(165 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't think you need an active ECCM at all, STC ran into this problem when we were running missions on Norhoop,  you corral the NPC's inside a box of walls.  We did it all the time, its not hard, just takes about an hour to do.  No biggie.  Its not like all the Beta islands are gonna have every field under a NPC spawns.  Adapt and survive.


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

Arga wrote:
Shadowmine wrote:

And I don't get how Gamma loses any value. If that were the case, we would would have already started Deconstruction... Hell if anything gamma bases have more value as they are chocked full of Epriton goodness. If you don't feel like mining it, just take over someone elses and base and use their structures for your own base.

As with sparks, your view is too immediate, and personal.

Put yourself in the boots of a player that doesn't have a gamma outpost, or have the majority of beta outposts locked out.

You know what I would do if I was one of those players.  Join one of the corps who has one.....oh wait smile

But seriously, if/when the population rises the Beta's wont be owned by any single side.  They will be controlled by many different factions like it used to be.  This will solve many of the problems with both sparks and this change.


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

NERD RAGE! (i'm on the nerd excitement side)

but seriously DEV's I think this will be a change for the better.  Logistics, PVP, a reason to fight for Beta, plus corp mining OP's.  We will adapt.

And if you guys don't want to mine it, I will and sell it to you and make a tonne of money yarr

Edit:  If you are against this change you have an unspecified time limit to mine as much Epri as you can before the change hits.  It's beacons all over again.  You guys know what to do smile


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

Merkle wrote:

Next up, how to solve world hunger.

We already can solve world hunger, its just that no one really wants to actually do it.


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

Merkle wrote:

Or we can add in 20 unique ores, one per gamma island.  You need a very small amount of ore off of each island to produce anything.

Each beta will have a unique plant, same thing.

Great Idea isn't it!

I love how Merkle is losing his s**t over here.  This is all my doing.  I talked to DEV Zoom and we agreed to punish your *** for speaking badly about green pilots.


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

Shadowmine wrote:

Why has no one read my previous post yet!!!! It explains everything.....

I read it sir, and i agree.  Ninja mining was some of the most butt puckering excitement Perp has ever given me, not to mention that you could make huge profits from it too.


(293 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

This is an early warning that we have made a decision to remove Epriton from gamma islands, and soon it will be only available on beta islands.

The reason for this change is that with the introduction of gamma islands the role and importance of betas has changed. Gammas turned out to be too self-sustaining, while the reasons to have a constant beta presence for corporations became pretty optional. Our hope is that with this change betas can again become an important part of the game's PvP mechanics like they once used to be.

Like in the case of similar changes in the past, Epriton won't suddenly disappear from gammas, only the generation of new fields will be stopped.

The exact date for this change will be announced later.

Ok so I know what I will be doing this weekend.  Also, if possible I would like to suggest another change to gamma's that would make them far more important and encourage combats to live there as well as make roaming spawns viable to farm.

Martha Stuart wrote:

instead of having Rank 5 NPC's drop cortexes like Burial suggested, why not change the roaming spawns to MK2 npcs, which then have a moderate chance of dropping cortexes.  This would make the pointless roaming spawns worth finding and hunting down, plus it would also make them much more challenging.  and to counter this remove or lower the cortex drops from SAP loot.

ok peanut gallery, Yay or Nah?


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

This has been stated numerous times before.  Make Beta's important again and the roaming will come back.  The entire reason there was roaming PVP, pre gamma, was because the only place to get Epri was on Beta, so you had to mine it there.  If there are Indy's on Beta, then the combats will be there to defend them.  Then you will have roaming PVP back.  Until this changes there will be no roaming PVP.

Beta isn't important, because it's too difficult to attack and own one; because of population and sparks.

The game would be better served by closing off all but (3) beta islands and (1) gamma, that would make them important again... oh, and get rid of unlimited sparking, so 1 corporation can't hold all (4) islands.

This has nothing to do with why beta's are unimportant.  The reason beta's were important before was Epri.  Without it, you and your corp producers were screwed.  The only place to get it was Beta,  thats why Beta's were important. 

