That's a really conflicted response Dev Gargaj. Dev Zoom put up some links to run some VPN for the aussie players, and I have tried it (didnt work out too well for me). Since the OP is in HARL, he'd be an Aussie as well - I would think he is trying to cut down on the 400 ping, as well as rubber banding. My point is, saying you do not condone VPN, but you tolerate it, and another Dev including it in another thread is just a tad confusing - Some clarification might need to be had so no one miss-intentionally runs afoul and breaks any rules.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can feel a migraine coming on every time I try to read it sad


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Change the blue colour, it's nigh impossible to read without highlighting it.

GLiMPSE I could have sworn you were Canadian though!


(4 replies, posted in Open discussion)

I have trouble telling tongue-in-cheek sarcasm from sincerity. You might be trying to be funny; in which case please ignore this post. In case you're trying to be sincere:




(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

I get the same thing mate - this causes rubber banding doesnt it?


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

A true griefer?! I have 3 accounts. 2 are termis miners, and one is sitting on building up it's EP. So yeah, watch out, I will GRIEF you bad with my mining lasers!!!

Do you understand economy? Lets start simple. Supply and demand. What happens when noone pvps and you have access to all resources in abundance? You become self-sufficient (easy access to resources + never losing you bots). After a while, EVERYONE becomes self-sufficient, and the economy is dead.

Well done, squire, Well done! Should your ideas be included in the game, we now have a dead economy.

The game is designed for player interaction. Hell, the damn genre of the game is based around player interaction. You are so naive when you say "making parts of the game available only to the hardcore 12 hour a day players with half a dozen accounts; some of us play MMO's as a hobby." Join a corp of like-minded people. Then your problem is solved. But dont you dare *** that someone who plays this game "casually" and solo, cant compete with those that play "12 hours a day" and in a corp.

TL:DR - Dont be dumb and naive.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

Knoblauch wrote:

As i found out tonight Epriton is only available in PvP areas. I am not that interested in PvP and i am not about to run my mining bot into a PvP area to entertain greifers. I do like the game it has a ton of potential but right now $9 is all the Hungarians are going to get out of me if this is indeed true.

There needs to be more stuff available exclusively to the Beta islands. None of this "staying-on-alpha mentality." You want to get rich? Earn it, by competing in all aspects of the game, not just alpha island farming.


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

Reefpirate wrote:

It's Goon teminology... You wouldn't get it.

Goons dont get it.

Good to see more Aussies and o/ to some familiar faces.

We should make an Australian channel like the Germans have made, so we can use our crazy colloquialisms that no-one else understands!!!

By deleting all your toons, you are then able to reset your account. You will have your starting EP, as well as every EP/minute since your account has been active. You have until 45 days to do this. As soon as your account is older than 45 days, you cannot do it. You also can only do it once.

You gain all your EP back - say if you spent it on something you dont need. But you lose that toon, relations, Knowledge etc.

Star vault stole my money. This is much different. Playing the game, enjoying one aspect of the game, then deciding to buy another account because you have already tried and tested the game, and decide to branch out - is ok in my books. Hell any halfwit can see that this is how the model is designed, and it's transparent.

Theres enough resources you can use to read up and see if this is the game for you. If it causes so much anger, Bizzy, why bother. Just move on. You've theoretically spent 9 bucks on this game (seeing as you're so against multiple accounts). 9 bucks aint much, move on and try the next one.

Better off spending 9 bucks on a second account.