(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

XP-system as nothing to do with themepark games, it's just.. a XP-system.

It's all about casual and hardcore gamers.

What can be said to Davion-like players,

- Perpetuum is only 1 year old game, joining now a game who can last 5+ years will still give you opportunity to be the old vet you want to be.

- You don't need that much EP to be a specialist.

- Very large EP pool mean all-around player not God-mode.

- An extension from 0 to 8 cost less EP than from 8 to 10.

- An extension from 0 to 9 cost is very close to 9 to 10 cost.

- Difference between a full level-10 specialist player and a full level-8 specialist player isn't that much. I mean it's not like a lvl40 against a lvl50.

- Most extensions give like +1% to +5% per level, so if we round this up to +2.5%, the level-10 will have 5% more than you on each extension, yes it's better but not unbeatable.

- Perpetuum isn't a 1v1 game, it's team-based. Mean you will team with some vets.

- Smart young players can crush stupid vets. a smart lvl40 still get owned by a stupid lvl50.

- Extensions are limited to lvl 10, a super old vet will still be lvl10 in your speciality extensions, you will reach his level some day.

- NIC is very important and you need to play to gain NIC. A young rich player in heavy mech will crush the poor vet in arkhe.

All i try to explain to you is, with few months of EP, you will be a very strong player in an area you did choose, while the old vet will just spend this extra EP in some other areas because he's already maxed in yours.

TL;NR - Very large EP pool mean you can be multi-task player, not god-like player.
There might be some rare cases where this can be wrong, like Pit's Troiar ?


(0 replies, posted in Bugs)

I think i noticed a bug, server is weird sometimes. I know Devs might just say "it's routing issues".
But it's weird, maybe someone else experimented this.

Let's say i'm on Daoden, i run around for a couple mins at stable 75ms~, ZERO lag.
I need to go to ICS, using teleporter, once i'm on attalica, now i'm on 120 to 600ms~, with some lag spikes from 3000ms to 25000ms.
I jump in terminal, i do the stuff, and undock, now i run around in attalica at stable 75ms~.
(Sometimes i jump in terminal while lagging "N/A", i just relog and Voila i'm docked, server receive my packets but don't send back)
If i jump back to Daoden i will have lag spikes issues again.

It's just an example, it work like that everywhere, if i move from one island to another, i can have insane lag spikes, if i dock & undock in any terminal/outpost, lag spikes always disapear.

So far it always worked for me when i had non-sense lag spikes, for weeks. So idoesn't look like a "random" effect.

edit: unsure but looks like lag spikes only happen during daytime for me (EURO), well i didn't play by night for a month or so.. daytime make me think about routing issues, but teleport/undock make me think about a bug, headache.

i will try it more, but just would like to know if some other people experimented this.

Ville@ What's your config btw ?

I have no issues about loading time (even if some tweak to boost it would be nice), i just hate when it freeze, if it should take 30sec or more to load for my comp i'm ok with it, but plz, stop the freezing effect tongue

Got few years old comp, 2gb & dual core, opening agent profile while only one client running = freeze

Did not found any topic about this, actually i don't think sequer/lithius mk2 got any use in the game, but i might be wrong?

i don't know, maybe it is nice to have few % demob resist on beta, if you don't use lwf.
high demob resist mean plated bot mean super low speed, i guess it's almost like perma-demob.
And high demob resist won't save you from multiple demobbers.
Fast bot always better, imho.

All other bots are interesting in mk2 version.

What about making seq/lith mk2 more viable ?
Few examples,

- +50% Cargo hold
- +9.6kph
- +25% Cargo hold & +4.8kph
- ...

Can be direct stats editing or gived as bonus from indus robot control level.
demob resist should stay as it is.
Since those bots are dedicated for hauling, should not be much of concern about balance issues.
Would market be affected ? ofcourse, more mk2 of those bots for sale wink

corp info & player profile only ?

i can have nice loading when opening the map..errr.. the 12-maps, but not all the time

the worst is player profile who can freeze the game for few secs

MORTE info probably got nice loading time for sure


(84 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nothing really exciting, won't attract new players, POS would.
Might attract some old vets, but more vets would come back for POS+More landmass+New kind of bots, some real new stuff and not revamped existing ones.
i2.0 still a step in the right direction and will most likely give few weeks of fun for all beta corps (or frustration).