Now with gammas I can roll out 5 riv mkII's with T4+ gear and clear 80 million Epri in 6 hours, in perfect saftey.  This is why beta's are completely irrelevant now.  There is no point because Gammas are bigger, better, and much much safer.  Add in the massive production bonus, and the ability to drop 200 norg plants and not have Nebs come through and burn them all down, and you have even more reason to never use Beta's except for missions and SAP's.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sundial wrote:

remember Kentagura, never forget.

for the sake of the devils advocate, I would like to point out that once they changed the system, all the people who invested heavily in it got screwed and it caused a Corp to leave the game.  So the question is were we better off then as opposed to now?  These new changes that everyone is purposing only effect our alliance because no one outside of it has a gamma base. 

Remember Kentagura indeed, but also remember that once you drastically change a system that one side has invested billions of nic in, someone will always end up getting the s**t end of the stick.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

Merkle wrote:

Gamma.  In short.  Gamma's need to change.

The problems with gamma are large.  Zero Access for a hostile force.  Completely safe mining environment.  Limited movement of forces through the general map.

What I would suggest will mostlikly be hated, and mocked.  I digress.  What needs to happen is the same with walls, a massive change to undo the damage of what was done.  First, Tell the player base that all the gamma will be pulled down and returned to there said parties.  Second, put in place rules for new gammas to be build.

1. No Base within 3k of a tele.
2. Base defenses can not sprawl more then a 3k radius.
3. Three bases Per Gamma.
4. Two Bases no closer then 2.5 Radius.
5. Buff Defensive reinforce timers. (Double Them)
6. Require Fuel for all Reactors. (No new minerals just existing ones.)
7. Re-balance turrets, possibly buff them.

As far as getting to this point.  The Dev Team needs to go in, ask the gamma holders (Mostly STC, Nebs, Rem, TOG, Dream, Doy, and others.)  Ask then where they want there stuff moved to, any terminal in the game they wish.  Wipe there bases, and re balance.

As it stands now there is no eb and flow of gammas, some will say this will change when more players come into the game, I think the problem will just get far worse.  We need the ability to get roams ON islands, so that hostile forces can agrees and create conflict. 

This is how I see it, I do NOT speak for STC and its allies.  This is my personal Opinion.  One that I do not think will be popular.

So when did you sell your accounts to Syndic?
Also, Burn the witch? He clearly weighs the same as a duck.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, the best spawns are on Beta, but very few, if any, people actually rat anymore.  Most people just run beacons if they have access to a gamma base.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

This has been stated numerous times before.  Make Beta's important again and the roaming will come back.  The entire reason there was roaming PVP, pre gamma, was because the only place to get Epri was on Beta, so you had to mine it there.  If there are Indy's on Beta, then the combats will be there to defend them.  Then you will have roaming PVP back.  Until this changes there will be no roaming PVP.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sundial wrote:
Shadowmine wrote:

Awesome, back to comparing apples and oranges again. Pretty sure we went through this back on pages 13-17...

Apples to apples, its really not difficult to grasp. Its like comparing WoW to Rift. They have some differences but their core game play is almost exactly the same.

Except no its not. EVE is designed for hundreds of thousands of players.  Perp is not.  This alone makes Perp a different game in practice.  On paper they share many game mechanics, but the size and scope is completely different.  It would be like comparing Starcraft to Supreme Commader.  Yes they are both RTS games. Yes they share many mechanics, but in practice they are radically different games in terms of strategy, scope, and speed.  Things that work in one do not necessarily transfer over well to the other.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:
Shadowmine wrote:

Spark teleport needs no cooldown. I don't play perpetuum to sit in a station waiting...

Then press the 'undock' button.

Then press the "Log in" button


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Can the inventory/folder structure get some love too perchance?


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:

Then make LOS a requirement for missles, if all ewar should be the same then all DPS should be the same too.

I would be fine with this so long as a Dmg was increased on missiles to counter the loss of the LOS bonus of being able to shoot over some cover.  The reason that missiles get the semi no LOS bonus is because they are the single worst DPS weapon on the field, they also have the slowest firing speed.  Also, I wouldn't go so far as to say missiles are not LOS.  If missiles were truly no LOS you could shoot them from anywhere (Like you can with ECM's and Supp), but you can't.  I doubt anyone would argue that missiles are overpowered either.  EW on the other hand is extremely overpowered.

And on merkles point, why are the ECM and Supp tunnings badass and have almost no drawbacks, but the Enwar tunning for the ictus increases the amount of accum used by a significant amount.  That seems incredibly unbalanced.  Either make all the tunnings increase accum usage by the same amount, or make the Enwar tunning not use accum like the ECM and supp tunnings.  Plus the Enwar tunning is a leg slot which for a accum heavy bot like the ictus is a HUGE drawback when coupled with the major increase in accum usage.  I never use them for this very reason,  I would rather have a re-charger.  Not to mention the fact that the reactor needed to actually use one is rather substantial, especially considering the fact that every (non logi supported) ictus MUST have an injector on it.

