arghhhh, don't mess with game balance and real money.
And how do you think those f2p games get there money ?


(11 replies, posted in Balancing)

Syndic wrote:

Dear Devs,

Please implement highways from the L3 Refinery on every island to the closest Alpha gate.[snip]Redesign every other Beta island to be like this please, notably Domhalarn & Norhoop.

... "easier mission running", eh ? Why do you need "easier" missions ?
Why not build the refinery in the TP ?


(106 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

# We want the system to reward people who live on the betas, not just those that raid them.

Then make the teleporters defended outposts ?
Isn't it the access to the islands that makes it possible to raid ?

DEV Zoom wrote:

#We feel this system will encourage PvP on the beta islands: it’s a very safe bet that somewhere on some island at some outpost at least one SAP is vulnerable at all times, and people will need to be on their islands in order to keep their outposts safe. More beta traffic offers more opportunities for raiding and for defending. More PvP for everyone!

Do you feel 'everyone' wants PvP ? If you think so, why not changing alpha to beta except for the three starters islands ?
Why would we on alpha islands care about things happening on beta islands ? Why don't make a connection from Beta to Alpha ? Maybe if the status of Beta changes in major way, an Alpha status in minor way will follow ?
Why not make SAP's on alpha guarded by Elite NPC ?Maybe that way what happens on PvE will reflect on things on Beta ? Or Viceversa ?

DEV Zoom wrote:

#We feel this system encourages small groups to “take their shot” since few groups will have the ability to maintain multiple locations at the same time.

Don't you think this still is 'easier' for larger Corps, NEX, TOG, CIR, FOOM then anybody else ?

DEV Zoom wrote:

#This allows us to implement Outpost locking without creating the nightmare situation of “You wake up and can’t get to your stuff.” It will be very clear in advance when you’re in danger of losing control.

The compass does not dismiss you of rowing. How can I defend if suddenly while mining in an Argano my SAP decides to open up surrounded by all of my enemies ? Don't you feel an outpost should have its own defense system ?

DEV Zoom wrote:

Outpost Ownership is going to become organic, and not absolute, in a tug-of-war fashion.

I am not sure if I even understand this ?

DEV Zoom wrote:

Outpost Ownership will now naturally reflect who lives on an island.

Speaking of nature, I wonder, would it not be better if ownership was not permanent but only for a certain time ? Or what if we get rid of all outposts and let the players have to flush in and to their best to keep up their own defenses ?


(106 replies, posted in News and information)

Is it ?It does not change:"Why should I even bother being on beta-islands ?"

Over 25 ? Want to play with other Older Gamers such as yourself ? And interested in joining our Corp of "Oldies" head on down to "The Older Gamers" chat channel. We are interested in having fun and enjoying our gaming.    To join TOG simply visit, register then apply in the Barracks forum for Full membership.

Over 25 ? Want to play with other Older Gamers such as yourself ? And interested in joining our Corp of "Oldies" head on down to "The Older Gamers" chat channel. We are interested in having fun and enjoying our gaming.    To join TOG simply visit, register then apply in the Barracks forum for Full membership.

The only way we will be able to fully thank this team of game-makers is by playing the game now the way it is meant to be played.

Load up your weapons, charge your miners, deploy your mechs.

And that the best team wins ...