Inda wrote:

Yeah welcome !

And i felt their power, i died twice by that PVP team.

Thanks.  We were getting people feet wet in PVP.  Don't worry, our little gank squad eventually met its doom when we jumped into a set of ROME Kains.  Almost had that first one !! tongue big_smile

Looking to join a new, aggressive, organized corporation that will grow with you?  Maybe The Dead Parrot Shoppe is for you! 

The Dead Parrot Shoppe - new in Perpetuum, aggressive, organized, and ready.  Vent and forums highly active.  Industrialist, miner, pvp'r - all welcome if you've got a mature attitude, a sense of humor, and common sense.  Step up and go FOOM with the best today.

We have a solid core of players who have traveled together through games dating back a decade.  The internal corp attitude promotes new ideas, critical thinking, leadership and common sense.  We are looking for all types of players.  However, we hold our players to a higher standard than just a warm body and a pulse.  Expect to be challenged while simultaneously being helped to succeed at whatever you like to do.

Active vent and forums means all questions are answered and all ideas entertained!  Contact us in the chat channel "DPS Recruit", and go FOOM today!

Is moving the server to a location which has more flexibility (US, UK, etc) out of the question?


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

After spending the past 3 days roaming looking for small gang PVP encounters, I have to admit I'm horribly disappointed at this game.  With a few exceptions, PVP in this game only occurs in blob warfare.  Random roams into "enemy" beta islands result in the following outcomes.

1) Alt spots you and everyone docks up
2) Alt spots you and everyone undocks in Arkhes to zerg once superior numbers is reached.
3) Alt spots you and everyone undocks in their 1337 ships to sit under the safety zones.

Random ganks occur because of luck/bad timing but thats it.  Incursions are heavily scripted and predictable.  Blob warfare ends up dictating the terms even when more structured organization occurs.

Why you ask?

1) 1000m Radar.  Epic stupidity.  Even the fastest SpecOps still have a 8 sec close time.  One alt toon can watch one of the gates to a beta island.  Once someone pops through, its really easy to follow from a safe distance.  Thus, keeping track of enemies is stupid easy.

2) "Escape" mechanism is missing.  EVE had "warp to" to allow escape and evade to occur.  Variable speed engagements are required.  People need to be able to "get lost" in a island.  Additionally the rather linear movement speed system in this game further limits the way PVP occurs.

3) Cloaks / Passive Radar.  Because speed is the only decision point beyond blob, the small gang mechanic suffers without an alternate escape mechanism.  Having a mech which could jump and cloak would dramatically add diversity to the game.  It would also allow for people to spend time behind enemy lines watching and waiting for the right place and time to strike.

4) Lack of Human skill required.  This could very well go with 1000m Radar but I think it is a seperate issue because it differentiates the good pilots from the blobbers.  EVE's scanner was something that took Human Skill to operate and understand.  Anyone could use it to get directions of incoming people from gates.  But the truely skilled could use it to locate people in random locations under the clock.  What it did was to limit the radar to only work if the human player knew what to do.  Granted, Perpetuum is a terrain game.  But similar human skills should be added.

Perpetuum has potential and yes, I know the devs are working on solutions to some of the problems (and others I didn't mention).  But I'm not sure a resub is warrented because of the 1 dimensionality of the PVP game.  Without the PVP game, Perpetuum is a second job and not fun.

How do you guys fall in the current Alliance vs Alliance fighting?