Jita wrote:

to be fair the ictus has a hard tank and the vaga and zenith dont.

This is true, except for the fact that your Offensive capability is inversely proportional to your defense.  The more neuts you use, the less defense you have, and if done incorrectly you can basically kill yourself in an ictus. Or you can not use your neuts and have a great shield tank, but what good is that?  This is not the case with Zenith/Vaga.  If you have an injector, you will never cap yourself out in a Vaga/Zenith.  This is does not apply to the ictus, even with an injector and re-chargers you can cap yourself out extremely fast.


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:

Not to mention, neuting with a sheilded green bot feels a lot different than standing in the open in a glass ew bot.

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot (the only exception to this is the long range demob build).  If that's how you are flying your EWAR bot you are a terrible EWAR pilot.  The first thing you learn as a Vaga or Zenith pilot is to find the closest cover you can and sit there for the duration of the fight.  You are still 100% effective.  An ictus has to run around up close and personal to actually be any use, you also have to manage your accum incredibly well or you go down in 1-2 volleys.  Ictus is an incredibly difficult bot to fly well, a zenith or vaga is cake.  You pick 2 targets, turn on your injector, and lock them out for the entire fight while hiding behind a mountain.

Ever notice how people who dual box are running a combat and a vaga/zentih.  You never see anyone running a combat plus an ictus.  There is a reason for that.  Not mention that with a 700m ECM range (With only 1 extender) you will outrage most combats on the field except for a few rare occasion.  Throw in a tuning, and unless your targets are stacked with ECCMs, they are screwed.  I know this because I have a zenith pilot for this very reason.

Lemon wrote:

You need to look at the whole picture, you assume a skilled vaga pilot. However if the mesmer for example is equally skilled it would take 4+ ecms to even slow me down. 10 second ecm with a 40 to 60 % to jam a target that relocks in under 3 seconds nd fires every 5.

LOL, give me my Zenith with 2 ECMS, an ECM tuning, and a suppressor and I will lock you out of the entire fight.  And thats only using 4 of my 6 head slots.  Barring you putting 4 ECCMS in your head slots, which would completely destroy your Mesmer build, you are down and out no questions asked.  To point out another gaping hole in your argument, can your Mesmer fire through a mountain, plants, small hills, or buildings?  didn't think so.

I have no problem with EW at its current level, the problem is that Zeniths/Vagas, don't need LOS.  They can do there thing from any place that is in range.  No other type of offense can make such a claim, and it shouldn't be this way.  All Jams/Supp/Neuts/drainers/demobs should be LOS, or they should all not be LOS.


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Why should jams and suppression be any different from neuts and demobs?  Seems rather one-sided to me.  If I have to line up 700m of open space for a long range neut shot, jams and suppression should be the same.  Not to mention that being locked out by EW is far more damaging than a neut shot or two.  Atleast you can run for cover from Demobs and neuts/drainers, but for some special reason that no one knows, ECM's and Suppression get to go through anything?

Ville, I truly enjoy trading insults with you.  I find it highly entertaining, but recently you just say butthurt this and butthurt that.  Can you at least change up your insults a little bit?  You are starting to become like that 5 year old that learns his first swear word, and just repeats it Ad infinitum.   I miss the old Ville sad

You have had some truly great insults and troll post in the past, you just have gotten stale over the past couple months.  What happened to the old inventive Ville, that's the one I want to insult sad


(30 replies, posted in General discussion)

I thought it was generally agreed upon, that at about 6 months of EP a Player would at least be able to compete against a vet account if they specialized into 1 area with 1 bot type.  That's really not a major gap, especially when considering the fact that if you are in a fleet you just need to contribute, not be awesome all by yourself.  And hell, if you join a Gamma corp, you can compete in the indy sector on Day 1.

Burial wrote:

Never go full ***.

Otherwise you turn out like Ville


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:

Instant travel, whilst undetected with zero risk involved, sure add 20 more. Maybe later we could make it all even easier and add instant manufacturing and mining too.

Says the guy who is suggesting mining beacons to generate fields where ever we want then smile

This must also be an exploit, because apparently our alliance was the only ones who knew about it.....