I agree that random are too random actually; i even would prefer fixed spawns.

A less difference between levels would be fine.
What about few specific spawns, like mech/ewmech/hmech and bot/ewbot/assault spawns ?
Would be nice to have 1-2 spawns designed for a group, more packs spawned for more intense fighting.

Anyway, most important actually is the wide range between levels who is, imho, very boring and frustrating, well i know some people still farming a lot and it look like they are very happy, good for them.

Got the same issue, and it wasn't the case before the new IA patch.


more bots is also a big feature, more choices more people happy, with only one choice i can understand if some people complain and want something different.
Alternative would be a way to customize your bot by plugin the bonuses you like. With paint job would be fine.


(100 replies, posted in General discussion)

don't like T4+ idea, make the game wow-like, but well, at least it give high interest in those beacons, giving objectives to players is never a bad idea, but abusing of this kind of easy-made objective will make T9+ on wowpetuum.

btw never found any indus beacons, do they drop from artifact ?


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

1. I think insurance been nerfed due to some people abusing of it, sort of easy nerf hammer from dev, 10 people abusing the game suiciding empty bots, and now all players are punished from poor insurance loosing full fitted bots.
Would be nice to rework insurance system, maybe with some bonus if bot were fitted.
I never lost a bot so it's not a crybaby comment, just it make sense that insurance is currently broken.

2. never happened to me, but yeah unique small spawn for a mission who can be run by multiple players at the same time and a spawn who can be farmed by non-mission-runner can create some problem.
some fixed beacon you activate to pop the mobs might be a fair solution, but it should pop them at a reasonable distance.
but i would prefer an eve-like solution, or more ao-like coh-like, dynamic generation of mission area, mission ask you to go to a teleporter and then it teleport you on instancied tiny island, wish could make some epic missions even squad-only missions too.
fully-generated might be hard to build but semi-generated might output thousands of different constructed missions.
With this, you resolve the mission spawn being farmed by other players and you make missions less-repetitive.

3. Playerbase is low yeah, but didn't really decrease since 3months~, i don't fear end of the game, base game is solid, current players are "fan" and won't quit as long as devs are active.
It is normal you have difficulty to fit Med Missile on a wasp, it is made for small ones, but well-skilled player have the option to use one med weapon, it is not for beginners.

4. The World Is Not Enough yep, all players must be agree with you smile
Currently with the low playerbase it's ok, and it was 50% smaller few months ago i think.
Also it make pvp more accessible, like low sec.
But it will grow up, no worries about it, it is just not a priority actually for devs.

Dunno if i should post here, sorry if i am wrong

I'm not 100% sure but i'm starting to think huge lag spike problem should not be that huge.

Were playing with my both accounts, sharing same connection and same computer, one had huge lag (around 60000ms~) while the other one were working correctly.

The lagged one (N/A) were still working on other account screen, i mean movements were noticeable and instant, so that mean the server was still receiving packets of movements from him.

So why ping get stuck on N/A for 60sec ? (after a while you rolling back to previous position and move fast back to your lastest position, a *** lag jump)

Can it be some sort of client problem ? when having some packet loss the client have some trouble handling it and it take some random time to resolve the mess ?
Or server don't send back packets of your action anymore for a while.

When i had some other lag spike i did tracert/ping on gameserverf (the one i was on), no problem noticed.

So it is really strange to have one account working while other one lagging without connection problem noticed from pinging/tracing server.

It just look like when you have instable connection for a second, it make some kind of error and turn in huge lag who can last for 30 to 120sec, which make game experience miserable.

Just wondering, what is the game server address ? did it change ?
I had ingame lag (N/A) and while waiting i did multiple times ping & tracert on test1 test2 gameservera gameserverb, and had 60ms everywhere, but game still lagged till disconnect.