(3 replies, posted in Open discussion)

haha.. that song is so sweet.. seen it on several lists of "worst songs evver"
...Sometimes, people make a war...


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Isnt collecting mods/parts/ for recycling/ Kernels for research/ ammo for whattever (and so on) of a freshly destroyed bot pretty much exactly what salvaging means?

not that im opposed to moar features:P


(5 replies, posted in Q & A)

Yea..I didnt know i had to go to other outposts for lvl 2 missions and didnt notice anything before some lvl3`s  appeared in my assignment window.
Paying attention FTW! ...so check "all assignments tab"
(but now im smart btw)

im just now starting the lvl2 assignments and i think im pleased to hear the will be a challenge to it.. u know, other than the challenge of fastlocking when its crowded:P


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

LoL. cute and informative!


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


as things are now it seems the most profitable way to do things is to sell the kernels and just reverse engineer things from the market. and that seems a bit strange..

1meter is about 3 feetz. btw i am a human and im 1.84m tall.

mmm. whats it called? the one that lets u use better bots and also gives +5% to your bots bonuses...."basic robotix?"(ithinkso) if u want firepower, thats way better than putting ep in weaps i think.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

im a bit botherd by the double-click, wierd that it sometimes just doesnt take. i usually just use num-lock for autodrive an steer with 2nd mouse...


(18 replies, posted in Q & A)

maby we can find some good launchers on Piratebay:P


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

we are prime-timing all around the dial man.

i heard they are going to add a magic spell that doubles the underwater-breathing time. cant wait.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

my goal is getting a sweet mech, and then go pvping in my arkhe:P

im thinking the same, but ill hold of my complaining untill i get my pixls on a bot that is "suposed" to feel big. the Arkhe is probly not.

Steeldragonz wrote:

switch your map to passable terrain[radar too] and make sure you have the unpassable markers on. other then that  not much else.

Ooh.. so much better now. i was blind but now i see..

for truth.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

All your pixlz are belong to us!

I also have posted on tread of Welcome`s now thx:)


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)


Just found out about this game 2 days ago. Im really surprised that i didnt notice it before launch (even right up my ally with the scifi sandBox) as i lurk around gameing(mmo) sites quite alot:P
But even better, no need to wait for months and years with a high chance off dissapointment.
Liking it very well so far and hope i can find a place to settle inn (or dealing out random "justice" to unsuspecting players).

nice nice, L8r kkthxbyebye.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

i have also tought of a jetpack for this game,.. only played it for 2h so far and not sure if it would fit, but i used to play that "mechwarrior"game alot when i was a kid and really dig`d the jet packs there. as far as i can remember they wer kinda dangerous\difficult to use and i would crash and get damaged alot. maybe i just wasnt very good back then, but jeting around was very fun:P.. so, uh,, if it would fit with other game mechanics then it would be a sweet addition to this game, i think.(for "lighter" bots ofc) yo!


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

woot, too handsome to compete, sweet.

Edit: BTW, blub blub has got the looks!