delegate this game will continue to struggle.

Tbh I think adding three beta III islands a month or two would be freakin sweet. As a new bro I really like the challenge beta presents and the potential benifits. The sap mechanics are decent and the ability to use squad based PvP and roams is getting objectives is great. Either spark Tele needs a small tweak to stop people from covering all three corners of the betas (no this doesnt stop multiple accounts but that is fine, mechanics shouldn't be worked around the basis of needing multiple accounts) so easily or there needs to be enough space so a single character can't cover it all. I also like gremrods post about a beta iii with specific areas for mpcs. Awesome content here that could be implimented even if most of your engine makes everything hardcoded in and inflexible.

The bad seems to be in chronological order but in all fairness its true for xyz reasons. Best thing I think could happen in the future is they use the cash to continue hiring and bringing people into the developement and marketing areas. With the move to Amsterdam can you put another 10-15% off for new players? Not sure how steam does their discounts but if there is any way for you to do it frequently I would to bring in growth every 4 week's. Bring out a tutorial phase asap with a small amount of free ep and the rest upon purchase. I have a ton of friends who want to try before they buy and I'm tempted to gift it to them. Problem with me gifting is I feel like when I'm gifted a game I don't quite enjoy it as much even if its a great game. When I invest my own time and money into it I'm much more attatched


(30 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I wouldn't mind the intrusion window showing a 15-30 minute countdown for impending saps on all islands. The point of having saps random is so you can't plan a week out and you need a large active group to hold them. If you can probe them 12 hours aheac that is great but to give a very short warning that a sap is going live would definitely convince me to go contest any of then while I'm online.

Don't change mechanics in favor of small groups holding everything. It is fine the way it is to drive conflict and require groups to actively defend their objectives instead of who has bigger and more equipped bots. The point of allowing ninja sapping is to split an enemy fleet to guard their objectives and hopefully make it a little easier for the attackers to hit the split force. As it is now it requires an active player base to hold a single outpost and guard from ninjas. If that same group expands to take more terminals they may start getting burned out having to guard from the smaller groups.

Tldr the mechanics are good at forcing larger groups to consolidate or risk getting burned out. Isn't that how its supposed to be?

+1 islands don't have to be unique like rec said. That or just make one unique island in the middle of all the alpha islands that is what you were talking about. 3 spots to add a terminal and mpcs and no terraforming


(107 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mastablasta wrote:

@Zoom. I am for them wiping the servers completely when gamma comes out.  I would do a big ad campaign of getting in on the ground floor for Time based game system.  The only caveat I would give is to give boosts to people who have paid for them previously.  Same boost would be for new people, but they would have to pay for it.  I know every one would hate it, but we have to get more people playing and not scared to death to undock every *** day.

Hell yes. When servers are moved (and maybe gamma re released) wipe the server and have a 15-25% discount on New purchases.

Tbh I don't have a problem with vets getting the ep gain boost if they paid for a subscription for over a year when it was basically trash. Loyalty is worth repaying.

I like it because it really is progression that move the market away from the central main terminals on alpha 2 and opens it for smaller groups as well as just making sense that to do higher level production and missions would require you to go to specific outposts. Not to mention as a new player the first thing they do is move to tellesis hersh or shin

That way the islands with only one terminal are the ones protected, give those the low level missions and *** services and then when you specialize and move on you go to the different alpha outposts.

Genius, please bring it back after you flip alpha 1 and 2


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Have just a few tiers no ep limit and a few with ep limit.

Corp vs corp max based on point system for bots used

And the equivelent with an ep limit

Industrial system is fine, what is bad is the economy. No where to sell your stuff except to Jewoorders that vets put up because new players are desperate to get any nic they can. I don't know how to fix it but tbh I love the complexity of the industrial system and I think it kicks the *** out of eve online's industrial system. The only problem is the player base and the supply/demand being disproportionate. About the only way to make it a little easier for new players without giving up those unique characteristics that make this a better is maybe to allow the reverse engineering of normal bots for and mods for low level ct's and reverse engineer prototypes for much better CTs.

Or you could just make a contract system where players could buy and sell CTs other than on that this sorry excuse for a forum.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

During a long fight on norhoop I literally couldn't navigate faster than 30kph without autorun (where I glitch across the map and rubberband back) and couldn't get modules to activate with less than 5 second delay. Said I only had 300ms latency but it was so messed up beyond description.

Please fix, a ton of people in my corp a long don't want to risk PvP if they don't have full control or even most of the control over their bots.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

You revived your game and got a large influx of cash. Reinvest that *** or you are going to be back to ramen faster than you think. If you aren't staying up all day and night to get us some sort of playable environment you can count on the steam community moving on to another title in their library quickly...

Best PvP since 2011 is trying to go on but the lag is ruining it...


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm interested on the take of newbs, veterans, and everyone in between.

What do you enjoy/dislike about some of your recent escapades (last 6 weeks).

I personally have had a lot of fun, won a lot of fights, lost a lot of fight, and tried to ninja mine on beta islands and avoid PvP.
I love the mechanics but it doesn't seem that the server can handle the precision the players are putting into the game. Beta islands are kick *** and I can't imagine have more than a few more islands where people can be (24 gamma islands is way to much).

I like the idea of just being able to sell the perpetuum credits on the market. People can use it for their ep boost sub or respecting skill and will fuel the economy in a similar was as ice without tying in anything from steam. Yes you can still dump loads of money into the game to buy nic but the difference between this and eve is that the industrial aspects can't be botted to my knowledge or the player vs perpetuum aspect either. Would keep bots from crashing your in game economy but still add your revinue without a 'cash out' option


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hurry and migrate your servers please sad had a great fight earlier and the lag and rubberbanding was horrendous. Lag didn't change who won but it definitely sucked for both sides who pay for the game


(15 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Instead make it a dread glider that anchors for 8 hours to 16 hours. The longer it anchors after 8 hours the more damage and aoe it can do. Would be an expensive bot and people would come from all over to try and destroy it. Definitely love the idea of being able to build temporary defenses to siege a base that gives a forward command area or a fall back point as time goes on.

Maybe a platform must be built before the glider can anchor and only to spots where these platforms are? The attaclers would then be limited to one spot or multiple (would require them to defend their siege engines more) areas to  where the defender cpuldnt stack defenses on that side before the siege glider is prepared.


(15 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Burial wrote:



Lol I didn't mean to say that there were too many gammas and then that I wanted more gammas.

My stance is to want more beta islands instead of more gamma. Keep the same number of total islands but change some of the gammas into beta and release those before you finish the gamma update. The reason I don't spend more time on other beta islands is it doesng take long at all for a group to respond to my presence. If the powerblocks can't reach it all then other players will fill in the gaps. When others fill in the gaps and want more room the borders will be the hot zone where the spark network ends.