Topic: Dear Dev´s

I just thought I write down a piece of my mind.

I was so looking forward to the steam release.
Population was picking up nicely.

But this game is just dying. You now as everyone else does, it´s not because of the lags.

It´s because this game has seriously broken mechanics, which prevents any pvp by any new players/ corps.

How long does it take for the Dev´s to understand, that they are just promoting power projection of large groups, to spark teleport to any island without effort, to bully away any players or corps out of beta? While they can hold all outposts, without any effort or commitment.

I believe pvp could be very exciting and the game has what it takes. But this is game is ruined and we all know  by who, it´s by corps like CiR, -77- and PHM.

In the forum, all post are directly hijacked and are trolled, from those very players.

So how do you even expect, anyone will have fun, goals, or stay in this game any longer? It could be a good game, but as long those broken mechanics are out there, to promote those power blocks, there is not much point in even trying to play.

It´s a reward less fight against windmills. So I guess, CiR and Co have killed the game, due to that the Dev´s not doing anything against those power projection mechanics and for the many who have already left, it´s sadly time to move on.

Carry on trolling. That´s all what this forum is about anyway. The rest will probably sadly move on to other games.

2 (edited by DEV Zoom 2014-06-11 21:24:27)

Re: Dear Dev´s

So which are those broken mechanics in your opinion that are killing the game?

(Ville: how about not spamming this topic?)

3 (edited by Stranger Danger 2014-06-11 21:26:10)

Re: Dear Dev´s

the mechanic of teamwork is broken.

CIR/77 are exploiting team work and knowing the mechanics of the game.

help them zoom. please.

We pvp, beta isn't suppose to be an easy hand out and alpha life is just fine for new players.

Stranger Danger / Capital Punishment / Cyberdown
Pillar of the Community
Ruler of Recruit Chat
CIR Ministry of Truth

4 (edited by Rage Blackout 2014-06-11 21:31:11)

Re: Dear Dev´s

for the record, we (I) asked Devs to reroll entire server for the Greenlight.

but they didnt want to

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: Dear Dev´s

How about listening to your players??????  You know the ones who actually play??

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

I was a big fan of spark TPs back in the old days, but I do admit for selfish reasons. Because there is no way to change market orders remotely I thought it will be a great idea to be able to TP around the world. Looking at this objectively, its just ruining the game at the moment.

Make the spark TPs on a 12/24 hour timer, enable remote market management at some point.

Industrial Junkie

Re: Dear Dev´s

Ville wrote:

How about listening to your players??????  You know the ones who actually play??

You mean the ones who can't even come to an agreement on the smallest things?

8 (edited by Rage Blackout 2014-06-11 21:35:30)

Re: Dear Dev´s

Small things?  Dev Zoom, the stuff we talk about are BIG things like:

Gamma    <-- pretty big
Ewar bots and its whole profession   <--- Huge
Instant travel   <--     monster big
Massively abused missions and beacons   <----  10000x big

Knee jurk changes in mechanics that people have 1000's of hours and money invested in   <--- small?

Really, please dont be disrespectful to us on top of us carrying the server and the new people.

DEV Zoom wrote:
Ville wrote:

How about listening to your players??????  You know the ones who actually play??

You mean the ones who can't even come to an agreement on the smallest things?

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:
Ville wrote:

How about listening to your players??????  You know the ones who actually play??

You mean the ones who can't even come to an agreement on the smallest things?

Personal agendas are pushed through.  We ALL agree the game world is too small.  ST should have been removed with gamma. 

You should have wiped the server at steam launch and reset EP.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

1 year + accounts should have got lifetime boosts.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

You mean because I have spent 500+ $ on accounts or something and new guy pays $30?

Thats crazy talk.

I paid to participate in Alpha and now Beta/Pre Steam release aka Early access

I am proud.

Ville wrote:

1 year + accounts should have got lifetime boosts.

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:

So which are those broken mechanics ...

^^ +1

Ignorance is curable, Stupidity is not.
The "Planet of the Apes" is not science fiction, is a daily reality.
All is in "The Matrix".
See Beyond the Obvious.

