Rage Rex wrote:Tux wrote:Ville wrote:If you intend on leaving epi on Beta only, than we need more Betas and we need more separation. Way too small atm.
What makes the world to small ? Sparks Maybe ? 
Um, well yes.
Sparks do make it small. Is that not the point we tried to make in 50 pages of the SpT thread while your little minions bickered away against it?
So what you
Stark Teleportation is a relic of the Gamma expansion ... and works well only with the expanded number of islands.
I agree that it is unbalanced at the moment because the bases for it being implemented into the game is not present (gamma).
Im not saying the world should be the size it is ... or we need to remove spark teleport.
I agree with the OP and we should have way more islands ... add in something like
12 more Alpha II's One terminal on each island (maybe some with no faction affiliation)
Add 24 Beta 3 (pvp islands with no terminals but has colix and epriton)
36 Gamma
And keep spark teleport in the game with the expanded island numbers .. but under the current island network its not sustainable. This is why I
because i have been saying since before Gamma that we needed 60 + islands for corps to be able to thrive long term.
Battles were fought in regions of the game before sparks and people knew a corp was on a campaign when they brought 20 + mechs and heavies to someones beta to knock it down (basically having to put planning and effort into pvp). Now i can not say that is the case ... Being limited to such a small play space is going to eventually put us back where we were years ago before gamma people slowly leaving the game and corps dying.
The gamma islands can be released and more added with out the ability to use PBS of TF which is needed. I think for this game to go long term there needs to be islands where nothing can be built or captured, but you can still mine high end resources and hunt high end NPC's ..... even when gamma is reintroduced we still need this ... free roaming beta 3.0 islands.
Tux ~ Kill the messenger, he was part of it all along.
Euripides ~ Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head.
Bertrand Russell ~ War does not determine who is right - only who is left.