Re: Dear Dev´s

Rage Blackout wrote:

Small things?  Dev Zoom, the stuff we talk about are BIG things like:

Gamma    <-- pretty big
Ewar bots and its whole profession   <--- Huge

Being worked on as you know.

Instant travel   <--     monster big

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

Massively abused missions and beacons   <----  10000x big

I might have missed this, what is this about exactly? Is this something new or are we regurgitating past issues for no reason?

Knee jurk changes in mechanics that people have 1000's of hours and money invested in   <--- small?

Same question.

14 (edited by Diamond 2014-06-11 22:22:07)

Re: Dear Dev´s

grrrr wrong tune again

DEV Zoom wrote:
Rage Blackout wrote:

Small things?  Dev Zoom, the stuff we talk about are BIG things like:

Gamma    <-- pretty big
Ewar bots and its whole profession   <--- Huge

Being worked on as you know.


Instant travel   <--     monster big

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

We used sparks to dominate beta last 4 months.

Massively abused missions and beacons   <----  10000x big

I might have missed this, what is this about exactly? Is this something new or are we regurgitating past issues for no reason?     This is no longer in game referring to past as you are referring to past

Knee jurk changes in mechanics that people have 1000's of hours and money invested in   <--- small?

    Old stuff bringing up, things seem better unless you overnerf Ewar on a whim

Same question.

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

Then we need more land and I am talking MORE than Gamma.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

how the hell does spark teleport HELP the game equally to how destructive it is?

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Dear Dev´s

Annihilator wrote:

how the hell does spark teleport HELP the game equally to how destructive it is?

Every time players complain about walking hours for no reason?

Re: Dear Dev´s

There's no broken mechanics. There's 50-60 dudes playing the game in a coordinated, organized way.

This is borderline harassment and slander.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm kinda getting tired of our entire corp/alliance being accused of killing the game every time we win a PVP fight.

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

Re: Dear Dev´s

the complain abou that on any distance they have to walk. spark teleporting doesn't really help to get faster from mission spot to mission spot.

having autopilot using highways that actually connect several point of intrests without holes, and having remote access to market orders and storages would have a way less negative impact on the game then those instant-hops that only vets can use effectively with limitless assets everywhere,

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Dear Dev´s

Enter    autopilot!




best patch ever

DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

how the hell does spark teleport HELP the game equally to how destructive it is?

Every time players complain about walking hours for no reason?

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:

Every time players complain about walking hours for no reason?

I had to walk 7 miles each way to school with no shoes when I was a bairn.

Re: Dear Dev´s

The real problem is not one corp controlling everything. The real issues are:
1) Not enough space / islands. With more space the spark teleports also become a non-issue.
2) It is too difficult for new players / corps to build bots and mods. See Ville's post on the subject. The cost of loss for small bots and T1/T2 mods is too high.
3) Alpha does not have enough content to keep players engaged. There is no content that build and prepare players for Beta and PvP.  See Gremrod's post on Factional Warfare.

I.m.o: The only "broken" game mechanic is the difficulty, EP requirements, and complex resources to build basic items.

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

As an individual player Spark TP is useful for all kinds of things sure, in terms of PvP and power projection its all kinds of broken.

24 (edited by Dazamin 2014-06-12 01:44:50)

Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

how the hell does spark teleport HELP the game equally to how destructive it is?

Every time players complain about walking hours for no reason?

Walking around is the default method of getting around the game surely? It is unnecessarily hard to get around, particularly on alpha, but that could be fixed by better tp and highway placement, without causing the problems sparks do. I don't understand the need to create new mechanics to fix problems, instead of just adjusting the existing mechanics, which is less likely to have undesirable side effects.

More space would mitigate the spark effect for sure, and it something I've been in favour of for a long time, although I get there may be issues with adding tonnes of new space. But fundamentally I don't like the mechanic, you're supposed to get around by walking, remote access of some kind is a very useful feature, but that doesn't need to be an instant tp to a location imo.

Re: Dear Dev´s

@Zoom. I am for them wiping the servers completely when gamma comes out.  I would do a big ad campaign of getting in on the ground floor for Time based game system.  The only caveat I would give is to give boosts to people who have paid for them previously.  Same boost would be for new people, but they would have to pay for it.  I know every one would hate it, but we have to get more people playing and not scared to death to undock every *** day.